Ppr people

in #esteem7 years ago

I wonder why this hadith is rarely discussed, or barely audible. Or maybe we are negligent?


The Messenger of Allah said;
«اسمعوا, هل سمعتم أنه سيكون بعدي أمراء? فمن دخل عليهم فصدقهم بكذبهم وأعانهم على ظلمهم فليس مني ولست منه وليس بوارد علي الحوض, »
"Listen, have you heard that after me there will be leaders?
Whoever goes in to them, then justifies their lies and supports their injustice, then he is not my class, nor am I his class. He also will not meet me in the lake. "(HR Tirmidhi, Nasai and Al Hakim).
O Muslims, do you know what is the lake of the Prophet ﷺ?
Every Prophet had a lake, and they were proud of his many followers who would stop by him.
Telaga Rasul us Muhammad ﷺ is the most crowded.
There is a glass like the stars in the sky.
Who drinks from him will not be thirsty forever.
This lake is located in the Mahsyar field before the servants pass through the shirath.
The water flows from the Kautsar river / lake in Jannah.
But unfortunately, there are people of the Prophet ﷺ who will be forbidden and expelled from the telaganya.
Do you know who they are?
There will be wise leaders lying and oppressing their people.
Who is;

  1. Companion with them
  2. Always justify the government's decision, albeit with a lie capital
  3. Support them to oppress the people
    The Messenger of Allah ﷺ threatened them;
  4. They are not recognized as followers of the Apostle ﷺ. Although they feel themselves as followers of the Sunnah / Salaf.
  5. The Apostle ﷺ is unwilling to be considered by them. Wa Lastu Minhu
  6. They were expelled from the lake of the Prophet ﷺ.
    Oh Ulama ...
    O Ustadz ...
    O Muslims ...
    Ittaqullah ...
    You feel on the Sunnah of the Apostle ﷺ, but he does not admit. Because you always defend the unjust ruler.

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