This is the Greatest Space Mission in History

in #esteem6 years ago (edited)

Not long ago implied news about the abandonment of human mission to Mars, well it is due to minimal funding operations to finish the task of scientific researchers. Iyasih, make it emang not cheap. Plus, there are many other missions that also require fantastic funds. In fact, all space missions conducted by space agencies around the world is not just a mere fad, really. A variety of space missions already diakuin by a number of developed countries. Those who go on this mission certainly have many goals. In addition to the sake of human safety on Earth, also explore the possibility of life of another planet. Well, this time I will give you lo some space missions ever undertaken and recorded as the biggest mission with the usual Fantastic

Space Shuttle NASA

The mission is known as the space shuttle mission that was formed in 1972 and ends in 2011. The space shuttle mission combines 135 missions on six space shuttle orbits. The space shuttle is officially named, the Space Transportation System (STS).

Reported by Space, the total cost of the mission that runs over 30 years is almost 200 billion dollars, or about Rp 2.600 trillion. Reportedly, each launch costs about 1.2 billion dollars or Rp 16 trillion. Fantastic number, right? In fact, some launch increased to 1.5 billion dollars or about Rp 20 trillion.

For the uninitiated, the orbiter's spacecraft is vertically laid and capable of carrying four to seven astronauts. The shuttle is not just a transportation module. However, the inside is also a laboratory. There are 22 Spacelab missions, science missions, astronomy and physics studied in a special module dilakuin in this plane.

In a way, the space shuttle killed more people than any other space vehicle in history. The Challenger airplane explosion killed seven people at the 10th mission launch in 1986. Later, an explosion of Columbia aircraft killed seven people on their return to Earth in 2003.


International Space Station (ISS)

Maybe you're not foreign anymore with this one mission. In a way, this is the most famous mission and still running until now. This international space station just baseball dilakuin by NASA. As the name implies, this station is managed by the entire space agency in the world. Each has a mission for his country or for the world.

Reportedly, the project of the establishment of the International Space Station or ISS is one of the most expensive space facilities ever. Its construction requires a fund of 150 billion dollars or about Rp 2 thousand trillion.


ISS was launched on November 20, 1998 with two main parts, namely Russian Orbital Segment (ROS) and United States Orbital Segment (USOS). ISS is an artificial satellite that can be populated by humans. Although it is destined for a worldwide space agency, so far only five active space agencies. Among them are NASA from USA, Roscosmos from Russia, JAXA from Japan, ESA from Europe, and CSA from Canada.

Life on ISS is not too private. In fact, every week astronauts create vlogs or live broadcasts on the ISS that humans can watch on Earth. Not infrequently, many who want to visit the space station. Interestingly, ISS can also be used commercially for people who want to vacation in outer space.

Project Apollo Space Program

The Apollo program is a series of manned space missions conducted by the United States (NASA), using Apollo spacecraft and Saturn rockets. The program, which took place during 1961-1975, was dedicated to the ideals of John F. Kennedy in 1961. President Kennedy made the challenge of landing missions on the Moon. "Landing a human on the Moon and returning it safely to Earth," says John F. Kennedy's ideals to Apollo.

The Apollo program consists of 11 space flights. Funds spent on the program are around 25.4 billion dollars or Rp338 trillion. From a series of Apollo flights, these ideals were achieved by the Apollo 11 mission in July 1969, the plane that landed Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins on the Moon.

Global Positioning System (GPS)

This one technology is not strange in our ears. Moreover, the owner of the latest gadgets must already know what the use of GPS. Yep, GPS is one mission that is still operating until now. This system is a group of 24 satellites, useful for people to navigate any location on Earth. Reportedly, the cost of this project requires about 12 billion dollars or about Rp160 trillion. Meanwhile, the annual operating costs reach 750 million dollars or about Rp10 trillion.


The first GPS launched in 1973 was the United States government. GPS consists of three parts, namely the outer space, the controller, and the user. GPS satellites provide services to communities and military agencies. Similar programs are undertaken by other countries, namely Russia's GLONASS, EU's Galileo, and India's IRNSS.

James Webb Telescope

Space telescope commonly abbreviated JWST is a space observatory that became a substitute for Hubble telescope. The main purpose of the development of James Webb telescope is to observe the universe area that baseball can be reached by Hubble.

JWST has been made since 1996 and the plan will be launched in October 2018, along with Ariane 5 rocket. Reportedly, this telescope spends $ 8.8 billion or about Rp117 trillion.


One of the main capabilities of this JWST, which can detect planets around the nearest star by measuring infrared radiation. In fact, it can measure the exoplanet's atmosphere by studying the light passing through it. It can determine whether an exoplanet has liquid water on its surface.

The giant telescope created by NASA, ESA, and CSA has twice the size of a Hubble telescope. This makes it the largest space telescope ever launched. Initially, JWST was named Next Generation Space Telescope (NGST). However, it was replaced in 2002 by taking the name of a former NASA manager, James Webb.


Under the auspices of NASA, the ESA and the Italian space agency (ASI), the robotic spacecraft was launched to the planet Saturn since 1997. Cassini is the first unmanned spacecraft. This aircraft is specially designed to explore the planet Saturn at once the first managed to orbit the beautiful planet.

This Cassini aircraft carrying a landing vehicle, named Huygens. Many call it the Cassini-Huygens plane. It was named Cassini-Huygens based on two astronomers from Europe, Giovanni Domenico Cassini from Italy and Christiaan Huygens from Holland.


Reportedly, the production cost of 3.26 billion dollars or about Rp42 billion. Because of his love for Cassini-Huygens, NASA had given him the honor of publishing the snapshots of the plane. In fact, Google also made a Cassini-Huygens doodle on 26 April. Due to Cassini-Huygens mission to explore Saturn and its natural satellites near the final.

At that time the system will count up to the seconds Cassini-Huygens approached himself in the depths of Saturn. Until finally Cassini-Huygens will blow himself up. So, Cassini will not return to Earth after 20 years around Saturn. It is estimated that on September 15th Cassini-Huygens will blow himself up.

Mars Rover, Curiosity

Curiosity is one of NASA's red planet explorers. Not the only one who ever sailed Mars. Before Curiosity diluncurin, there are Mars 2, Mars 3, Sojourner, Sprint, and Opportunity.

Just like a vehicle before, Curiosity is a robot car explorers intended to ngepoin Planet Mars. Landed August 6, 2012, robot explorers with a slightly larger size than this van has a task to assess the fit or baseball environment of Mars for human life.


Reportedly, Curiosity is made with a budget of 2.5 billion dollars or about Rp33 trillion. So far, Curiosity has explored the surface of Mars from the beginnings of erosion, pockets, dome, lifting, holes, flakes, cracks, to detecting organic compounds.

Now that's the biggest and most famous space mission in history. In addition to its mission baseball easy to walk, the cost of making baseball is not cheap. After all, all missions that are done will be useful for human Earth in the future. We doain aja, hopefully the space missions can be successful and quickly completed.

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