It's been awhile since I have said Hello

in #esteem5 years ago


I have put a blog out here and there but its been a minute since I have actually taken the time to give you guys a life update.


I've now lost 17 pounds with my new way of eating and I am still very happy with the choice I made to do this in mid November.


Shh, don't tell my daughter that I have let you in on it but I have a new grand furbaby. She is 6 years old and her name is Ellis. My daughter has not yet announced her on social media. I feel pretty safe showing you guys though because its not spoiling the fun for anyone she knows.

Ellis is the sweetest baby and loves attention. She and her new siblings are getting use to each other this week.


Charlie won't be a problem because I'm pretty sure he identifies as a cat but Ellis did smack his nose during their 1st meeting because he got too close too fast. That's our Charlie, he's super cute but a little dumb. (Its not the 1st or last time this has happened.)


Franklin on the other hand does nothing but hiss as his new sister. To be fair, he did the same to Charlie and eventually got use to him.

I'm not a good furbaby grandma because the photo's of Charlie and Franklin are not recent. The little turds hate having their picture taken so I rarely get new ones. lol


On the job front. I did start a new job in the beginning of January. I was training to be a cook and had began my SerSafe training. Unfortunately, there is a but to that...

Poor, no BAD management caused me to quit this past Monday. I won't go into details but I am thankful to be in a position where I did not have to stick around and put up with it.

The sad thing is, it was a job I could have loved. I have a little money aside and Hubby's support so its back to job hunting again. I'm at peace with that.

I think that brings you up to speed on things here. Now all I have to do is figure out what communities to tag this in... Things seem to be changing fast here on Steemit so I have to get myself caught up.

If You Are Reading This, I Hope You Have An Awesome Day!

Photographs are owned by @debralee
steemit selfie.png

My other social media's:


Awww, Franklin is so cute.

GL on the job search. Sorry things din't work out. It's at least nice in life when you can say NO and find something much better down the road.

Don't let Franklin fool you, he is evil. lol Thanks! I actually just checked my email and have one that was sent yesterday evening from a job I applied for. I need to call here in a bit to set up an interview. :D

That’s a great update. Wishing you all the best with the job hunt and lifestyle changes!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks captainbob!

You are looking great! Good luck with the job hunt. Sounds like Ellis has found a wonderful new family. ❤️

Thanks!! I got an email and am going to be calling here in a bit to set up an interview time. I've got my fingers crossed because this job would be a good fit for me. :D

Fingers crossed 🤞 for you!

Nice to see an update and well done onthe weight loss a pity the job didnt work out good luck finding a better one

Thanks Jay! I believe everything happens for a reason so it will all work out. :D

Ohh yes i also believe the same

I really admire your pets. I've been harbouring the thought of getting a rabbit for a while now. Dogs and cats are off the list because they make sounds. I want something that sleeps at night lol

Thanks. These cute little ones are my daughters and the closest thing I have to grand-kids so far. lol Rabbits are quiet and their droppings make good fertilizer if you are in need of such a thing. :) Just be careful though, some of them will bite ya. I don't own any but a friend of mine use to.

Their bites aren't bad right? They're herbivores right?

It's usually just a warning if they don't like something. The one that would bite didn't like to be held. I do believe they are herbivores. I'd say if it lets you pick it up, you are probably safe. :)

Well that works for me. I'm thinking of getting puppies or whatever baby rabbits are called. Are there special breeds of rabbits to look out for? Or are all of them cute?

She had the red eyed ones but I am not sure what they are called. I've seen some cuter ones though so I bet there are a few varieties to choose from.

The furbabies are too adorable Deb!! Sorry about the job but I'll keep my fingers crossed that yeo get an even better one soon! Congrats on the diet, sounds like it is working great! 💞

I got an email for an interview on Tuesday but I called & left a message to see if I could do it earlier. At the time I applied, I thought that I could not be there till after 3 pm, that has since changed.

I hope that this work will be yours. It's great that you can lose weight. I can't do it, but I don't try too hard .All animals are very cute

Thanks zlata777! I just got off the phone and have an interview tomorrow. :D

Good to see you back

This post has been appreciated and featured in daily quality content rewards. Keep up the good work

Thank you!!

Cute little munchkins, and Ellis looks like he's right at home now. "I call dibs on the couch". Nice to see you out and about on here again. I've just gotten back a bit myself. I guess spotty is better than nothing, so will push on in that realm. Still a fun place to mess about and discuss and all.

Hope the new job search turns up something grand that you love. So nice you have the abilities to just say 'later' when someone makes it impossible to stay. Hate when that happens. I had a boss for years that was a pain, but wanted to stay to keep on paying bills and I LOVED the work. Sure makes it hard though. Good luck, I'm sure you will find something great soon. Have a nice weekend, and keep on keepin' on through the clouds of the changes of Steem. There's always sunshine up above the 'stuff'. Cheerios.

I'm glad I have still posted here too, even if it has been here and there. I love this community! Thanks, I hope to land a job that I love next time too and I am so thankful that I could leave the last one when I did. I hope you have a great weekend!!

Thanks for the life update. Isnt that how it always is: a little good with a little not so good :)

That's true and a little of both is usually okay. :)

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