Pepper Benefits For Health
Hello everyone,,,How are you today?

The purpose of this spice search culminate as early history of colonization of Africa, Asia, and America. Because of the history of the pepper dubbed the king of spices.
** pepper has latin name Piper Nigrum L. **
Pepper is one of the kitchen spices in cooking, pepper is used to produce a slightly spicy flavor and gives a warm effect on the body.
- Relieves Rheumatism
From the past until now pepper is used as a drug for massage therapy on the limbs affected by rheumatic diseases.
- Reduce Depression
The content of piperin substances in pepper is thought to be a powerful anti-depressant drug to help self-recovery from depression
- Maintaining Heart Health
Excess fluid in the body can cause adverse effects to our heart health, And the heat generated from consuming the pepper can make the body always sweat, and the more sweaty the fluid in the body will decrease.
Anti Oxidant
Lowering High Blood Pressure
If only this is what I can say In this post, thank you. And see you next post.
