Wife - End Times Wife // istri jam sekarang

in #esteem6 years ago (edited)

Wife - End Times Wife

"This is what happens to wives at the end of this age.

📚 When they are at home:
• In front of her husband they dress modestly
• Her hair was messy and smelled
left unsightly
• Speak loud and high.

📖 But when out of his house:
• In front of the crowd even in front of other men
they wore nice clothes
• Dress up beautifully and wear perfume
• Speak in a soft, weak voice.
• They are free to get out of their homes without any
courage from the husband to rebuke but
the opposite when the husband was late to go home just a little
instantly snapped and interrogated.

O my sister ...
This is the reality of the Muslim household. Where the control in the household is WIFE. In fact, sometimes her husband is an abid, but he has let his wife rebel against him by not educating his wives.
In the hadith of the Prophet Rasulullah Shollallahu 'Alaihi Wa sallam said:
"The best of wives is the one who pleases you when you see, obeys to you when you order, take care of you and your property when you leave."

Who is the best woman ...?
Answer Rasulullah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:
"That is the most fun when seen her husband, obey the husband if ordered and not menyisihi husband on self and his property that makes the husband hate."
(HR An-Nasai and Ahmad)

Abdullah ibn Abbas radhiallahuanhu, said:
"Actually I always decorate for my wife as she decorated herself for me."

اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد وعلى آل سيدنا محمد
Allahumma Sholli 'Ala Sayyidina Muhammadin Wa' Ala Ali Sayyidina Muhammad.


  1. The prayer of a devout wife has the power of 70 guardians

  2. Wife who makes unborn husbands drink, reward 3x Khatam Qur'an.

  3. Wife's cooking done by sunna and eaten by husband and family all the reward for the wife and prayer husbands who eat their cooking into prayer who diijabah.

  4. Wives who awaken husband to pray or remind prayers in congregation of pahala 27 + 1

  5. Wife fatigue wake up night because her child asked for milk equal to the reward 70x Mabrur pilgrimage

  6. A mother who nursed every drop of her milk worth 200x prayer khusyu and prayers in ijabah '(fadilah woman)

  7. Birds in the air and angels in the sky will always ask forgiveness to Allah during the wife in the keridhoan husband.

  8. When a husband comes home nervously and the wife comforts her then the wife gets 10 rewards of jihad.

  9. When a woman is pregnant her prayers are two recatures is better than 80 prayer rhyme women who are not pregnant.

  10. When a pregnant woman will get the reward of 70 years of prayer and 70 years of fasting.

  11. The woman who washes the clothes of her husband and her children will get 1000 goodness and will be forgiven his faults, even everything that is sun-scented for forgiveness for him and Allah SWT raised 1000 levels.

  12. Women who breastfeed their children, then every droplet of milk will get 1 reward and if enough 2 years of breastfeeding the angels in the sky will tell the news that HEAVEN is obligatory for him ".

  13. When a woman arrives at her period, her period will remove her sins.

  14. When he reads on the first day of menstruation:
    الحمدلله على كل حال وأستغفر الله من كل ذنب
    "Alhamdulilahi ala kullu halin wa astagfirullaha min kulli zanbi" So Allah will liberate him dr jahanam, shirat & adzab.

  15. Every day of his period, Allah exalts him with the reward of 40 martyrs when he dhikr.

SUBHANALLAAH ... how unlovely Allah SWT to women.

And hopefully we get a life partner that is soleh and solehah #Amin_Yaa_Robbal_Aalamin

If anyone accepts and practices it, teaches others, you will gain reward as a useful science.

اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وبارك وسلم.

Hopefully get the wife solihah all friends.
And who can be a woman woman solihah and a good wife for her husband.

Buddy now you have two options,

  1. Let this little knowledge be read only here
  2. Sharing this knowledge to all your facebook friends, insyallah useful and will be a reward for you. Aamiin ..

I am praying who Shared & commented '' aamiin '' this status became a successful person of the hereafter world .. Aamiin ...
May be in SHARE as much as possible !!

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