An Hour at Curug Sawer, Situ Gunung, Sukabumi, Indonesia

in #esteem6 years ago


No Swimming in the waterfall.. pose is allowed😀 photo by Amelia

Hellow Steemit Fellows😉

So glad that we left Jakarta for a day on Thursday, July 25th, 2019 because when I reached home and watch the news, that day Jakarta is on the 5th city of the most polluted cities in the world😢.

We're still at The Gede Pangrango National Park, Situ Gunung, Sukabumi, Indonesia. We left the harness at the bridge gate, the officer tagged our ticket and get ready to hit another spot.


we need to walk down for 600 metres a long the stone path to reach the waterfall, we can hear the sound of the falling water.

I made mistake by draining my phone battery😅 I supposed to set the flight mode so it wouldn't drain my battery to search for network, while I don't need the network.


half way down to the waterfall, after Glamping Camping Ground, we stopped at a bamboo bridge to wait for 3 other members of the band😊 Amelia, vievie and Cut Mala pose for me.

They really need to be ready anytime I raise my phone on them because they knew that I like candid style😆 so none wants to look weird on the photos😂😂😂. The air is so fresh, the sun is shining so bright but we felt so comfortable under the canopy of the trees.

I think everyone on our group thought it was a good spot. Okay.. another photo session then!


2 minutes later we continued our walk down to the Curug Sawer, the sound of the falling water is getting clear now.

Ahh.. along the way we walk down, none thinking about how hard the way up later😂 because we're thrilled to see the next spot. The sound of the water creeping from the tree roots and stones to the pond really nice to enjoy too.


you'll find many creeks like this a long the way, strange that I didn't see any animals but the wasps which flying around us, maybe it drawns to our perfumes😂

Since we're there quiet early, we didn't meet many visitors yet, but I think they're still at the suspension bridge. The sound of the waterfall is more clearer now. I can see it from our last turn. But we need to walk through the Canteen with several tends that selling souvenirs and softdrinks too.


we need to walk through the tends and a small building where the snacks and softdrink sellers waiting for customers calmly.

Some men gathered under the trees and they're offering their services, ride with their bike instead of walking if you are tired😊. We just said thanks and almost running to the waterfall.. well, that's just me😊 my girlfriends look so well-behave😁.


No Laugh! This is my first time being at a waterfall😂

I feel like I can run into the water now, but I read there's No Swimming in the waterfall pool sign everywhere😢 beside I can't swim😂😂 so it's a joke!


curug means waterfall, sawer means collected payment😂😂😂 I couldn't find the right word to explain. Let's just consider that the Sawer is Indonesian dialect for Shower😉

So here we are, 1020 m above the sea level and staring at 35m long waterfall. In the Gede Pangrango National Park.


Last picture I took for Amelia, before I kept my phone in my sling-bag and depending on others phone cameras to take my picture😀

We're lucky that the weather is nice that day, no raining like the last time Vievie's husband went there.


for the first time in 8 months, I forgot about steemmonsters and make Cut Mala watch my hillarious action in front of camera, I'm drinking!

I knew it, my girlfriends must be so embarassed with my silly acts there😊 but who cares? We're not there alone but we're not a disturbance to anyone. They want to take picture only at the bridge, but I want everyone to be at the big stone as close as we can to the water.


there's no way to refuse my idea😆 the coolest and calmest mommy on earth gotta be a little hilly sometimes.

I touched the water and its biting, but I love it!


found a stone that fix my shape and vievie has nothing to say but keep shot on me😂 because she loves me like I love her too.


I followed her request anyway, to stop my silly action and join her selfie style😀

Come on Cici, tell us about the water fall and show us the picture of the landscape😁

No way... we're there to make our memories, to laugh at it one day. If you want to see the site, there're many travel bloggers and vloggers who already created great story and information about it. All you have to do is type : Situgunung, Sukabumi, Indonesia+ suspension bridge+curug sawer😂

actually there's 2 ways to reach for The waterfall. You can walk across the suspension bridge and continue walk down the stone path for 600 m after😊 like we did or take a ride with the motorbike driver through the land road, it's only 10 minutes from the theatre.


My side job is teasing this couple to pose like a newly wed before we walk up back to the suspension bridge and ride home to Jakarta.

We need to stop at several wood bench along the way up😂 I was sweating and my cigarrettes breath tells me that I'm not really 15 with 30 years experience😁. Well, that's a relief because we have a shortcut through the Cantino and Glamping Camping Ground. If you want to stop there, you can. But We will wait fir the rest of the band members at the bridge's gate.


where I took my last cigarrete of the day😊 because I'll never had a chance to have it once we're in the car😊

OMG Cici! You are polluting the nature!

Why? It's herbal and organic anyway😋 tobacco is from the nature too, I don't burn the wood, there are a lot of litter bins anywhere along the path where I could throw the filter piece of my cigarrete😉. My girlfriends show up after a little while and I wore my harness, walk across the bridge and went back and fro to help some frightened bridge crossers again, helping them taking pictures like I did before. The different was they're almost maxed people on the bridge so it shaking more and more. Old ladies, old gents, couples and families trying to create some memories on the suspension bridge like we did. I like to encourage them to keep on walking and told them to walk steadily in the middle of the bridge, not crawling at the side which will make the bridge swaying.


Bye bye Curug Sawer... until we meet again!

We decided to have our lunch out of the site, it's 1.20 PM when we left the park, we're heading to Sukabumi to get some souvenirs for our families😊.

Do you want to know what's the special souvenir from Sukabumi? I'll show you on the next post😀


here is the hint!

Thanks for Stopping by💋❤💙💖💓💜💛💚💘💞💟


Pemandangan yang bagus, di mana kakak ini lokasi pemandangan ini?

Di Taman Nasional Gede Pangrango, Situ Gunung, Cisaat,Sukabumi😊 fotografer dan modelnya keren yaa... 😂😂😂😂

What a fabulous adventure, @cicisaja! Great spot to relax and enjoy nature!

Thanks for your article and lovely photos!

You are most welcome @trincowski 😉 I didn't put all the needed information in this post too.. because I think I need to go back there and took more amazing pictures if I want to create a trip and resort information.

Still.. Im glad that you can enjoy it😉

Yes, thank you! It looks like you had a fine day!

Tempat yang indah serta menyenangkan

Alhamdulillah... masih di Indonesia pula 😉

Di Aceh na cit yg lagenyan tapi hana di peusatoh,menyo di peusatoh di peunjara lage masalah bijeh pade di Aceh Utara hhhhhh

Seubeutoi jih han jeut keu hay.. asalkan dikelola dgn profesional. Hanjeut cuma air terjun.. atawa tempat manoe2 mantong. Suwah na yg laen.. jadi adak bayeu meuhai, beu get layanan dan unik hasil.

Bhah pade di Aceh Utaranya peukara persaingan bisnis. Panee na gobnyan yg teumeung bijeh nyan.

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