By: * Prof. Dr. Yusril Ihza Mahendra *
The choice is with all Muslims as voters throughout Indonesia.
For us maybe not, but someday our grandchildren will lead a hard life, why?
my brother in faith, this country is being attacked by 5 great powers at once at the same time:
- Communist
- Christianity
- Jewish
- Shia
- Munafikun
The assault has started 18 years ago in a very systematic way, now they have made it into various fields:
- Economics
- Politics
- Media
- Agriculture
- Health
- Education
- Pesantren etc ..
They have also mastered the bureaucratic structure.
Even the TNI is almost paralyzed.
The Kyai of Pesantren and the Reformed Reformers have begun to support them. Worldly offers are very active they do.
The most severe is that they have successfully changed the constitution of the 1945 Constitution, that now the President can be held by a citizen with a non-Native ID card.
some figures who seek to restore the purity of the Constitution of the 1945 Constitution precisely yesterday arrested and suspected as a plot, for no provable reason.
The visible fact is the Jakarta Reclamation, with an area of 800 hectares will be able to accommodate more than 20 million residents of Chinese immigrants.
all immigrants will automatically become citizens and have a lifetime ID card, they will be a permanent vote contributor every time the PILKADA take place. with 200 million votes then the PILKADA will be easily won by the ethnic Chinese, so that the Governor of Indonesia can be sure they will always achieve, forever.
after all elections are controlled then the next 200 million immigrants will return to fill the various islands of this country until 2020, then PILPRES will be easy they won.
Now it all depends on our efforts. We can no longer hope in the House of Representatives and People's Consultative Assembly.
even TNI to dispel this threat.
If a Muslim friend does not care about this condition, then all this destructive process can not be stopped, and no guarantee your offspring are free from apostasy.
at that time, every day would be a tough day to go through, oppression and war certainly inevitable.
Open eyes open minded my brother, some Muslim countries have experienced, now destroyed his country, we are their next target.
conditions may soon change in a matter of months, in kusrun 1 or 2 years, all processes are running. Do something, my brother, tell this to friends and to every Muslim in this country, deliver it slowly, with the degree to which our brothers are able to receive it. Allah is All-Seer of your efforts, until Allah will save your grandchildren for your efforts today, may we all Husnul Khotimah, Aamiin.
The real condition.
Just remind ... Will it matter?
[Please be spread in a wise manner again wisely, hopefully beneficial to all Muslims of NKRI]
- Indonesian Muslim Scholar