His Story' (Bilanguage, Eng-Ind): Blood And Tears Have Ever Pilled Out In Our Beloved Land/ Darah Dan Air Mata Pernah Tumpah Ditanah Tercinta Kami

in #esteem6 years ago (edited)


Dear my eSteemian friends. My best wishes are always with you. Tonight, I am going to share the personal experience when Aceh was in ruin situation from weaponed conflict. This story' is not mean to bring back the black time to surface, but this mean to educate us to live as brothers one in every square of this beautiful earth. I love you all my brothers and sister.

Here we go

There was a sound of machine gunfire, bang, bang, and there was also the voice of a very familiar man moaning in pain in the translucent army bullet. We couldn't make anything inside my house.

This story happened around December 2003-2005. At that time our beloved land of Aceh was in a military operation status with a duration of 1000 hours. This status was applied right at midnight, where everyone was resting in their homes. I didn't know whether people that night could sleep well or not. But my family and I were unable to sleep well that night, because I got information that one of my people was being sought by the military in power.

Sharp at 12.01 am in the morning, all street lighting and residential houses were extinguished. I am very worried about the situation and the atmosphere of the cold and gripping night. While drop of our sweat from forehead began to fall. Suddenly there was a roar from the trucks of the military forces in the distance.

At that time, I was very sure that it was a military truck. The whole village was silent again, which was only the heartbeat that was pumped fast due to fear. I shifted my body and face slightly to the door lock hole, I saw nothing but darkness. Fear was getting worse when someone knocks on my door. Tok Tok Tok, Mae! Open the door fast! Who is that? I said in a low voice. I'm sipon! I opened the door fast for sipon. He is the younger brother of my neighbor who was in the black list of the troops.

Sipon quickly entered my house. I asked why he came here, he said the army began to surround our village. Before I continue with another question, suddenly there was another knock from outside ... tock tock, before I asked who was it. There was a sound of machine gunfire, bang, bang, and there was also the voice of a very familiar man moaning in pain in the translucent army bullet. We couldn't make anything inside my house. The army dragged the man's body to the side of the highway, and left him there.

The next morning we knew for certain that the one who was shot was the brother of Sipon, and also several of other men. The number of people who died that night was around three people. After that night, there were no men who dared to sleep at home. We, at night, came into the far forest to sleep. At home lived only old men, women and children.

We were just living safely after the tsunami came, a big wave that destroyed Aceh, on last 26 Desember 2004. After the big disaster, on August 18, 2005 the peace was held between Indonesia and Free Aceh Movement. Of course, we all hope this agreement of peace will be long lasting in this land.



Salam sahabat eSteemian. Harapan terbaik selalu untuk kalian semua. Jumpa lagi dengan saya awie. Malam ini saya ingin berbagi postingan tentang cerita dimasa lalu, ketika Aceh dalam konflik bersenjata. Cerita ini tidak bermaksud membawa luka lama kepermukaan, namun untuk edukasi, agar kita bisa hidup bersaudara di setiap bagian bumi yang indah ini.

Begini Ceritanya

iba-tiba terdengar suara ketukan lagi dari luar.. tok tok tok , sebelum saya sempat tanya siapa itu, terdengar suara rentetan tembakan senapan mesin, bang bang bang.. dan terdengar pula suara lelaki yang sangat ku kenal mengerang kesakitan di tembus peluru tentara. Kami didalam rumah tidak bisa buat apa-apa.

Kisah ini terjadi sekitar Desember 2003-2005. Saat itu tanah kami tercinta Aceh dalam status operasi militer dengan durasi 1000 jam. Status ini diberlakukan tepat tengah malam, dimana semua orang dalam keadaan istirahat di rumah masing-masing. Saya tidak tahu apakah orang-orang malam itu bisa tidur pulas atau tidak. Namun saya dan keluarga malam itu tidak bisa tidur pulas, karena saya dapat informasi bahwa satu dari tetangga saya sedang dicari oleh militer berkuasa.

Ketika pukul 12.01 dini hari, semua lampu penerangan jalan dan rumah penduduk padam. Saya sangat cemas dengan keadaan dan suasana malam yang dingin dan mencekam. Sementara keringat dikening saya mulai berjatuhan.

Tiba-tiba terdengar suara deru truk pasukan militer di kejauhan. Saat itu saya sangat yakin itu truk militer. Seluruh kampung senyap kembali, yang terdengar hanya detak jantung yang terpompa cepat karena ketakutan. Saya menggeser sedikit badan dan wajah ke lubang kunci pintu, saya tidak melihat apapun kecuali kegelapan. Rasa takut semakin menjadi-jadi ketika seseorang mengetuk pintu rumah saya. Tok tok tok, Mae! Buka pintu cepat!. Siapa itu? Sahut say dengan suara yang rendah. Saya sipon!. Saya buka pintu cepat untuk sipon. Dia adalah adik dari tetangga saya yang di cari tentara penguasa.

Sipon pun masuk dengan cepat kerumah saya. Saya tanya mengapa dia datang kesini, katanya tentara mulai mengepung kampung kami. Sebelum saya lanjutkan pertanyaan lain, tiba-tiba terdengar suara ketukan lagi dari luar.. tok tok tok , sebelum saya sempat tanya siapa itu, terdengar suara rentetan tembakan senapan mesin, bang bang bang.. dan terdengar pula suara lelaki yang sangat ku kenal mengerang kesakitan di tembus peluru tentara. Kami didalam rumah tidak bisa buat apa-apa. Tentara menyeret mayat lelaki itu ke pinggir jalan besar, dan membiarkannya disana.

Esok pagi baru kami tahu pasti bahwa yang ditembak itu adalah Abang sipon dan beberapa orang lelaki lain. Jumlah orang yang mati malam itu sekitar tiga orang. Setelah malam itu tidak ada orang lelaki yang berani tidur di rumah. Kami ketika malam datang masuk ke hutan yang jauh untuk bisa tidur. Dirumah hanya tinggal lelaki tua, wanita, dan anak-anak.

Kami baru tenang hidup setelah datang tsunami, gelombang besar yang menghancurkan Aceh. Setelah musibah besar itu, maka pada 18 Agustus 2005 diadakan perdamaian Indonesia dengan GAM. Tentu saja, semua kita berharap damai ini akan abadi di tanah tercinta ini.

That Is at all about my story'. Thanks for having read, and stopping by. Hope Happy moment always with you all

Demikianlah eSteemian cerita saya. Terimakasih telah membaca dan telah singgah, Semoga kita selalu dalam keadaan sehat. Aamiin.

Best Regard
Salam hangat selalu dari saya @awie



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Nyan na sineuk untuk meningkatkan reputasi. Menyeu reputasi ubit, payah jivot. Pulom jaring ya vot hop Ngon ta posting. Pokoknya tetap semangat, mnyeu ka hayeu Ngon akan rame kdrojih.💪smngat.

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