No doubt, refreshing is the absolute necessity of man, without refreshing the brain will be frozen, the mind so rigid, the spirit will be buried. One way to refresh yourself is to travel or picnic to place exotics that can clear the mind.
The higher the daily routine the higher the level of human psychic anxiety, then with a walk will remove the clutter of mind and the burden of life burden that increasingly accumulate. Living in a dynamic era of human beings are required to work and valuable, to work means to produce something useful while being meaningful human being is not a robot who can work full time without rest.
Well to meet the needs of modern humans are built tourist attractions both by government and private parties. The beach is transformed into an exotic place, or inside the city built public baths (Waterboom or similar) so access to travel is easy and cheap
No doubt, refreshing is the absolute necessity of man, without refreshing the brain will be frozen, the mind so rigid, the spirit will be buried. One way to refresh yourself is to travel or picnic to place exotics that can clear the mind.
The higher the daily routine the higher the level of human psychic anxiety, then with a walk will remove the clutter of mind and the burden of life burden that increasingly accumulate. Living in a dynamic era of human beings are required to work and valuable, to work means to produce something useful while being meaningful human being is not a robot who can work full time without rest.
Well to meet the needs of modern humans are built tourist attractions both by government and private parties. Coastal wonders transformed into exotic places, or inside the city built public baths (Waterboom or similar) so access to travel so easy and cheap.
In Aceh is also the same as other areas, tourist spots popping up, but because Aceh has qanun Islamic Shari'ah then the attractions are wrapped with the slogan "Islamic Tour", well this is where the dilemma arises, between tourism and Islami like two words that are not synonymous, combining them is like mixing oil with water (never compound).
Tourism is identical with immoral, even other places of tourism and sex are two intimate intercourse that can not be separated, while Islamic law is the norm or rule of religion that prohibits such immoral act, combine Islamic tourism and sharia is a futile venture (if not said excessive ).
Indeed, tourist attractions in Aceh prohibit acts that lead to adultery (immoral) but who is able to fence the beach to separate the swimming place men and women ..? Or Waterboom that set the depth area of swimming for children and adults, but children should also be guided by their parents when bathing in the pool, imagine if a child accompanied his mother while swimming while other children accompanied by his father, what happened ..? not children to worry about but what about the parents who swim one pool ...? or is it possible that women can dress Islamic in a swimming pool ..? a difficult question to answer despite using Issac Newton's physics formula about causality.
The above dilemma becomes a problem to be solved, closing the same tourist spot also confines the Acehnese in the statue, but let the sights as above also disguise the full implementation of Islamic law (kaffah). Perhaps building religious attractions such as the Baiturrahman mosque is probably a solutive step, yet many places can be developed into tourist attractions without involving aurat such as the Syiah Kuala tomb in Banda Aceh, Hamzah Fansuri tomb in Subulussalam or the tomb of Teuku Umar in Kawai XIV Meulaboh, even places that have cultural value, these places can become tourist attractions as well as a 'school' where learning the values of heroism and culture for children.
very nice scenery, very interesting and gives the desire for others to travel to the places you show today
hopefully see this view can be useful for others