RE: If the world isn't fair then why should you ?
To be in the richest 90% it would mean that you have to earn 150$ annually. This would mean a 12$ monthly.
So I will suppose you are in the 26% richest by presuming that you inserted your monthly income instead of yearly.
I have actually written for my Romanian community a financial guide and a guide into making decisions. Perhaps I will also have to write it in English.
The current world is open to us and you can see on the TV how the rich are doing it, and yes, some of them maybe don't deserve it, but the media makes us see that and keeps us feeling worse and worse about ourselves.
I know of the hardships of the underpaid since I have forever tried to help the poor, with little or no success. From my experience I can tell you that they need OVERSIGHT more than anything. They need education and they need to abide rules and not make rash decisions. It's these decisions that makes them lose their income toward high easy gains, it's these decisions that makes them leave their country and work in subsistence in some other country. Decisions, decisions.
They are under pressure from all sides, money, health, mentally, needs they can't fulfill. They live on the edge everyday, just making it to the other month, just able to feed their kids again.
I helped some, not with money, they suck at managing money, but with oversight, support and decision making. Some were open to it some were not.
It's the main reason I am on Steem right now. Not for my gain, I have only bought it, never withdrew it. Steem gives oversight, helps their financial and civic education and keeps people connected. They can post their last achievements and they can receive advice from other people. But this needs a pro-social approach and people to want to help.
Nice ideas, right?
Nice future for us here, I follow you already so I know that I have a real reason to do that.
Cheers and don't be afraid to ask me anything you want!
The network is what we make of it, not what the whales make of it, they are voting memes because it's very easy to vote them. If more of us do the right thing they will eventually be interested in it.
@alexdory, "I have only bought it, never withdrew it".. I admire your insight, it shows that you have great foresight...but sadly not many people have the luxury of saving all their earnings, steemit is almost a job for them.
I have learned a lot from your comments today, perhaps we can hangout on discord or steemchat ?