riot at community police headquarters

in #esteem6 years ago


Salam dan selamat pagi sahabat steemian, saat ini kami membagikan berita terbaru untuk anda. Ini adalah berita kerusuhan di lembaga pemasyarakatan di markas besar brimob.

Karopenmas Brigjen M Iqbal mengatakan, bahwa situasi dan kondisi yang terjadi akibat kericuhan antara narapidana terorisme dengan aparat berhasil dikendalikan.
"Saat ini, situasi masih bisa dikendalikan. Doakan saja kami bisa menuntaskan insiden ini," ujar Iqbal kepada wartawan di Mako Brimob, Depok, Rabu (9/5/2018).

Polri, kata Iqbal, mengimbau masyarakat agar tetap tenang dan tidak terpancing dengan isu yang beredar luas di media sosial.

Sementara itu, dari informasi yang dihimpun Warta Kota, dalam kejadian tersebut diduga ada anggota Brimob yang disandera tahanan.
Selain itu, sejumlah senjata api juga berhasil dirampas para tahanan tersebut. Kabar yang beredar ada 3 senjata yang dirampas, 2 senjata laras panjang dan satu pistol.

"Pada saat ini juga, kami mengimbau kepada seluruh masyarakat untuk tetap tenang agar tidak terhasut tentang semua informasi yang beredar di media sosial yang sudah beredar," pungkasnya.
Sebelumnya dikabarkan, terjadi kericuhan di Mako Brimob yang melibatkan narapidana terorisme dengan aparat kepolisian. Bahkan, dikabarkan sempat terjadi baku tembak, dan perebutan senjata.


Greetings and good morning steemian friend, right now we are sharing the latest news for you. This is news of rioting in prisons at brimob headquarters.

Karopenmas Brigadier General M Iqbal said that the situation and conditions caused by the riot between terrorist prisoners and the apparatus were successfully controlled.
At the moment, the situation can still be controlled, just pray we can solve this incident," Iqbal told reporters at Mako Brimob, Depok, Wednesday (9/5/2018).
Police, Iqbal said, urged the public to remain calm and not to be hooked on issues that are widely circulated in social media.
Meanwhile, from information collected Warta Kota, in the incident allegedly there are members of Brimob held hostage prisoners.
In addition, a number of firearms also successfully deprived the prisoners. The news circulated that there were 3 weapons seized, 2 guns and one gun.
At this moment, we appeal to the whole community to remain calm so as not to be instigated about all the information circulating in social media that has been circulating," he concluded.
Previously reported, there was a riot in Mako Brimob involving inmates of terrorism with the police. In fact, reportedly had occurred shootout, and the seizure of weapons

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