My Problem with Essential Oils

in #essentialoils7 years ago (edited)

I am not a connoisseur of essential oils. I’ve only been using them for a couple years and I’ve used 2 brands. One of which isn’t even worth mentioning. I am not one of those people who has tried every oil of every brand for any aliment you can think of. I use essential oils sparingly. Not only because they are expensive but also because it’s a huge learning curve. You need to know which oils are good for your specific issues and even then an oil that works for that ailment for someone else might not work for you. I tend to get overwhelmed when I take on too much new information at once so I have taken my journey into essential oils extremely slowly (I mostly use lavender to help me sleep). That being said I have a problem with essential oils, mostly with how the majority of people approach them.


Why I won’t ever by from an MLM company

Most people use certain well known essential oil companies. These are MLM companies and while it is great to support your neighbor, you end up paying more for an oil than it’s worth. This is because they have to pay each person on that pyramid before the product gets to you. I don’t know about you but I don’t have the funds to buy quality oils and pay for each level of the pyramid. For example clary sage costs $48.67 from doTERRA, $64.14 from Young Living and only $30.00 from Rocky Mountain Oils (not an MLM company). They also seem to have this weird cult like following. No doubt encouraged by well-meaning consultants. Take a look at any post where someone asks for an essential oil company recommendation and 3/4s of the comments will mention one or the other. I don’t know if I’m just weird but I tend to stray from what most people like. Let’s face it the majority of America has no idea what’s good for them, instead they follow everyone else and that’s not something I’m interested in doing. Please keep in mind that these companies are NOT the only ones out there!

Many essential oil companies are misleading about the quality of their products. They label their products Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade or something similar. This is not a real quality grading, it is literally made up by and trademarked for the essential oil company. There is no governing body that tests the quality of essential oils. This is an extremely misleading marketing tactic, which is of course the point.

(I got this diffuser on amazon for a good price and it's a good size for a bedroom)

Why I choose Rocky Mountain Oils

Their oils have been third party tested! And you can get the results of this testing by inputting the batch code from your bottle on their website. This is a huge deal for someone like me, who doesn’t trust companies. While there are ways to fool these tests it’s a step in the right direction that at least they are being done by someone other than the company who stands to make a profit off the oils.
The oils come from plants grown in indigenous regions. I believe this means healthier plants and healthier oils.

They have a 90 day guarantee even if the bottle has been opened and they pay for returns. I’ve never been unhappy with my oils so I can’t say I’ve tried this but it’s definitely a customer is always right policy that you can’t help but appreciate.

Free domestic shipping!!!!! I don’t know if it’s just my generation but most people I know can’t stand to pay shipping. I’ve lived in a couple places where I simply could not get what I wanted locally and all that shipping adds up. So when I saw they offer free shipping no matter how much you spend I was sold.

Quality, just quality. I enjoy their oils. For the few I’ve tried on my extremely slow journey into essential oils I have nothing but good things to say. They work. I can tell when I don’t diffuse lavender at nighttime. I have a hard time turning my brain off and lavender does wonders for my sleep. They also just started offering certified organic oils. There aren’t many available yet but for the person willing to spend the extra money it’s an exciting development.

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I decided to try it out on one of my oil bottles. This is just a taste of the actual report. It's 4 pages long so I didn't save all of it)

I know a lot of you reading this probably LOVE your essential oil company. I’m not trying to offend I promise. If you are happy with your current company that’s great! Just know that there are others out there that are just as good, who have amazing customer service and might save you a little money.

ETA: I completely forgot to mention that Rocky Mountain has a point system. For every dollar you spend you get 1 point which you can use towards future purchases. All that is required is an account with them.

If you are interested in Rocky Mountain Oils here is their website. I am not receiving any compensation for sharing this with you. This is just my opinion and what I use in my own home.

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Nice! Thanks for sharing your point of view!
Ive not tried any of those brands. Honestly, I usually just go on amazon and try and make some compromise between quality and price.
Ill have to check out Rocky mountain.

I feel your pain as far as all that new info!
Here's an easy one for ya. Tea tree oil. You can use this as a disinfectant. I love using it instead of neosporin. You just put a drip on the bandaid pad before putting it on. Good for you and kills off the germs. :)
I also use it as part of my pre-milking udder wash.

Nice! I'll have to make sure to get that before we get goats. I did a decent amount of research a couple years ago trying to find a brand with good quality and stumbled upon Rocky Mountain. I've been happy with them so far! It's hard to know if a company is actually producing a quality product or not :/

My family had goats for awhile and just a thought as I know you are heading in that direction, to get your soil tested to make sure it has all the vitamins and minerals for your goats when they eat the grass. We were having trouble with some of our babies and we found out our soil was lacking an important mineral for them so we just added it into their grain and problem solved. Healthy goats again.

That's very true, it IS hard to tell whether or not an oil is good quality or no. I generally just read reviews...
The third party testing done for Rocky Mountain is pretty compelling though!

I'm excited about the organic oils!

I'm sorry, maybe I missed it.. but what is an MLM company? Sorry to sound so silly by asking, but I'm curious and can't place the MLM meaning.

But I do love how you analyze the products and your reasoning for buying from Rocky Mountain versus the other companies.

oh sorry haha an MLM company is a multi level marketing company. They use non salary paid workers to sell their products. Young Living, doTerra, Jamberry Nails and Pampered Chef are all MLM companies

Ahhh, okay. Got it.
I'm not too fond of MLM companies either; I just never knew what the official name was when referring to them.

Some people find them to be a great way to support their families I just don't find them helpful for the consumer 😕

I haven't used any of these type oils but have 4 friends who sell YL. They swear by them and I am happy for them it just seemed like a huge investment in the beginning and I have had a lot more things at the top of my dollar tree :) I am a however a lover and buyer of Hemp Oil for moisturizing and I love Maracuja Oil, also for moisurizing, which is made from the Passion Flower. I am sure I would be hooked on essentials if I were not to stingy to shell out the $$$. Good Read!

Yes they are very expensive. Usually the last thing I try and even then I only buy the one I need. I only have 5 after using them for a couple years.

I haven't used any of these type oils but have 4 friends who sell YL. They swear by them and I am happy for them it just seemed like a huge investment in the beginning and I have had a lot more things at the top of my dollar tree :) I am a however a lover and buyer of Hemp Oil for moisturizing and I love Maracuja Oil, also for moisurizing, which is made from the Passion Flower. I am sure I would be hooked on essentials if I were not to stingy to shell out the $$$. Good Read!

They are very expensive. I only have 5 kinds and try not to use them often except for my sleep. It's not so bad when you only buy one or two at a time.

Thanks for sharing this information. I have been using Young Living essential oils because I have a relative who sells it, and she really talks up their excellent quality. It is interesting to read another perspective. I used to be a Pampered Chef consultant, so I haven't written off all MLM companies as bad. LOL I still purchase P. Chef products because I know from personal experience they are excellent quality, usually much better than the knock-offs you could pick up at K-mart. But if I found a less expensive yet just as good product, you bet I'd try it!

Just from what I've read I don't think the quality is as good as Rocky Mountain but I've never tried them so I don't know that for sure. The cost is what got me and now they offer organic oils which would have sold me on the company if I wasn't already buying from them!!

I've always been turned off of essential oils because of a lack of trust in the companies. One friend of mine used a grocery store brand on her daughter and it actually burned her! One that was supposed to be gentle on skin. I grow my own herbs and wildcraft everything else...but haven't delved into making my own essential oils yet...yet... ;)

Its impossible to make your own essential oils without a still. You can make extracts and tinctures but not essential oils. The really cheap brands have a lot of fillers which is why I did a ton of research and you have to dilute the essential oil in a carrier oil. If you ever want to try them I promise I've never been hurt by Rocky Mountain Oils even without diluting them (I was still learning)

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