Truly capable people have these three ways of thinking.

in #essaylast year


Less calculation, more tolerance.

By fussing over trivial things and unintentional remarks, we often forget our original intention and what matters.

Instead of being stuck in the turmoil and entanglement of calculations, it's better to relax your mind and look further ahead. When your mind is small, every small thing becomes big; when your mind is big, every big thing becomes small.

Instead of relying on others, it's better to enhance yourself.

Hoping someone else will solve our problems and fulfill our dreams often leads to losing even more. By focusing on self-improvement and self-cultivation, we become stronger and create the life we want with our own hands.

The best mentor in life is always oneself. By constantly improving our abilities and increasing our value, we can become shining stars and fly side by side with eagles.

Believe in experience, but don't blindly worship it.

Every experience in life has meaning, and every experience we accumulate helps us mature. With the experiences of predecessors, we can quickly understand what's in front of us; with our own experiences, we can handle life with ease.

However, while experience is important, clinging to past experiences can lead to stagnation. No experience can last forever, and only by constantly learning new things and cultivating deep thinking habits can we continue to update ourselves and take our life to new heights.

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