Esperanto in literature books

in #esperanto6 years ago

The fact that you cannot think of such a thing, and if you think of such a thing, and that they kick you out of your door does not mean anything other than being a nationalist.


But let us suppose that, or the Marxists who spread the Esperanto language came to power in a country, made a black and white national flag, made their song a national anthem. History, literature is taught with taxes from non-schools. Carrying your colors is a big crime.

Or you have made Esperanto official language, everyone in schools is forced to teach Esperanto. History lessons teach the history of the birth and development of the Esperanto language and how fair it is by recognizing no other language. Esperanto literature is taught in literary books.


Other languages ​​are seen as prohibited or as a problem only within the scope of personal freedoms, people can only learn their mother tongue with additional lessons, etc. That is the standard of any European country.

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I really don't understand what you want. What did Esperanto do to you that you feel so threatened?

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Dankon, Matt. Bedaŭrinde mi ne estas komputila frenezuleto. Se mi estus, mi certe provus konstrui sur la steemit blokĉeno tutnovan nuresperantan platformon, sen aŭtomata votado kaj aliaj malagrablaj aferoj. Mi certe ne ŝatas la ideon, ke la kreintoj de Steemit kaj la unuaj kunagantoj gajnas tro da monon dum la kutimaj uzantoj ricevas pencetojn, ĉiam per siaj agadoj pliriĉigi ilin. Pensu pri Zamenhof tiurelate. Ĉu vi konas faircoin-on? Ĝi ŝajnas pli egala al mi, sed mi ne vere povas juĝi:
Bonan tagon!

Hierau mi renkontigxis kun interesa ino nomigxe @siamcat. Gxi iomete rakontis pri . Eble tio estas sxanco por la esperantistaro - mi gxis nun ne scias - sed gxi rakontis ke eblas per tiu reto ke homoj el malricxaj landoj gajnas monon por pagi la luon , elektron ktp. Sukcesan tagon al vi !

You seem to be quite an interesting person. How did you get so many upvotes? Might it be that you are a bot owner? However I failed to get the sense of your posting.

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