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RE: Bloodlines Of The Serpent Gods Chapter 3: Green Phoenix Rising & The Coming One World Religion

in #esoteric5 years ago

Hey my friend, thank you for the great comment I much appreciate it. Glad you appreciate the artwork from all those amazing artists and gif creators .. I spend a fair while choosing it :). I do very much agree that the only true change we have any control over is how we live our lives, how we ignite the spark within and indeed how we project ourselves to the wider society. I know my writing may come across as if I spend my days worrying and being serious .. but in all honesty outside of this I'm actually the polar opposite and most people that know me (and many friends I've known for fourty plus years) would think of me with a smile on their face and equally I wear one the majority of the time, (I just don't write humour very well) and I live life to the full, and (outside of bloody renovations lol) find time to savour the beauty around me and offer a helping hand to those that need it .. in fact, I'm sure there are people (that haven't read my writing) who would complain that I don't take anything seriously, little do they know lol. That counterbalance to my personality allows me to delve into these subjects (which I have been since childhood) without getting bogged down by them and depressed by them. It's difficult to explain but my perceptualflaws, my life experiences and the people I've met along the way have brought me to this moment in time and my intuition (which I always listen to) is telling me now is the time to share my perspective.

One thing I am pretty good at is picking up on new trends and projecting them into the future, in the moment those ideas can seem a little out there .. but equally, my trends from 20 plus years ago would make interesting reading in this day and age (sadly I never wrote them down). The trends I'm picking up on at this moment relay to me that the tightening control system is now moving into a different gear (they have decided it's now or never) observing current events has prompted me to stop writing my book (which is going to have much beauty within it) and write these three posts. This post was always intended as a foundation .. but by the time I have posted the other two (although I wrote it all as one post) hopefully, people will understand my reasoning behind writing them. I'm not here to relay bad news, I am here to offer a perspective that may help people see through the agenda that I believe is unfolding around us .. at a gathering pace. That said and as I have shared on here I do have many more entirely different subjects thoughts and ideas I want to write about, it's just that sometimes world events kind of dictate what I'm going to write next .. thanks again @izzynoel ::)

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