Merits Of Having Emotional Support Animal at Home - 2021 Guide
Life and its daily routines can throw various challenges and hurdles towards you. It can become extremely difficult at times to deal with these challenges. These hurdles prove even more difficult to overcome for people suffering from certain physical disabilities. With physical disabilities, the daily tasks that might otherwise seem mundane become increasingly difficult to counter. In delcious fruits, can dogs eat watermelon? Yes they can. It provides energy and help to digest food. Moreover, people suffering from mental health problems also have to face a hard time as they have to deal with both their mental health challenges and those posed by the external world. This situation can significantly be improved with the aid of emotional support animals that have been found to have positive impacts on the mental health of their handlers.
There are a number of merits associated with having an emotional support animal at your home. First and foremost, these emotional support animals, especially ESA dogs, provide their handlers with unconditional love and affection. These animals do not concern themselves with your failures or the tiny mistakes that you might have made during your day. For them, you are always the same lovable person that deserves care and affection.
Over time, this attitude shown by these emotional support animals develops this conviction in the minds of their handlers that they too deserve to be taken care of. That their tears do not fall in vain. In dried fruits, can dogs eat almonds? No, they can't. These convictions then translate into their social life which enables them to bond with other people on a deeper level. These new connections formed by these newly formed convictions not only improve their pre-existing mental health but also take it into the path of progress, where they are able to foster meaningful relations that would help and support them for the rest of their lives.
Emotional support animals can also help their handlers in bettering their socializing skills. When people struggling with mental health take care of their emotional support animals for a long period of time, they develop deep bonds with them. This gives them the confidence that they too can foster new social bonds which is at the heart of socializing skills. Despite the challenges that they might have had to face in their past regarding their social skills, these experiences can give them the confidence and courage they need to excel at socializing and meet any deficiencies they might have had in the past.
Many people also feel anxiety and certain situations. For example, some people feel nauseated when left home alone, some feel anxious in the company of a large number of people they do not know, while others feel anxious with gatherings in general. In the first case, the emotional support animals can help such individuals by providing them with meaningful companies that prevent nausea from occurring. Also, in a situation where people suffering from mental health problems feel anxious because there is no familiar face around, having one’s emotional support animal can fill that gap and reduce their anxiety considerably. Thus, in this way, emotional support animals are able to reduce the situational anxiety of their handlers.
Emotional support animals also help people to maintain a healthy schedule around their household. People who have to take care of their emotional support animals have to clearly follow a structural life as the animals require to be fed at specific times, need playtime at certain times, and require a trip to the outside once a day. Their handlers, thus, have to take into consideration these requirements of these emotional support animals, encouraging them to bring a structure to their schedules so that both the animals’ tasks and their own tasks are completed efficiently.
Having an emotional support animal around the home also helps improve the physical health of the handler. As the handler has to be involved in physical activities to meet the needs of their animals, such as taking them out on a walk, it can help make the handlers more physically active and healthy. Moreover, petting one’s animals is also associated with stress release and improved respiratory functions. In this way, emotional support animals not only improve the health of their handlers but also everyone else present in the house, who all shower their love on these animals.
These benefits associated with keeping an emotional support animal in the house might only be attained when you have the emotional support animal licensed for your mental health needs. This is because landlords and residence providers often do not allow animals within their residence structures. But given that you have an esa letter for housing – showing that you have a genuine mental health issue recognized by a licensed mental health provider practicing within the state that you are residing in, – these landlords cannot discriminate against you on the basis of having an emotional support animal.
Moreover, another residence provider requires a certain amount of fee to allow animals to enter their residence. In some cases, a deposit is required to allow entrance to these animals. But given that you have an esa letter that showcases your mental health condition and the need for an emotional support animal to offset that condition, you might be able to bypass these conditions depending on the policy employed by the residence providers. On providing the ESA letter, some residence providers reduce the fee that is required to allow entrance to emotional support animals while others waive the fee completely. Furthermore, the initial deposit might also be reduced or waived. Thus, given that you have an ESA letter authorized by a licensed mental health provider, you can enjoy the benefits associated with having an emotional support animal with comfort and security.
Useful Resources:
Can a clinician write an ESA letter for me? - 2021 Guide
5 best dog breeds that will help you reduce stress and anxiety - 2021 Guide
Key benefits of various types of emotional support animals - 2021 Guide
Mistakes to avoid while taking care of your ESA dog - 2021 Guide