My Romance Novel: Return to Breckinridge - Chapter 7: First Base

in #erotica7 years ago

Chapter 7: First Base


About the only thing that kept Dave sane for the next few days until their Saturday ski date was the fact that he and Kirby talked on the phone every night. After spending the day working out – running, lifting weights at the local gym, and swimming – he would settle in with his laptop to check up on several realty websites he followed for properties for sale in the Breckenridge area. So far, he had found nothing that even remotely fit his list of criteria for property he would want to buy and build on – remote, lots of land, a creek running through the property, in the trees – and he was starting to become frustrated.
After a few hours on the computer and after checking in with Duke on any baseball leads, it would be getting closer to quitting time for Kirby and he could not stop checking the time to see how close they were getting to 7pm. By that time, she was home and he was showered and had eaten a dinner of take out from some place in town, and was ready to settle in for a long, satisfying conversation with Kirby.
Mostly he flirted with her and teased her and told her stories from his baseball years, just to hear her laugh. But he also loved asking her questions about herself. They talked about everything, all kinds of things – movies and music and her fear of drowning and his obsession with collecting marbles and whether or not pumpkin pie was acceptable to be eaten year round, or just in November. There’s were normal, silly conversations, but having the phone between them and taking the physical attraction he knew they were both feeling out of the equation made it easier to talk and get to know each other. He could not believe how compatible they seemed to be, though they were opposites in so many ways.
After their second phone call, on the third night, the night before their date, he got more personal than usual and asked if she was seeing anyone.
“No, I’m not. I haven’t for a while.”
There was a long pause and Dave feared he had struck a chord and all of her cheerful bubbliness would fade away into the cold, distant cloak she could put on so easily in the hardware store.
“I dated someone for years, and we were even engaged. And then one day I realized he didn’t love me for me, he only wanted to be with me because of what he thought I could bring to his public image. I would have been a safe wife for him, someone that wouldn’t cause him any trouble in the public eye. Nobody wants that, Dave. People deserve to be loved for who they are, not what they are or what they can do.”
If she could have seen him then she would have observed him nodding while she spoke. Her experience was what he also had gone through, and it had led him to a point where he would rather be alone forever than with a woman who loved Big Dave, not Dave.
“So what happened? You broke up with him?”
“Yep. Took me awhile to get up the courage to leave, but finally I did. And then… Well, let’s just say it didn’t end well. In fact, he made a big mess of my life.”
“Oh? How so?” He didn’t want to push her, but he felt she was on the edge of telling him something big, something that would make all the pieces of her mystique fall into place. Why does a woman who is bright and intelligent, funny and gorgeous, dress plainly and hide away in a hardware by day, and with her books by night? It wasn’t adding up.
“If I could tell you, I would. For legal reasons, I’m sworn to secrecy about what happened. There’s a gag order in place because he was… he is… he lives here, and he’s a big deal in Breckenridge, and I’m required not to say anything that will tarnish his name in exchange for a… a cease fire, I guess you could say.”
“Cease fire? Sounds like blackmail to me!”
“In a way, it is. But, honestly, you don’t need to worry about it. Just know that if you hear anything… you know, about me… don’t believe it. At the least, ask me about it first, okay?”
He could hear the pain in her voice then and knew he needed to drop the conversation. If he thought she would have given him the answer, he would have asked for the guy’s name just so he could hunt him down and tear him limb from limb. “You don’t have anything to worry about. I form my own opinions of people, and I have a very, very nice opinion of you.”
“Thank you, Dave. That means so much to me.”
“See you in the morning, Kirby. Get some rest.”
He hung up the call and pictured her getting ready for bed. He could imagine her, so slender and sexy, her legs and hips and belly begging to be kissed and touched. Even from a distance, even through the phone, she turned him on. As soon as he heard her voice, he got extremely hard and all he could think about was stripping her out of her leggings and boots and exploring every inch of her creamy skin.
Big Dave, you’re a goner, he said to himself, and tried to get some sleep. His last thought before falling asleep was of his dad, and how moving back home had been exactly what he needed to start finding the right direction in his life again. Every time he spoke to Kirby, his life made a little more sense. He was starting to need her, physically for sure, but also as sort of a beacon of light that his life had been missing all this time.
He arrived early at the lift, not wanting to take a chance that she would beat him there. He could not wait to see her after their long nights of phone chats which would, he was certain, make their date together a little less nerve-wracking. He stood gazing at the lift and up the mountain, eager to feel fresh snow in his face and the wind against his skin as he carved up the slope with Kirby by his side. He hoped his knee would not give him any trouble.
His eyes were suddenly covered by two hands that held a lingering scent of vanilla and peaches, and he turned around slowly.
“Thought I’d surprise you,” she said, giggling.
“You look amazing, Kirby. You are so beautiful,” Dave said, wrapping her up in a big hug. “Thanks for coming out today.” What color of red is that? It’s amazing how it highlights her hair. God, she’s gorgeous!
“Before we go up, I have a confession to make,” she said.
“Yeah, um, in the interest of full disclosure, I want you to know that I Googled you. And I know about your knee injury now. And, well…”
“Well, what?” he said.
“Well, I just hope you can keep up with me today,” she said, grinning, and taking off for the lift.
Seconds later, legs dangling in the air, they were on the lift and being carried up to the top of the mountain. They marveled at how they had gone to the same high school, though several years apart, and never known the other even existed. The view from the lift was stunning, and the snowy peaks in the background were breathtaking. They were quiet for a time, taking in the view, and Dave took Kirby’s hand in his and held it. She let him.
Just as they were about to ski off the lift, Dave turned to her and said, “Besides looking absolutely amazing in pomegranate – that is what color that is, right? – I have to say that my favorite thing about you is that we can talk non-stop or sit quietly and say nothing, and either way, I’m happy.” He grazed her cheek with his thumb and smiled down at her, his eyes twinkling.
She blushed beautifully and it was all he good do to restrain himself from taking her in his arms and rolling around in the snow with her, and discovering for himself what was under those sexy ski pants that hugged her curves in all the right places.
“I know your game, Big Dave. You’re trying to distract me from giving the slopes all I’ve got and putting you to shame,” she said, laughing. “Well it won’t work! Catch me if you can!”
And she was off, skiing like a mad fiend down the slope, leaving a thick cloud of fine, icy powder in her wake, and glancing back periodically to make sure he was following. And he was following, as close as he could to this woman that was stealing his heart with every glance and every word. He said a silent prayer that his knee would hold up and not give him any trouble. A trip and fall and an early end to what was starting out to be an amazing first date was not what he needed at all.
They made several runs before stopping for a late lunch. Dave had always thought of himself as a competent athlete. And why wouldn’t he? He played sports for a living! But he had found his match with Kirby, who led the way like she had been born on skis. Dave could hardly keep up, but he had fun trying. On the way back up the lift each time, Kirby had let Dave grasp her hand and warm it up between his two, larger ones, and they chatted easily about all kinds of things, picking right up again where their phone conversations had left off.
“Ready for some lunch? I’m famished!” Dave said, loosening his helmet and lifting his goggles.
“Sounds great!”
Actually, if you’re done skiing for the day, we could drive up the road a bit to this hot spring place I know of and grab a bite to eat there,” Dave said.
“Sounds great, lead the way!”
They walked hand in hand toward the parking lot, lost in their own chatter and giggles.
“Mr. Kensington!” A voice from behind them was calling for Dave loudly, and it sounded as if the person were running.
“I think they’ve found me,” he said.
“The paparazzi.”
“Mr. Kensington! One moment of your time please!”
Dave turned to face the voice, his shoulders squared in anticipation of whatever confrontation was about to ensue. And then Kirby saw his shoulders relax.
“Hi Kat, you scared me. I thought you were the press,” he said.
“No, not at all! How funny to run into you here!”
“I wouldn’t say we ran into each other, since I think you chased me down,” Dave said, laughing. “How are things in realty?”
“Oh, am I interrupting? We can talk later,” Kat said, eyeing Kirby and placing a protective arm on Dave’s hand.
“Not at all. Kirby, this is Kat, she works for the realty office that is helping me find some property. Kat, this is Kirby, she’s a…” Dave looked at Kirby, smiling, and grabbed her hand. “She’s my girlfriend.”
Kirby kicked the back of Dave’s thigh in weak protest. “Yes, Kat and I know one another, from… before.”
“Well, I’ll be brief since you’re on a date!” She looked dejected when she said it. “I’ve been digging into that offer you received on your parents’ property, and just this morning I received an amazing update from the, uh, the owner. Anyway, he’s willing to sell it to you for significantly less than he quoted you earlier, and will call you with the details soon. I think you’ll be quite pleased.”
“Great, I’ll look forward to hearing from him. Ready, Kirby?” Dave asked.
They said goodbye to Kat and continued walking towards the parking lot.
“Who owns your parents’ property now?”


“Um, well, it’s the von Stoup family, actually. The price Trevor offered me last week was unbelievably, grotesquely high, and now it sounds like he’s ready to make a deal, so that’s great!”
Kirby clinched her muscles, a change in her that Dave did not miss. “Your business is your business, but I think you should know something about Trevor.”
“Oh? What’s that?”
“He doesn’t make deals unless there’s something in it for him, something he really, really wants. So, bear that in mind when you hear what offer he’s putting on the table. Trevor doesn’t part with anything he owns, not without a catch. Just be careful.”
As they drove towards the hot springs, Dave looked at Kirby in the passenger seat and squeezed her hand. “I have something to tell you,” he said. “Two things, actually.”
“One thing is, I’ve had an amazing day with you. I have never felt this comfortable and relaxed around anyone.”
“Awww, thanks, Dave. I’m the same. I feel like I’ve known you forever,” Kirby replied, smiling. “And what’s the second thing?”
“Oh that. Well, it’s a clothing-optional hot spring,” he said. Kirby punched his arm.
“Nice of you to tell me that now!” she said, laughing.
The hot springs were secluded and despite the cold winter air, the warmth rising from the pools made the atmosphere warm and balmy. They had a pool to themselves, and Kirby wondered at what point Dave had decided it would be okay to reserve a clothing-optional, private hot spring for them to use today. But she did not ask questions and was mostly just flattered by his thoughtfulness.
“I’m going in,” he said, winking.
“With your ski stuff on?” she asked, winking back.
“Nope,” he replied, taking off his snow boots and beginning to unbutton his ski pants. He pushed them down his thighs and Kirby, though she knew it was rude to stare, couldn’t take her eyes away from his muscular, powerful, legs covered in a light coat of golden hair.
“You can close your eyes if you want, and I’ll be in the water in a flash,” he said. “Or you can keep watching, I don’t mind.”
Kirby spun around with her hands over her eyes, feigning modesty, but mostly just to hide her blush and shallow breathing. When she heard a splash behind her, she knew he was in the water.
“Coming in?” he asked. “I dare you.”
“I think I will, but let me just get used to the water first. She stripped down to her panties and thermal shirt and sat on the side of the pool, feet and legs in the water up to her knees.
Dave swam over to her and she admired his strong chest and shoulders and the way he effortlessly glided through the water. As he swam towards her, she noticed a band around his waist in the dim light of the pools.
“Hey! You cheater. You tricked me! You still have your underwear on!” Kirby said, laughing.
“Well, it is a first date, after all!” Dave replied, splashing her.
“Then I’m keeping my underwear on too,” she said.
“Suit yourself!” he said, pulling her by her feet into the water.
She came up for air, sputtering and smacking his chest in protest for being dunked.
Dave grabbed her hands and held them to his mouth, placing a tiny kiss on each one in turn, and smiling down at her. And then he pulled her closer, and she was snuggled against his chest. It rose and fell with his rapid breaths. She looked up at him, into his eyes, and giggled. He smiled back, taunting her with his eyes, daring her to leave the safety of his arms.
And then his goofy smile vanished, and it was replaced by a hungry, intense look, and he lowered his head to meet her eyes. His mouth reached for her, and she didn’t back away. And then he was kissing her, and his lips were burning against hers, sending pure shock through her body. She opened her mouth to his, meeting his needs and challenging him with her own, and surrendering to him at the same time. He explored her mouth with long sweeps of his tongue, and she tasted as wonderful to him as he knew she would – like summer skies, like the first crack of a bat in spring training, like freshly mowed grass and fireworks after winning a home game. He heard a little whimper escape from her throat and he pulled her closer to him, willing her to give him all of her mouth and all of her moans.
“Kirby,” he whispered, as she pulled his lips gently with her teeth. “I knew it would be like this, from the first time I saw you.”
“You’re driving me crazy,” she said, running her hands along his strong back and trailing kisses down his neck and onto his chest. “We have to stop, we can’t do this here.”
She tried to pull away, and so did he, but they couldn’t. Instead, they surrendered again, amidst heartfelt groans as he claimed her mouth with his once more. Her hunger was deep and hot, and her body pressed against his was making him pulse against her. The bulge in his briefs was growing and pressing against her, and still they could not pull away. Their tongues entwined, stroking each other wildly and making Kirby lean against Dave as she trembled and shuddered with the passion he was stirring in her.
And then they were both pulling away, trying desperately to catch the reins of the hunger that was consuming them.
“Never before,” Kirby said. “I’ve never been kissed like that.”
“It was the best first kiss ever, for me too,” he said. “There’s more. We aren’t done yet.”
He kissed her gently on the forehead and held her body next to his, letting the spring water swirl around them and cocoon them in its warmth.
“You called me your girlfriend,” Kirby said, softly, whispering it into the warmth of his bare chest.
“I sure did,” he replied. “I hope you don’t mind.”
After a long pause, she replied. “No, I don’t mind at all. Not one bit.”

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