Phone Sex - Exclusive for Steemit

in #erotica7 years ago

What are you doing? her internal voice screamed inside her head. Just what the hell are you doing? You can’t go on like this, it’s beyond insane!

She glanced down at her phone as it went ‘PING!’ in her hand.

The notification flashed up on the screen:

Message from Jake

She swiped her passcode in and the message opened.

Leave the door unlocked. If I have time, I’ll call round.

Her heart fluttered, breath caught in her lungs and she had to concentrate to keep her excitement in check – he may not even show up.

Lock the door, just lock the goddam door! the internal voice screamed.

She went toward the door with every intention of listening to the wise voice inside her head but even as she approached the door, she knew she wouldn’t.

“He might not even show, he hasn’t shown up the last three times,” she spoke aloud to quell the internal voice, but it did no good.

Chances are, he’s been mind-fucking you to lull you into a false sense of security. You know he likes it better when you’re not really expecting him.

She sighed and nodded, knowing her internal voice was right.

He’s using you, just using you for sex!

She nodded again, she knew it too. She also knew she was addicted to him.

He had no ties, no girlfriend, live-in-lover or even a steady/regular date. He was a free agent, free to come and go as he pleased…

That’s the trouble, he comes, then he goes!

She frowned at the logic.

You get nothing out of this arrangement!

“You know that’s not true! You know what I get from this. I love the anticipation. I even enjoy the disappointment when he doesn’t show up, because I know he’s taking the time, making the effort to tease me, making sure that when he does show up, I’m going to be so goddam horny…”

Distracted, her heart jolted in her chest as the door slammed open. A flurry of activity as the door slammed shut, kicked closed by his foot. She turned her head to look, not even certain it was Jake. The intruder wore a ski-mask and a jacket she didn’t recognise.

This had never happened before. She always knew in the back of her mind that Jake was a bit of a wild-card and he had no feelings for her beyond the occasional quickie. She also knew he had friends who wouldn’t mind a bit of what he was getting; he’d told her as much.

This time it could be Jake or it could just as easily be one of those friends. She wasn’t quite sure how she felt about that possibility and her instincts kicked in even as the internal voice shouted for her to get away!

She ducked, turned and ran down the hall toward the kitchen, pushing the door open for it to slam against the wall, bouncing back to catch her arm as she ran through it.

She reached for the cutlery drawer, searching for a weapon but her hand never reached the drawer.

His hand grabbed her ponytail and jerked her backwards, away from the drawer.

An arm wrapped around her throat and her head nestled against his chest. His hand reached up to cup her chin.

“Don’t you dare,” he snarled.

She couldn’t recognise the voice through the snarl and she whimpered.

“Not a sound,” he snarled again. “Got it?”

She nodded her head so he knew she understood.

He dragged her backwards, mostly off-balance, back out of the kitchen and he pushed her toward the stairs. She lifted her foot as though to go up the stairs but he pushed her forward, taking her by surprise. Her hands broke her fall but she was face-down on the stairs, unable to defend herself.

He lifted her skirt, tore off her briefs and parted her legs with his foot.

She half-expected her internal voice to chime in with an ‘I told you so!’ but for once, the voice remained silent.

He leaned down onto her, pressing her to the stairs with his weight. She could feel the texture of the condom as he guided his erection into her.

Her orgasm took her by surprise with the ferocity and duration of it and he was finished and zipped up before she had recovered.

She lifted herself from the stairs and turned to see the door slam as he left.

Something’s different… the internal voice spoke in a whisper.

‘PING!’ her phone announced another notification.

She looked around and saw it on the floor near the kitchen door.

She swiped her passcode in with trembling hands. Her internal dialogue had her spooked.

She looked down at the message on the screen and dropped the phone.

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