Equinox, Cancerian New Moon 21.06.20 Eclipse Dreamweaving Portal
We are the tool, the raw material and the content. We are responsible for our thoughts and actions. We unplug from the matrix by switching off all mainstream media, the algorithms will lower our vibration. Fear is the language of the media. Fear is the lowest vibration within the quantum field. Fear breeds paranoia, hypochondria, corroding our gut instincts. Power has been in the wrong place for a long time. The name of the pyramid game is power, always has been, always will be. It’s motherboard has been upgraded. Yet at its dark heart the truth is still the same…greed, wealth, deviance and depravity. No change there then. The Matrix Interface has transformed, we will see more of its new hardware, the further into 2020 we move. The Gaia plane is holding energies from lower third dimension to lower fifth. We centre the space by centring ourselves. We hold, contain, no leaks, the elemental transition corridor all are moving through. We hold space for fear to be realised, anxiety to be managed and trauma to be healed.