in #epik3 years ago (edited)


Epik protocol, as we probably know by now, is a knowledge graph platform that leverages on collaboration, data sharing, and co-construction to achieve a decentralized data t storage and management solution that mutually benefit its users as well as the AI industry. What we probably don't know is that Epik is also a Filecoin layer-2 blockchain network. Filecoin is a decentralized storage network aimed at preserving vital information for humans all over the world. Its goal thus align perfectly with Epik’s whose aim is to build a lasting knowledge base for human race through its decentralized technology.

Now Why Layer-2 Network?
As we can see, there's a mutual relationship between Filecoin and Epik protocol which primarily lies in their goals. Both projects’ primary goal is building a kind of reliable and permanent, and decentralized data storage that is accessible to all at every point in time. As a layer 2 protocol of Filecoin, Epik leverages on Filecoin’s technology to build its own decentralized storage network. Its layer 2 decentralized storage solution was implemented a while back with full upgrade and integrating Filecoin’s technology.

This integration now implies that Epik will play a vital role in easing the transmission burden on Filecoin network. Filecoin handles large amounts of data on daily basis which are continually being sourced out for use by the public. The huge amounts of files on its network inevitably consume lots of TPS daily. These files are way larger compared to the smaller ones uploaded by Epik through its knowledge graph experts. Thus, while Epik files are easier to update in real time due to their smaller sizes, the opposite is the case for Filecoin files. This case with Filecoin update of its data presents some issues that need to be effectively tackled to facilitate hitch-free and seamless transactions on its network, and this is what Epik steps in to address.

As a layer 2 network of Filecoin, Epik protocol is designed to ease the network load on Filecoin by enabling easy transmission of files to Filecoin network. It effectively achieves this through its knowledge graph technology. Now let’s see precisely how this is done.

Epik protocol is a decentralized storage network dedicated to storing knowledge graph files. These knowledge graphs are gotten from the responses of various users on its gaming application. The files are then sorted out by knowledge graph experts from Epik community, then snapshot and uploaded to Filecoin main storage where anyone can access alongside other data on the Filecoin network.

Unlike Filecoin which deals with large file transmissions, Epik knowledge graph experts deal with smaller file uploads which are then merged with Filecoin main data to ease off its transmission burden and network over-load. Epik knowledge graph files follow Blockchain standards of encryption – they cannot be altered once added to the database.

Knowledge graph here is a digital structure representing knowledge and its relationship with facts. Epik, through its decentralized storage and sharing system not only facilitate seamless transmission of data on Filecoin, but also to a great extent, shares high quality data to Filecoin network including its knowledge graphs which are important aspects of AI.

Through this layer 2 system, we hope both Epik protocol and Filecoin network will ultimately help each other toward realizing their ideals of a global decentralized and permanent storage of data and human knowledge across many generations.

visit their official channels below:
Website: https://epik-protocol.io/
Discord: https://discord.gg/Tz6kZbd
Medium: https://epikprotocol.medium.com/

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