The First Ever EOS Meetup in Nairobi, Kenya with Ian Grigg
It's not everyday that you get to have Ian Grigg giving a talk at an EOS meetup, but that is exactly what happened on 24th, February 2018.
Speaking to the enthusiastic community at a Blockchain Accelerator hub in Nairobi, Kenya, Ian Grigg broke down the EOS blockchain and what to look out for in the coming months.
Of particular interest however was the opportunity he provided to attendees to become Block Producers. As EOS looks to decentralize block production and ensure producers are diverse and spread throughout the globe, it was quite encouraging to see the massive interest in the meetup to organize a Block Producers organization to push this forward.
As it turns out, some of the attendees quickly organized themselves to have the second EOS Nairobi meetup on March 3rd, 2018. The community is already charged up and we can expect to see some major progress in the space in the coming months and quite likely a large block producers community born out of it.