EOS Tribe launched a beta version of it's web-socket streaming Spectrum API on Telos Testnet (https://www.telosfoundation.io/).
Telos Testnet Spectrum API web-socket endpoint: wss://testnet.telos.eostribe.io
This version currently supports subscriptions for get_actions events with the following sample message format:
"data": {
Fields description:
- event - type of events, there are two variants: “subscribe” and “unsubscribe”. Required [String].
- type - type of endpoint. Required [String].
- data - Contents of this object depends on type argument. Required for get_actions.
- account - name of account. Required [String].
- actions - List of actions name. [Object]. If actions are not specified - all actions will be matched.
Sample client in Python 3.7:
import json
from websocket import create_connection
url = "wss://testnet.telos.eostribe.io/"+path
actionsList = ["transfer","buyram"]
data = {"account":"eostribeprod"}
messageBody = {
"data": data
ws = create_connection(url)
messageJson = json.dumps(messageBody)
while True:
response = ws.recv()
EOS Tribe is committed to continue work on creating innovative solutions for EOSIO.
More updates are coming soon..