EOS Detroit Interviewed by EOS Cannon

in #eosio6 years ago (edited)


EOS Detroit was interviewed by EOS Cannon, a block producer team based in Shanghai, China. Here is a link to the original publication by EOS Cannon on Bihu.

Who are you & a brief introduction of your team core members?

Greetings, and thank you EOS Cannon for this opportunity to introduce ourselves!

EOS Detroit is an EOSIO block-producer team based in Detroit, Michigan USA. Our team’s mission is to unlock the potential of EOSIO technology for the benefit of communities here at home, and around the world.

EOS Detroit consists of 10 founding members with diverse skill sets and backgrounds.

  • CEO Rob “Robrigo” Konsdorf has a degree in computer science and a background in Software Development. He comes to EOSIO through early involvement in the Bitshares and Steem communities. Rob assembled the EOS Detroit core team and he works every day to ensure our company remains a strong contender within the EOSIO ecosystem.
  • Chief Community Officer Ingrid LaFleur is a recent Detroit Mayoral candidate who campaigned on the promise of exploring the frontiers of social justice through new technologies, economies, modes of government, and ensuring equal wealth and distribution of power for future generations.
  • Director of Business Operations Adam Zientarski has a degree in Business Administration, and is responsible for running the day-to-day operations, strategy, partnerships, finance, and governance matters.
  • Chief Technology Officer Charlie Dumont has a professional background in software and infrastructure which spans over 20 years, from networking to hardware to mobile application development. Charlie is leading up development on EOS Detroit's first dapp.
  • Creative Director Dylan Tull draws on a multidisciplinary media and design background, and is responsible for EOS Detroit’s logo, graphics, and promotional material.
  • Community Technology Advisor Heru House has a degree in physics and a minor in mechanical engineering along with 20 years of experience in IT. His life mission has been to assist in forming interactive relationships that “bridge the technology divide”.
  • Community Manager Phil Wiszowaty has a background in financial risk management, strategic planning, mentorship, and customer relation management. Phil merges research and community engagement while contributing to marketing and content creation for the team. Phil is our principal contributor to “The Weekly Airdrop”.
  • Chief Marketing Officer Brian Tutt has a degree in marketing and brings ​15+ years of business development experience leading teams on strategy and execution. Brian is responsible for coordinating EOS Detroit’s team of creatives.
  • Director of Communications Brandon Lovejoy has a degree in radio and television broadcasting, and is a communications professional with a background that includes film production, writing, sales, and marketing. Brandon was an early ‘delegate’ (BP) on the Bitshares blockchain, known as ‘bitscape’.
  • Systems Engineer Slava Mikerin has a degree in Finance, and a background in software development. An early member of the Bitshares community, Slava is responsible for maintaining EOS Detroit’s block producer infrastructure. Slava was also an early delegate on the BTS blockchain.

What is unique about EOS Detroit, what do you want people to remember you for?

EOS Detroit is focusing on local community engagement and social impact with an eye toward global use cases. The team hosts frequent events in the city of Detroit that are promoted across social media channels and live-streamed for the rest of the internet-connected world to watch. It is EOS Detroit’s belief that residents of Detroit can lead the world forward as early adopters of the digital and economic innovation that EOSIO enables.

Here in Detroit there are many challenges residents are faced with, ranging from a lack of internet access to economic opportunities to lack of well-funded education in many parts of the city. EOS Detroit’s work involves bringing local activists and enthusiasts up to speed, creating educational experiences and facilitating discussions, so that knowledge and talent is cross-pollinated between the global EOS community and the local Detroit community.

EOS Detroit has been doing extensive internal research and product development on a meshnet DApp that will be deployed throughout neighborhoods in Detroit. EOSIO can bring much needed economic opportunity in the City of Detroit so the EOS Detroit team, led by Ingrid LaFleur has been actively engaging, educating, and promoting EOSIO to residents of Detroit by hosting frequent events, available to view on EOS Detroit’s Youtube channel.

We would like to be remembered as “the people’s block producer”, and for our contributions to uplift civil society through the introduction of alternative economic systems and tools which empower everyday people.

Fliers that are handed out at local events.

Which areas you will contribute to the global EOS ecosystem and how do you propose to further increase the value of EOS token?

EOS Detroit is already making a number of contributions, from network infrastructure, governance, community outreach, to DApp development and education.

One of our first initiatives has been to produce a weekly research report called “The Weekly Airdrop” dedicated to the EOSIO ecosystem. Continuous education is not only key for mainstream adoption, but also a vital factor driving the speed of innovation and development.

EOS Detroit’s Director of Business Operations, Adam Zientarski, was the chair of the Telos governance working group and led dozens of meetings drafting up important official Telos governance documents. Adam Zientarski also wrote three separate Telos Improvement Proposals (TIP’s). That thorough experience will empower him to continue his governance contributions to the EOSIO ecosystem on EOS and other sister chains.

EOS Cannon and EOS Detroit are both sponsors of Chintai which is a community-owned, feeless, 100% on-chain, multisig decentralized token leasing platform where users can lend their EOS on the market to earn interest from other users to borrow who need access to CPU/NET bandwidth. This allows EOS token holders to earn passive income from their tokens while also contributing valuable network resources to decentralized application developers and others that may be in need of those resources. Chintai has been a critical component to alleviate the burden of expensive CPU on the network when users and DApps run out of resources.

The cumulative effect of multiple participants bringing value to a network, in terms of solutions to real-world problems, is the only thing we know of that builds a strong fundamental case for increased token valuation, on EOS, or any sister-chain. Stories of humans overcoming the challenges they face by utilizing EOSIO technology is the best PR the EOS ecosystem could hope for. EOS Detroit will be doing all we can to build this kind of value for the network.

How do you think about the regional distribution of BPs?

EOS is being driven by communities all around the world across many different demographics, focus areas, and geographic locations. The more balanced the geographic distribution of BPs in terms of both teams and infrastructure, the healthier it will be for the network. A healthy set of block producer picks across varying geographies and their associated jurisdictions provides resilience to the EOS network in case of operational interference by state actors or other forms of attackers.

How do you expand and manage your community, Is EOS popular in the East Coast?

The team is actively engaging with the community on social media channels such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Reddit, and Telegram. Or team encourages anyone that is curious to learn about EOS to join EOS Detroit Telegram group where they will find a welcoming and close-knit place for anyone to come ask questions.

To grow our community further, EOS Detroit is looking to expand the team and offer multilingual content and support to the non-english speaking members of the EOS community directly on their native social media platforms.

The EOS Detroit team is engaging with multiple schools to coordinate events and workshops on their campuses as these schools are becoming more and more interested in new ideas made possible through the use of decentralized applications. Community efforts have also been largely focused on onboarding our neighbors throughout the City of Detroit to become familiar with EOSIO and begin experimenting with decentralized applications built on EOSIO. EOS Detroit hosts multiple meetups and hands on workshops where the team shows people how to create their own EOS account, how to set up a simple wallet, and how to interact with the EOS blockchain using Scatter. Before co-founding EOS Detroit, Chief Community Officer Ingrid LaFleur was already a well known community activist with a substantial support base and following that largely developed during her campaign to be the Mayor of Detroit last year.

Ingrid LaFleur (Chief Community Officer of EOS Detroit) hosting a EOS workshop in Detroit.

From your perspective, What kind of BP will win support from your community?

Our community values BP teams which are comprised of passionate, dedicated individuals who are highly adaptable and motivated to engage in the EOSIO community because of their desire to bring about a better world. They must have both technical skills, social conscience, and intellectual humility to be able to pioneer new economic systems, and new models of governance. Community engagement, educational contributions, participation in ongoing governance discussions, stance on critical issues, development focus, infrastructure tooling, and geographic distribution of servers are all crucial factors which help to distinguish BP’s from one another.

Can you talk about your views on governance (ECAF/WPS/Constitution)?

On the Constitution / regproducer / regarb
The current Constitution is broken. A charter of rules is only as good as the communities abilities to enforce those rules in as objective of a manner as possible. A good set of governance documents have the following features: 1) Anything that interacts with the blockchain is defined (Ex: A “Member” is any person or entity that holds EOS tokens in an account, smart contracts, etc), 2) Penalties for block producers, arbitrators, or other future elected officials are defined when appropriate and, 3) Provide statements with how EOS and Constitution is intended to operate with the outside world.

Block.One’s proposed Constitution removes many of the controversies surrounding the original Constitution but is still written poorly, absent of definitions of network actors and references to other governance contracts. Their announcement post of the 2.0 Constitution talking about the need for the enforcement of objectivity, left many of its tenants subjective. For example, the end of the first bullet reads, “Ricardian contractual terms that cannot be enforced by properly functioning code are beyond the scope of the producers authority to evaluate and enforce.” This clause is flawed because “the scope of the producer’s authority to evaluate and enforce” is not defined within the Constitution or other subordinate documents. Intent-of-Code is also subjective in itself. It’s unlikely that developers of a smart contract or application that make an intentional design decision that results in a bug, causing damages, would admit that they made said mistake.

The regproducer contract is significantly better written than the proposed Constitutions, but it still lacks actual checks and balances that ensure block producers are performing basic network operations like maintaining the blacklist. The regproducer contract should include clauses like “I {{producer}} agree to maintain the account blacklist. If I am aware of a block producer who has not updated their blacklist within 24 hours of release, I will call the “enforcebprules” contract including a memo of the offense. If 2⁄3+1 of active block producers find that I have violated the offense, I will be removed from producing blocks and ineligible to receive rewards for a period of 2 weeks.” The regproducer contract should also include an obligation for block producers to report infractions if they are aware and potentially penalties non-reporting of offenses by other block producers that can be proved.

Finally, the last function that the Constitution should serve is to provide statements and other legalese to make the Constitution contractually binding and to “play nice” with existing terrestrial governments and courts. This includes items like defining when contractual obligations are released, fallback jurisdiction, and obligations of block producers and arbitrators to their terrestrial governments. In most versions of the Constitution released, some or all of this information is absent.

All in all, EOS Detroit believes that governance structures similar to Telos (of which EOS Detroit was a major contributor) and EOS New York’s proposed constitution + regarb/regforum governance proposals are the correct design for a constitution for EOS. The Constitution should be less of a Constitution that espouses broad philosophical ideals and more of a technical instruction manual that defines the participants of the networks and the rules for the participants to interact with one another in clear terms.

On the Worker Proposal System
EOS Detroit supports the concept of the Worker Proposal System, but disagrees with some of the minor details. The Worker Proposal System is an excellent way to engage the EOS enthusiast community and to allow for independents and entrepreneurs to partake in the ecosystem, build businesses, and be rewarded. When operational, it will attract human capital that EOS desperately needs to build the network and will strengthen the development community, which is significantly lagging behind Ethereum. However, the inflation dedicated to the WPS is much too high.

A portion of the inflation currently allocated to the Worker Proposal System should be allocated to a reward pool to pay dividends to token holders who either vote for at least 21 block producers, or proxy their vote to a proxy account that is voting for at least 21 producers.

By the time that the WPS is operational and proposals can be voted on, it will have already built up a sizeable warchest of funds. Block producers currently are already providing many of the system improvements that would be proposed in the WPS while receiving 1⁄4 the amount of inflation funding that the WPS is, and the WPS has not generated any value for the EOS network.

EOS Detroit is in favor and plans to propose an EEP to redirect at the minimum 2% of the 4% WPS inflation to a new Voter Rewards Fund. Additionally, EOS Detroit believes it is appropriate to redirect 1% of the 4% WPS inflation to standy block producers, given that the rewards for block producers reaches a steep cliff at position 22 (at best half as much as an active block producer). Allocating additional rewards to standby block producers will result in the following consequences; 1) greater competition between active and standby block producers. 2) A more resilient network because standby block producers (who often contribute in more significant ways than some block producers who get voted in as an active) will be properly funded and will be less likely to need to raise large amounts of investment capital. 3) Freeing up the additional capital to community members who will actually put it in to action will accelerate the growth of the EOS network. An alternative to allocating 1% to standby block producers would be to simply lower inflation overall, which should allow the token price to have less resistance to appreciation in the long term.

However, EOS Detroit believes that in order for a proposal that includes increased block producer pay to not be abused, a new Constitution closer to EOS Detroit’s views outlined above is needed.

On ECAF/Arbitration
Neither ECAF nor any arbitration body should be listed as the default arbitration forum in the Constitution. EOS Detroit supports a free market approach to EOS arbitration. The Constitution should only enforce that eligible arbitrators or arbitration entities or forums accept the terms of the network through calling a regarb contract. Participants in the EOS network should also have the ability to waive their right to arbitration if they are damaged. Arbitration should not be used for lost keys but may be used to recover stolen keys. EOS should refrain from appointing “official” or permanent arbitrators or arbitration forums.

How do EOS Detroit interact with Chinese community? Do you have a plan to publish on some Chinese sites (Bihu.com or other sites), Do you have a road trip/meet up plan to China?

EOS Detroit recognizes that the popularity of EOS is growing very fast in China and are seeking to expand the team with the goal of bringing the vision of EOS Detroit to the Chinese community. The company has translated some communications into Mandarin and is planning to translate future communications to engage with the Chinese speaking EOS community on a greater scale. The team is planning a trip to occur during the first half of 2019, and has also been invited to join the next EOS World Tour event by WhaleEx which will likely be taking place in Hong Kong in early 2019. EOS Detroit is excited to travel to China and connect with block producers and other EOS community members in the region.

What else you want to say to EOS Cannon and other Chinese EOS community members?

It was a pleasure meeting Ricky at EOS World Tour San Francisco and our team is looking forward to meeting the rest of the EOS Cannon team in 2019!

EOS Detroit also acknowledges the effort that EOS Cannon has put forth in governance discussions and on the EOS Alliance calls while we, the community, collectively work through language barriers to come to consensus on specific articles of the EOS Constitution.

EOS Detroit would like to express it’s long term commitment as an infrastructure provider for EOS, Telos, Worbli, and future EOSIO blockchain networks to come. The EOS Detroit team is composed of passionate people trying to bring real value to the EOSIO community, the City of Detroit, and the rest of the world by unlocking the potential of EOSIO built applications.

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