My option is clearly the number 4! Just amazing stuff!
About the name "EOS"
"No... it's not sorbet soap... but apparently someone already tried the EOS word... to make a buck!"
EOS is a very ancient word, in the Greek mythology, EOS is the Goddess of the Dawn (here as described on everipedia) :
.... The dawn goddess Eos was almost always described with rosy fingers (ῥοδοδάκτυλος, rhododáktylos) or rosy forearms (ῥοδόπηχυς, rhodópēkhys) as she opened the gates of heaven for the Sun to rise......
..... Thus Eos, preceded by the Morning Star, is seen as the genetrix of all the stars and planets; her tears are considered to have created the morning dew, personified as Ersa or Herse.{Ovid, Metamorphoses 13.621-2} Eos is the daughter of Hyperion, a bringer of light, the One Above, Who Travels High Above the Earth and of Theia, The Divine. Her brother was the Sun god Helios, and her sister was Selene, the Moon goddess. Her team of horses pull her chariot across the sky and are named in the Odyssey as Firebright and Daybright.
She was the Mother of several notable offspring, including the Winds, Zephyrus, Boreas, and Notus, and the Morning Star, Eosphoros, all of whom she bore to the Titan Astraeus ("of the Stars"), and Memnon, her son by Tithonus.
This rosy-fingered, saffron-robed and golden-throned goddess, who goes up to Olympus to announce the light to the immortals, fell in love several times, and a few say it was Aphrodite who cursed her to be perpetually in love, because once had Eos lain with Aphrodite's sweetheart Ares, god of war......
Here is the EOS name's orgigin:
Have a nice weekend,

Thanks for stopping by for the word of wisdom =). I am driving in, into this "new" EOS thing. Let's see how well I do on it.
Always learning! Did not know most of that, so, clearly need to instruct myself a bit more about social culture. Heheh.... So Lame excuse... LOL