shEOS Scholarships Aim to Empower Women in the Blockchain Space

in #eos6 years ago


As a Block Producer, the primary responsibility of shEOS is to operate a flawless and secure Data Center for the benefit of the EOS community. At the same time, we recognize that cryptocurrency and blockchain are on track to become one of the largest disruptive technologies the world has ever seen. The dawn of EOS – a dramatically more powerful, scalable and user-friendly blockchain – presents an opportunity unique in human history: everyone can have a hand in shaping the future of humanity.

As we continue to witness successes in fundraising, ICOs and application growth in blockchain technology, with EOS the the forefront of this sea change, a worrying trend also comes to light – the extremely high gender inequality in the sector. Current estimates of the number of women investors and users of cryptocurrency vary, but most peg female participation at between 1% to 5%. Since the field of cryptocurrency is still in its infancy, we believe that it does not need to mirror the broader tech industry’s current lack of gender diversity.

shEOS Founders are comprised of women with proven track records running enterprises with a global reach and considerable success in the Old Economy. We know, firsthand, the hardships and discrimination women face in the workforce at every turn in the road today, and we don’t want to see it duplicated in the New Economy. It’s common knowledge that a diversity of abilities, backgrounds, cultures, experiences, identities, status, and opinions make products and organizations stronger.

Going forward, as your Block Producers, we at shEOS are committed to doing our part to ensure the most basic of human rights: gender equality. Earning your prized vote of confidence demands that we simultaneously assume our share of social responsibility for the creation of a world in which inclusivity, collaboration and diversity will thrive. We don’t believe that one gender is better than another, but we do recognize the gender gap in the tech workforce: if left unchecked, this historic moment could simply re-consolidate power into the hands of a new “Old Boy’s Club.”

Announcing the shEOS Foundation

We believe that the most proven method for changing the world is through education. We aim to promote knowledge sharing, to foster diversity in the nascent sectors of cryptocurrency and enabling blockchain technology, and to nurture the next generation of transformative companies and leaders who are developing and realizing the full economic and social potential of blockchain technology.

As your EOS Block Producer, we hereby pledge to give back to the community in the following ways:

The shEOS Foundation

Our flagship program will be funded with a percentage of revenue generated by block production, so the more we make, the more we’ll give back.

  • Scholarships will be awarded exclusively to female applicants until gender parity in the blockchain workforce is achieved
  • Applicants will be carefully vetted by members of the shEOS Foundation Board, comprised of Founders, Members and Ambassadors from shEOS, educators, and esteemed members of the greater blockchain community.
  • Scholars will attend accredited schools for coding and dApp development.
  • Scholars will be assigned “mentors”, who will track the progress through their schooling and beyond, all the way through to job placement. Mentors will help students develop the skills and professional network needed to capitalize on this high-demand career track.
  • Scholars will enter the workforce with a ready-built network as a result of their participation in the shEOS Scholarship program.
  • The aim is to create a prestigious scholarship program and scholars, when ready to enter the workforce, will carry with them a special “edge”, like the cachet an Ivy League education bestows today.

The shEOS Summit – an annual event

Open to everyone with a focus on decentralized applications on EOS and blockchain, this annual gathering, organized by women, will include equal numbers of male and female speakers and participants.

shEOS Meetups

These informal local gatherings will happen all over the world, organized by our international network of shEOS Ambassadors, and open to all.

shEOS believes that the blockchain defies the normative expectations of modern society, and we accept the challenge to innovate in unconventional ways. The very nature of this transformative technology requires unprecedented levels of human collaboration. A shared ledger demands diversity. The blockchain demands respect for all members of society: let’s build a New World by lifting up one another, knowing that our different backgrounds and experiences will help us all of expand our impact.

Facts about female leaders:

  • Women earn 60% of all bachelor’s degrees, 60% of all master’s degrees, 48% of all medical degrees, and a startling 18% of all STEM degrees.
  • 59% of the college-educated, entry-level workforce are women.
  • Only 4.6% of all Fortune 500 CEOs are female.
  • Only 24% of all STEM positions are held by women; only 9% of those women hold leadership positions.
  • If you’re a female studying science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM), you probably have an answer.

shEOS is proud to launch the shEOS Scholarship program for women. Vote for shEOS to encourage more female engineers in blockchain.


Wow @sheos! I’ve just been reading through your posts and this is such a great initiative!

The EOS community has some pretty amazing people in it, doing some pretty amazing things - but it would be so good to see some more women in the mix

Thank you @Bec-on-the-block! We agree wholeheartedly about the incredible EOS community, and the benefits of supporting diversity within EOS as it grows.

I’ll be keeping my eye out for meet ups later on!

It is incredible to see your aim to directly get more women in blockchain tech! I’ve been starting to toy with the idea of working directly with blockchain companies somehow, but I am not a coder. Good food for thought!

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