Manage your EOS account keys with Docker, cleos and keosd
How to change/manage your EOS keys (owner/active) from the command line using the official Docker image from EOSIO.
This is a very techincal post, if you prefer a UI you could check out the greymass wallet.
You'll need your private key from your existing EOS account to make these updates.
- Run
with Docker - Set a
alias to execute commands inside the docker container using your localkeosd
instance - Run a bunch of command line operations
This post was written at the time of EOS version 1.2.2.
The following steps are done using bash or zsh using Linux, should also run on OSX and Windows with the appropriate software installed (Docker, bash/zsh).
Start a docker container using the offical eos-dev image from eosio:
docker run --rm --name keosd -it -v ~/eosio-wallet:/tmp/eosio-wallet eosio/eos-dev keosd --wallet-dir /tmp/eosio-wallet
Note: You don't need to mount a volume if you don't want to keep your wallet around.
Create an alias to run the cleas commands inside the docker container:
alias cleos='docker exec -it keosd /opt/eosio/bin/cleos -u --wallet-url'
Set an environment variable with your EOS account name so we can reuse it easily:
export ACCOUNT_NAME=*************
Check it's all working, get your account details:
cleos get account $ACCOUNT_NAME
List wallets (we have none yet):
cleos wallet list
Create a wallet:
cleos wallet create -n $ACCOUNT_NAME --to-console
Save the password for the wallet, we'll be using it again.
Import the existing owner key to the wallet.
Note: there's a space at the start of commands with our priviate keys so they don't save to history:
cleos wallet import -n $ACCOUNT_NAME --private-key ************
List keys:
cleos wallet keys
Create a new owner key and save it with your encryption software:
cleos create key --to-console
Create a new active key and save it with your encryption software:
cleos create key --to-console
Set the new active key, replace EOS*******
with your public active key
cleos set account permission $ACCOUNT_NAME active EOS******* owner -p $ACCOUNT_NAME@owner
Set the new owner key, replace EOS*******
with your public owner key
cleos set account permission $ACCOUNT_NAME owner EOS******* -p $ACCOUNT_NAME@owner
List keys:
cleos wallet keys
The current local wallet key is now change, remove it:
cleos wallet remove_key -n $ACCOUNT_NAME EOS*******
We want to vote, or re-vote to avoid vote decay. Add the private key of your new active key to your wallet:
cleos wallet import -n $ACCOUNT_NAME --private-key PRV************ACITVE_KEY
Vote. In this example we use a proxy:
cleos system voteproducer proxy $ACCOUNT_NAME investingwad
Optional: clean up / reset.
List keys:
cleos wallet keys
cleos wallet remove_key -n $ACCOUNT_NAME EOS*******
Thanks to cc32d9 for the kickstart.