
Thanks sharing for this post.

I'm excited about EOS as well and it is often hard to know what we can do. In a way Ethereum and a lot of the people who talk it up sort of annoy me. When I look at it is it really providing anymore more than what Counterparty was / is? It is on a slightly faster chain. ....etc. But we have been sold that it was going to save the Yellow Speckled Puffer fish, solve world hunger, .......etc....etc. After 4 years there is no usable tool built on it that I can see besides Ethergate which is just to trade around these ERC20 tokens.

I'm not meaning to talk smack but EOS will actually be usable just like BitShares and Steemit. At least that is how we all feel.

I just wonder how that will result as far as the price is concerned. BitShares and STEEM price has really lagged behind compared to other things and they have 100X the functionality of the stuff ahead of it. It is whacky.

That is my one main concern with EOS. That it will be badass but for some reason no one will care and always be chasing what "something is going to do" Not what a platform actually can do.


Ethereum has blossomed due mainly to ICOs. If these become heavily regulated, a lot of the appeal will disappear.

there's also the question of how many actually get fully developed and gain traction in the market.

and whether Ethereum will be able to scale fast enough to handle the transaction volume for all those apps. cuz at this point, it's probably nowhere near capable. EOS, on the other hand...

I agree. On paper EOS has it hands down. But that’s on paper. And Ethereum has first mover advantage. Time will tell

first mover advantage and alot of momentum. BIG players on board.

though yeah, time will tell.

if Ethereum can't scale fast enough and EOS sweeps in and catches... could be a different matter. though, it also doesn't have to be either-or - ultimately, the greatest success will probably be had in cooperation rather than competition, and there could be some serious synergy through which both succeed wildly (consider the statement that EOS could run all of Ethereum in a single contract - not rendering Ethereum obsolete, but powerfully serving to complement and enhance it)...

True. I think we are a couple of years away from that as EOS won’t launch properly for 9 months or so. I hold some EOS so I’m hoping it does well.

A good read of the business lit will tell you that first mover advantage is overrated.

im considering developing either on ethereum or eos. for one thing, there are pros and cons to each not hands down winner. Eos only has 21 validators. that is quite centralised. ethereum is moving to PoS. Id prefer if they move to a hybrid. But id prefer a proof of work above all. But bitcoin has its drawbacks too..

Hi rok-sivante, great read, thanks for sharing. I think projects being built on top of ethereum that use state channels, will be intresting to port over to eos.

I've see this before in business where a percieved better application can't overcome the support and branding of a first to market. It is human nature to follow the herd. Especially if the herd is following strong leadership. Those 500s will be slow and resist change especially if they already have skin in the game. You can build a better mousetrap but not always win. Thanks for the post @rok-sivante

favourite , Thank you very much1! I'm starting to read it now. I wish you continued success. I will continue to follow you. Take care of yourself, my dear friend.

Great head wrapper around the news piece and I am liking their idea to encourage people with the raised money. coz with EOS recycling trades (buy EOS tokens at a day window then dump them on exchange), they were giving a different vibe...

well, that could still be the case - in which event, it's kinda all served as an excellent publicity stint. nonetheless, there is some big investment money behind the project - which came both before the ICO and is still there awaiting investment, aside from the ICO funds raised...

so as the for the morality of recycling trades... well, perhaps we'd better off looking past that piece and focus on what can be built on the platform now that things are in motion and the capital is there waiting...

True, true. I am actually liking the EOS idea (especially given that Steemit is using the same underlying Graphene blockchain), I am just kinda not sure what to make of the founders decision making, hence such news and your accompanying frame are very welcomed.

It begins.

My personal take is ICON is going to surpass EOS and MAY even surpass NEO before EOS can even dream to do anything...why? Because ICON has business relationships in place even BEFORE they offered the ICO...

hmm. I've been behind, haven't really even heard of or paid much attention to ICON. sounds like it may be worth a closer look...

Definitely, think of it as Ethereum of Korea but with a GREAT team

important information thank you for sharing mr @rok-sivante

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