Dan Larimer's Latest Interview: Some Encouragement & Review For Those Hurt By The Massive EOS Fall Yesterday - Myself Included.

in #eos7 years ago

One of the most exciting presentations by @joshsigurdson yet, and there have been plenty of exciting posts, popped up on my feed this morning. I'd been expecting this interview with Dan Larimer and as at a few hours ago, it's online! What I've written up here is somewhat of a summary. If you like the content, please visit the original post here and upvote if you haven't already.

So Dan's pitch as the The Ethereum Killer is simple and high level.

  • EOS is all about my continuing mission to find free market solutions for securing our life, liberty and property.

  • EOS will be powerful, flexible, easy to use, the best governed and the most decentralized blockchain software on the market.

Dan suggests that if you want freedom you actually have to move towards complete transparency rather than complete privacy. It's an interesting suggestion and it makes more sense that initially would appear. This is because of the information asymmetry between what the government knows about us currently and what we know about each other.

It reminds me of remembering to keep in mind the fundamental purpose of the tokens we invest in and not just treat them as a price instrument. Something highlighted by Ivan On Tech after yesterday's blood bath as follows.

Back to Dan, he follows by saying that to pursue liberty, we need to create a "small town on a global scale" and work together through transparency and to police the bad actors in society. I really like that idea. Things such as holding property to ransom isn't possible where transparency ensures that the property has no where to hide.

EOS has been designed to support tens if not hundreds of thousands of transactions a second which addresses some of the issues we are seeing as a result of Bitcon exceeding its systemic capabilities. This keeps the fees down. In fact, EOS doesn't charge fees at all. It rather employs rate limiting. That's the problem with a fee structure is that anyone with enough money can effectively make the network unresponsive for others. This applies to Ethereum too.

Additionally, EOS has recently had support for Apple's Touch ID and Face ID added. This means that every iPhone, MacBook Pro etc. is a hardware biometrically secure wallet. These sorts of things will improve blockchain security and safety. It's all very exciting and we're told to expect lots of news in the months ahead.

Dan lists a number of exchanges including bitfinex where EOS can be traded. He says that "in every serious project I've come across, they've tried to build upon Ethereum and couldn't".

Interesting was Dan's response to how EOS can, in any practical way, eliminate the violent dominance of government. He said that you don't just get rid of something as that would create a vacuum, you need to create a new non violent governance structure that respects the property rights of individuals. The EOS team is working on a number of things at the governance layer including decentralized dispute resolution and other things. Reputation and identity on the block chain will keep people honest. The blockchain needs to have answers to what you do about kidnappers, extortionists, stolen funds, how do you protect property rights in this new system. If you don't have answers to these questions you can't replace traditional government. As far as Dan's aware, EOS is the only endeavour that's pursuing a holistic solution to these issues as a replacement for traditional government.

On the Bitcoin futures and potential EOS futures, Dan doesn't see the futures as being good for Bitcoin in this environment as it gives people exposure to the price only (and therefor the gains and losses) without actually having to own bitcoin. That will slow the rise in the growth of bitcoin. He said you can't actually stop these kind of things as it's a freedom of contract.

There's also some good discussion on Steemit and the spike in SBD too. Dan actually says that the SBD is just another fixed supplied currency in the open market, it's just one that happens to have somewhat of a floor. It wasn't really sold as having an upper limit.

Token holders are reminded to register their EOS tokens by June 2018. All this registration is comprised of is mapping your Ethereum address to a public key. eos.io and steemit contain instructions for performing this registration.

Thanks for reading and please support WAM as the original content producer.


I have been following EOS for awhile, I think it has potential to set itself apart from the rest... now reading this and watching the video, I beleive it will.

Just the kind of rejuvenation of support I was hoping for with my post. Great to hear @vinmaru!

You can’t control what happens to you, but you can control the way you think about all the events

To some extent yes. I'm still some way away from monk status so I do still get impacted by the world around me but you're right in that we can try to react maturely and in a controlled manner to whatever comes. Thanks!

This sounds awesome and very insightful. I do think transparency is a key goal. I don't know how, but all this currently about secret keys and nothing linked to your identity, there is something problematic about it. Also, yes, the main issue I have with libertarian thought is that somehow the government should just kinda go away. That is naive and dangerous. We have to make the government progressive as wildly and incredibly difficult that sounds in so many dark times. peace!

Some great conclusions and contributions there @clumsysilverdad. Thank you. I admit that when I first heard the concept of openness it went against the grain of how I'd viewed the fight for freedom but after playing with the concept in my mind for a moment it crystallized as quite a viable option.

The future is fascinating not just because of the tech but the way it requires challenging preconceived ideas. I blogged about that when visiting a Tesla showroom recently. I enjoyed questioning a number of fundamentals I just held as gospel because all I've known is internal combustion engine vehicles. Rewiring the brain is so interesting, wouldn't you say?

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GREAT EOS!! I love EOS and hold a lot of it. I believe the 10X increase is coming in the next year.

There's been a lot of chatter about it being a 10 bagger. It may become self fulfilling! Thanks 😊

Just found Josh’s video today and always have time to listen to Dan speak. I’m a massive fan of EOS and what they’re trying to do with it. The potential is insane.

...just annoyed I didn’t have the balls to scoop any up on that drop.

Ah yes, the drop. Volatility like that seems so divorced from the fundamental features and functions of the platform. Dan's quite articulate and enjoyable to listen to. He's appraring at Anarchapulco in feb too.

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