EOS ICO Step by Step guide - beginner

in #eos8 years ago

Chrome + MetaMask way

This is the easy beginner way to participating in the test ICO. All you need to have installed is Google Chrome and the MetaMask plugin: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/metamask/nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn?hl=en
After you install MetaMask you will be asked to accept terms of use and create an account. Make sure to save your 12 words somewhere safe so you can recover the account if you ever switch computers.

At this point you will have MetaMask installed but you are connected to the Main Ethereum Net. To participate to the test ICO you will need to be on Kovan Net (and switch back to Main for the real deal!). Click top left of the plugin and select Kovan Test Network.

You probably have an address with 0 KETH (Kovan ETH) right now so you need to get some KETH. You can get them by going here and requesting some with your address: https://gitter.im/kovan-testnet/faucet. If for some reason you can’t do that leave your address in the comments and I will try to help you out with a little bit.

After you get your KETH you want to go to this URL: https://eosio.github.io/eos-token-sale/ to take part in the test ICO. Now with my experience with this so far the page will be stuck at loading… for a long time. I usually just wait for a bit and the page eventually loads. Sometimes if I lose my patience I will refresh it a couple of times. Let me know what happens to you guys please. I’ve tried on multiple computers and have the same issue.

When the page eventually loads it will look like this:

You should then click on Buy EOS tokens and select a window. Currently only the current window will work. You can’t select future windows but you can select a previous window and get a nice error:) After you select your window just put some ETH in there and click send ETH. MetaMask will show a popup asking you to confirm the transaction. The page should update with your contribution.

All you have left to do is Generate EOS key. Confirm the private key and SAVE IT! This is your way to access the EOS tokens after EOS blockchain goes live. IF YOU LOSE THIS YOU LOSE IT ALL!

This is all you need to do. It will be the same when the actual ICO goes live. In the next post I will show you how to do this using MyEtherWallet. Stay tuned!

If you are a developer and plan to get into EOS hit me up to exchange ideas and opinions. I am Andrei Nadejde (@93773717 (Andrei)) on Telegram and @nadejde on slack.

See you on the flipside!


Thank you for taking the time to explain this proces. It seems rather difficult but manageable if you want to have some EOS as a lot of people here do, including myself. Have fun out there and good luck with your future posts!

This is awesome, thank you very much for this detailed and well written post, it helped me a lot.

You're welcome

well, good to see it seems I've done everything correctly, but still waiting for bhok to send me some KETH since last night!

I can send 0.5 KETH your way if you need. Don't have alot left myself:)

Thanks @nadejde, turns out I was just sent 4 keth by bhok after all! So I guess I was doing it correctly the first time around. They must have just run out of keth temporarily or something! Now that we know how to do it, I think we also ask for more every 24 hours as well.

thanks, but it looks like, this is no longer work under "Kovan Test Net" and I would like to test it first.

Yeah, the same for me. Looks like the test ico has ended :( I also wanted to try it..

:( thanks anyway

I have now tried it :) Thanks for the KETHs! I'll practice more and experiment more until the test ends. I'll give back what's left.

Thanks for the great post. A quick question about getting KETH. I sent a request at the Kovan Testnet and haven't found a response so far. Could you share some with me please? Thanks

I need your address and I can send one over.

Hi. I got a response and they sent me some. Thank you very much!

No luck getting KETH so far. Can you send me some? Thanks!


Sent one your way

Hi please send some KETH so I can test EOS: 0x5defB5eBBBD6c971395b96628611e37FD8b2b5B2

It looks like the site does not work. Am I alone there?

test has ended:) It will work in 2 days when the actual sale is live.

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