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RE: Edited

in #eos8 years ago (edited)

I'm not flagging indiscriminately. I gave it solid thought prior to flagging it. I rarely use the feature, but when I do, it is for a reason, this reason being "disagreement on rewards." I do not believe that a portion of the rewards pool deserves to be given to someone perpetuating fabricated FUD.

He's blatantly stating this as fact on here and on telegram, repeatedly. I'm asking for information to back up his pretty serious claims if you read our thread, and he will not supply them (because he can't, because that information doesn't exist). He's making serious claims and refuses/cannot back them up. That isn't cool. That's detrimental to the community, and community is what this is all about.

Read the rest of his posts, apparently alt coins are scams/ponzi schemes, again purported as fact. I do not like or respect disinformation, especially negative disinformation about good things.

I do not flag often whatsoever, but when I do, it's to fight the good fight, the one against FUD and disinformation.


Dan has confirmed. - the EOS parent company has 100 shareholders from across the industry has 100 shareholders from across the industry.

This is a massive project, people are going to fund it. World class, innovative, putting-rainman-to-shame, low level software developers developing the most ambitious blockchain the world has ever seen is not going to come at a $0 price tag.

I was not disputing THAT, I'm arguing against the arrogant attitude that is painting this as some secret, sinister plot, poised to scam Earth. That's complete bullshit and gets no respect from me. You two are obviously quite new to this space and don't know much about team(s) behind this and previous projects, but they're straight up legendary people. Pretending like you "onto someone," when you have none of the information that you claim to have makes you a bullshit artist, a liar, and a negative nancy.

"Now they announced an ICO for the general public, but the truth is, those shareholders are dumping their EOS stake in exchange of ETH !"

"If you invest now in EOS you are just paying those investors, you are not paying for innovation. Your money will not help the world, it will go into the first shareholder pockets."

"How annoying is it in fact that I uncovered the unmarketed truth. The upcoming EOS "ICO" its a shareholder dump who hope to make 100 times their initial investment.

Also the company is registered in Cayman Islands... not the best location in the world to send any money to and to register a tech company."

This guy sucks and I think he's a downer for the community. He's obviously quite the narcissist as he clearly thinks he has it all figured out. OH MAN! THE CAYMAN ISLANDS, SCAAAM!!! Someone doesn't understand legal implications and the very much "grey," area that the cryptocurrency space lives in . . .

But yeah, my disagreement with with negative misinformation about an amazing project spewing from the mouth of a narcissist.

I agree with you for the most part. I am not so quick to praise EOS but I support your rationale.

You two are obviously quite new to this space and don't know much about team(s) behind this and previous projects, but they're straight up legendary people.

Well we are all new to this space but I've been involved with blockchain since the beginning. I was there on Bitcointalk for every early BTS thread. I know the players in this space quite well.

There is nothing wrong with some pessimism here once and a while; everyone here is full of optimism, optimism can be blinding and I welcome pessimism and criticism - even if some of it might be too much, sure helps to balance.

When billions are on the line, criticism is well warranted. Just point out your corrections in the comments - they can't censor those on steem.

Well we are all new to this space but I've been involved with blockchain since the beginning. I was there on Bitcointalk for every early BTS thread. I know the players in this space quite well.

This differs MASSIVELY from bitcoin. If you've followed the space as it has evolved FROM bitcoin as I have, you could clearly see why trying to damn this project is an absolute travesty. Criticism is always welcome, yes, it's how things progress. But nothing leaves a worse taste in my mouth than ignorant-born criticism, negative-nancying, and grandstanding coming from the mouth of someone who clearly isn't understanding the scenario.

When billions are on the line, criticism is well warranted. Just point out your corrections in the comments - they can't censor those on steem.

When billions are on the line that are supplied by willing participants that will most certainly multiply their investment massively for creating something that's going to transact multiple billions/trillions a day that requires the most brilliant minds on earth to dedicate themselves wholly to it, so they can literally drop it on Earth as a gift to humanity, I have NO qualms.

I think it would be healthy to get more in tune with a project, its implications on the current state of technology, its impact on society and poverty as well has the internet as we currently know it. Damning ambitious, ultimately selfless revolutionary projects like this is shitty and like I was saying, have no respect for those who damn it without understanding it.

I know it differs from Bitcoin lol. I have followed this space as it has evolved from Bitcoin's shortcomings. Just because I don't see everything through your eyes doesn't mean my point is invalid or that I don't understand the history.

something that's going to transact multiple billions/trillions a day that requires the most brilliant minds on earth to dedicate themselves wholly to it, so they can literally drop it on Earth as a gift to humanity,

Well when that happens I'll be stoked.

I have read everything officially released from EOS.IO as well as synthesized this with my deep understanding of blockchain and consensus. I am well aware of the implications. Your responses paint the picture that "I just don't understand what they are trying to accomplish", I do. EOS makes bold claims and right now, there is not much to back any of them up. I can't wait to hear more about how they are designing this protocol.

I've followed this space and have remained actively involved in it since Bitcoin was an idea. I've specifically followed graphene projects and have been involved since around 2014. Again, I'm simply stating that this guy painting EOS as if it's some long-con that is out to hurt investors is about the dumbest thing that you can possibly claim. If you knew Dan decently and his motivations, I'm sure you could see where I'm coming from.

Sure, you have your own ideas or opinions and you're entitled to them, but that doesn't necessarily make them correct. I'm interested in facts, not negative-powered opinions from FUD spreaders that like to cry wolf with information that they do not have.

Again, talk to Dan. Ask him questions, he will reply. This is what I've been doing for a very long time. Information and answers are out there and you can get it all. You also have to understand that making this happen does not come at a cheap price. Investors are investors for a reason, they want a return and they're certainly entitled to it in my opinion. I think that this will be a safe thing to invest in. The goal of this ICO is not "make as much money as humanly possible," as most ICOs are. The goal is fair and even token distribution, and to me, that's admirable. Quantifying the human trait of "do you deserve this or not," is damn near impossible to assess, but it's a question that they're trying to answer to the best of their ability. They're doing about the best job possible to ensure fairness of distribution. If you think that you have a better solution, I'd like to hear it and I'm sure Dan would as well.

What were you up to in 2008?

I totally see where your coming from about Dan.

Not going to disagree with your last points. Although I enjoy some aspects of this sale there are some things that worry me - mostly the first 5 days. Whatever. Will be interesting.

In '08 (and since about 98/99), I was actively participating in distributed computing projects. I burnt up several computers playing in that scene haha. From there, ideas of decentralization were born, and naturally, the idea of decentralized, distributed economies went hand-in-hand. Paid to be a nerd. I remember passing around massive amounts of BTC as if it were a toy, because at that point in time, it very much WAS a toy. It held no value. It was just an idea and we had no idea what the future had in store for it. It's one of the most disgusting memories I have haha, hindsight can be one huge son of a bitch sometimes.

The distribution plan is very much up in the air at the moment. They're being open to alternate methods as well as tweaks to the current plan. If you have ideas, go weigh them in in the chat! It's the "first draft," which I'm assuming means that there will be more iterations of the plan.

You have every right to flag due to reward disagreement.

For sure, which is why I did. I don't enjoy it, but I'll do it when I feel as though it's merited.

Don't let anyone bust your balls for a flag.

I don't/won't, but I do like to always explain why I do it transparently. I think that this is my second total flag that wasn't outright plagiarism.

I absolutely admire your transparency.

Thanks. I try to keep it real.


Your counterarguments speak for themselves, and people will draw their own conclusions. I see no need to add a flag to your arguments, they do very well on their own.

I tried inquiring for information to support his claims, he refused over and over to deliver. To me, it's fairly obvious as to why that is the case; it's FUD.

Like I was saying, I do not think that a portion of the rewards pool belongs in the hands of someone spreading blatantly false information as if it were factual. Those rewards are better allocated elsewhere.

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