EOSIO Weekly BP & Chill Origins

in #eos4 years ago

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First of all, a very special thanks to all those who have been joining us live and sharing our content with the world. We just love going LIVE every day with you all.

There will be times however, that living requires our ‘live’ to be slightly tailored to the situation at hand. Although Corey & Jimmy D are on opposite sides of the planet separated by a vast continent on one side, and a vast ocean on the other, one of the most amazing things about the whole EOSIO community is the sheer geographical scape it’s members are dispersed. Don’t buy the FUD, for even on the main chain only occupied by 21, there are hundreds in the race busy working, developing, and bringing their strengths to the table to try to both improve the capacity of that which they believe and their official rankings. And that doesn’t even count all the others on the whole squadron of EOSIO chains.

With that in mind then we thought we would take this opportunity for our second BP&Chill to just sit down like in the old days and have a nice leisurely chat about our intentions for the future of our weekly Monday BP&Chill episodes. So that is exactly what we are going to do, and all from a virtual canoe (well, a rowboat actually, but there is no denying how much more interesting things become due to rhyming!)

So tune in for the live version on Thursday January 21st, 2021 at 9AM EST as a prequel to this week’s EOSIO Weekly Update or catch the playback on the regular BP&Chill day on Monday. Either way, looking forward to all we will uncover – and yes – that was far more than a mere double entendre ;D

EOSIO Weekly is a series co-hosted by Corey Cottrell and Jimmy D in an effort to bring together the community and what is happening beneath the surface of all things EOSIO.

Everyday from Monday to Friday the show will air live at 9:00 am EST and focus on a different topic daily. Each episode will also feature a special guest from within the EOSIO or broader blockchain and crypto community to discuss a variety of both personal and general topics.

Tune in live or catch the replay every day to

BP & Chill on Monday’s,
Tech Talk on a Tuesday,
Media Moguls on Wednesdays,
EOSIO Weekly Update on Thursday, and
NFT Game Day on Friday.

Catch all our past Weekly Update posts & Weekly Round Up’s featuring the past week’s videos at https://kansaikrypto.medium.com/ and don’t forget to like and subscribe to our official channels below to be sure and not miss any future beats

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpWtxCu4qGyVU0PMkq-9P8g
EOSIO Weekly Chirp Channel: https://chirp.la/channels/EOSIOweekly
Jimmy D Twitter: https://twitter.com/kansai_krypto
Corey Cottrell Twitter: https://twitter.com/coreycottrell
ChirpCast YouTube (for past episodes & more): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB_pSKnJaY8xnnN3phQzU5w

As we mostly do this to aid in our own understanding and passions in our free time, we do entertain those who might like to sponsor us for future episodes. However we will stress that we don’t just grab money from anyone – so if you think that you might have something we would be down with sharing with our audience, please do reach out to us at [email protected]

Finally, should you have liked what you found here and would like to show your appreciation, feel free to send us a donation to help us better fund this mission of ours to better connect and engage the projects with the people of EOSIO by dropping a donation to our dedicated operations accounts.

WAX & WAX based NFT’s: 5ssqy.wam
EOS & EOS based tokens: eosioweeklye
Telos: eosioweeklyt

Until next time then, do keep it real and happy trails skipping down the blockchain road to new and exciting future destinations ;D