
Even without any evidence or proof this could make perfect sense to me.

Let's face the facts:

  • There is no cap on capital which will be collected over the whole ICO period
  • The team behind EOS perfectly knows how hyped this project already is and therefore huge capital gains can be made
  • Gnosis ICO already thought us, how irrational the market is - so the market will invest whatever the ICO terms are

If you sum it up, you don't have to be a oracle to forsee that more money will be put into the ICO that could ever be needed to create, improve and maintaince a platform like EOS. Even getting hundrets of hardcore software developer for years will only a fraction from the money, which will be collected.

I'am perfectly fine that the team and early investors behind EOS should be compensated with the risk they took for the project early on - but with an uncapped ICO like this and an unrational market we have - it won't be a good deal.

As much i like to invest into this tech - my guts tell me "leave it boy"!

I also described similar concerns in my blogpost:


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