SimplEOS new release: now with Stake/Unstaking!
We just released version 0.5.3 of SimplEOS for MacOS, Windows and Linux!
Version 0.5.3 has the following features:
- Stake/unstake action - (un)delegatebw
- Update notifications
- Improved chain connectivity
- eosjs update to v15.0.0
- Added full on-chain action history
- Minor fixes and improvments
+ all previous features (transfer tokens, contacts lists, voting...)
Staking / unstaking function can be seen on the VOTE page:
Just drag the slider left to set the amount you want to remain staked, all the rest will unstake. Then press set stake and confirm with your password.
After that, the amount and time left to unstake your tokens can be seen in the SEND page:
Next priorities on the roadmap 👍
- New account creation
- Airdrops support (see balance and perform transactions)
Quick recap...
What is SimplEOS ?
SimplEOS is a wallet made solely for the EOS ecosystem, aiming to be fully integrated with all features available in the EOS.IO software.
SimplEOS is a desktop app, oriented for users that aren't comfortable using their private keys on web browser applications. All your information is stored locally only on your pc, we don't keep any of your information. Your private key is encrypted at all times on the app.
Our code is open on Github to be audited by the community.
The newest release can always be found on Github:
- .exe for Windows
- .dmg for MacOS
- .AppImage for Linux
You also can Download SimplEOS from our website:
** Only download SimplEOS from EOS Rio's Website or Github. Avoid scams, do not trust any other source.
Help us continue funding this project by voting for us as Block Producers :)
Any doubts or issues please contact us at our telegram group

Website -
[email protected]
@eosrio great wallet! you guys have my vote :)
a couple issues:
"Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, rename.."
and another error when i exit:
"Error: No valid update available, cant quit and install..."
any solutions? (i have most updated wallet)
some suggestions
Please include the Version somewhere on the wallet so i know if my version is up to date (or an auto-updater?)
when should we start seeing the airdrops on our side bar? or is that upcoming?
Hi @fem-of-war yeah, we just noticed the auto-update is not working well on windows :/ your OS is windows, right ? This is just a minor issue, but we understand that it is not very nice to receive error messages, we apologize for that and are trying to fix it the best we can.
that being said, the new release 0.5.5 is out today \o/ You can download it from our github or website, just download it, install and it will update your current version. It has the version inside as you suggested and it already displays the first airdrop on the EOS mainnet, it was ADD token.
Thank you :)
@eosrio i just noticed this (on version 5.7) there is no way to send my airdrop tokens to someone if i wanted to? Is there plans to allow for transfers of non-EOS coins? Like eosDAC, etc
Yeah, you can't yet! We are working on that! Next releases for sure ;)
ohh ok thanks! yeah i had 5.4.... going to update now!
Great work, the addition of displaying the time left until unstaked tokens hit home is a much needed feature.
Thanks @aclarkuk82, we remember you had requested this feature in the last post :) Thanks for your support!!
legends, thanks for listening
I love SimplEOS because it's user friendly oriented. Many people will love the design. Congrat!
Absolutely underrated wallet so far. I hope this will change once more BPs / Block.One audit and verify it!
Great wallet, worked like a charm!
Do I have to stake all my EOS in order to receive Airdrops? The more I stake the more I get? Is that correct?
Airdrop rules are not fixed, this may vary from case to case. Please check with each token that you want to receive.
ill use this wallet then :) did you find an answer to your question?
Quick Question Team!
First off thanks for all that you do.. Love the new update (6.1)
Do you think you will implement a way for us to buy RAM via the wallet?
Thank you. Yes! That is already being implemented! :D
@eosrio Thank you so much guys! Can't thank you enough for creating this wallet. You have saved many of my non technical friends who love EOS! Best of luck on everything you do. Go EOSRIO!
Linux version not work
Error: Cannot find module '/tmp/.mount_simple2bvO4E/resources/electron.asar/browser/init.js'
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:543:15)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:473:25)
at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:683:10)
at startup (bootstrap_node.js:196:16)
at bootstrap_node.js:622:3
This should be fixed now, try 0.6.2-1
Love having a super sleek AI and easy to use/vote/stake wallet. THANK YOU!
I just made an account but now I can't vote as it says my password is wrong. I just made it, it's not wrong. What do I do?
Please contact us on telegram at for support
hi, I tried the unstake function, and after entering password and clicking the confirm, it's doing nothing for few hours now. What should i do?