EOSphere Voting Guide and Fellow Block Producer Recommendations
We are into the third day of EOS Mainnet voting and token holder vote participation is slowly increasing, looking at the current statistics we are nearly half way with over 6%.. meaning we still over 8% away of having the chain accepted by the community and unlocking the full power of EOS!
It goes without saying… The EOS Mainnet needs your vote!
We have created a voting portal that uses scatter for interaction with the EOS Mainnet so your private keys are never stored on our servers or sent across the internet, checkout our EOS Voter site here and watch the instructional video for a simple procedure on how to vote.
In a telegram channel yesterday, CTO of block.one Daniel Larimar suggested the Block Producer candidates provide a write up on their Top 30 Vote Recommendations to the token holder community. Dan rightly stated that we as Block Producer Candidates are in the best position to evaluate each other.
This evaluation would be to inspire confidence to vote for the recognised reliable block producers as the EOSphere team has been working with the global candidate community for the last 6 months and know them quite well; as well as take some of the guess work out of who is proficient in which area and who has executed on what initiative that has been positive for the EOS platform.
This article aims to take the guess work out of who to vote for and to inspire you as a token holder to vote.
Before we go through the EOSphere vote recommendations, I think we should highlight some of the key criteria that a recommended Block Producer Candidate should be measured against in our opinion:
- Geographical Diversity – Location and Socioeconomic Diversity
- Technical Proficiency – Ability to run and manage appropriate infrastructure
- EOS Community Initiatives – Giving back to the EOS community
- Strategy and intention to grow EOS Platform adoption – Adoption = Growth
- Values, Principles and Code of Conduct that will be applied in EOS Governance
- Ability to Execute
On a side note, there are many excellent vote deserving candidates from all over the globe rallying for a position at the moment, but obviously we don’t know all of them.. this list is made up of teams that we as EOSphere have worked with and can recommend based on our criteria above.
We couldn’t start this list off without recommending our ourselves. EOSphere are an Australian based EOS Block Producer Candidate, although we are based in Australia we aim to be effective custodians of the global EOS Community and Mainnet.
Other than Technically and Service Delivery proficient in order to provide enterprise class block production and governance, we believe strongly in creating a Positive Feedback Loop meaning we will reinvest block producer rewards into initiatives to grow the EOS Ecosystem and Platform adoption.
You can view our video of how we would conduct ourselves as an elected block producer here
You can also read about our past journey and future roadmap for all initiatives including our partnership with the RMIT Blockchain Innovation Hub and Blockchain Centre here
EOSphere - eosphereiobp “Enterprise Class Block Production and Governance Serving the Entire EOSphere”
GenerEOS - aus1genereos “The Future of Giving”
EOS Asia - eosasia11111 “We will bring world-class technical expertise and international representation”
EOS Cannon - eoscannonchn “Make EOS Better”
EOS Gravity - eosisgravity “Through Block, Through Gravity”
EOS Node One - eosnodeonebp “Positive Sum World for All”
EOS Union - eosunion1111 “Make EOS Great, Make Yourself Great”
EOS WTZ - eoswtzeoswtz “EOS, building blocks to the future”
EOSeoul - eoseouldotio “EOS Mechanic”
EOSIO.SG - eosiosg11111 “Build a better world on EOS”
EOSYS - eosyskoreabp “Vitalizing the EOS Ecosystem”
HelloEOS - helloeoscnbp “Embrace the Dawn”
HKEOS - hkeoshkeosbp “Hong Kong based EOS block producer candidate and the first DApps incubator”
Jeda - jedaaaaaaaaa “Challenge impossible with EOS”
Meet.One - eosiomeetone “The Portal to EOS Ecology”
ONO - eosonoeosono “In A Good Way”
Oracle Chain - oraclegogogo “Link Data Link World”
EOS Nairobi - eosnairobike “Building solutions for Africa using the EOS Blockchain”
Crypto Lions - cryptolions1 “based in Ukraine – Jungle Testnet”
EOS Authority - eosauthority “EOS Authority will deal professionally with technical matters or issues of arbitration & governance”
EOS Dublin - eosdublinwow “EOS Dublin are ready to serve as the Irish BP at Launch”
EOS42 - eos42freedom “Empowering the Community”
eos sw/eden - eosswedenorg “Building a Better World Together”
South America
EOS Argentina - argentinaeos “We are EOS Argentina”
EOS Rio - eosriobrazil “build a reliable Block Producer infrastructure and grow the EOS community in Brazil and South America”
North America
Aloha EOS - alohaeosprod “Bridging North America to all points West”
Blockgenic - blockgenicbp “Global Reach”
Blocksmith - blocksmithio “Forging the Future”
Cypherglass - cypherglasss “The Premier US-Based EOS Block Producer”
EOS Café - eoscafeblock “We are a global EOS community - changing the world one coffee at a time”
EOS Canada - eoscanadacom “Leading Block Producer Candidate”
EOS Nation - eosnationftw “Building Our Future One Block at a Time”
EOS New York - eosnewyorkio “Everything a Block Away”
EOS Silicon Valley - eossv12eossv “Making decentralization universally accessible”
EOS Tribe - eostribeprod “The Building Blocks or a Decentralized Future”
*Please note these candidates are listed in Alphabetical order by region
Hopefully this list helps direct you in your choice of the numerous candidates currently rallying for your vote and if you are not on this list and think you should be reach out or tell us in the comments below.
Now get voting, the acceptance and strength of the EOS Mainnet needs your support!
EOSphere EOS Voter Portal : http://eosvoter.eosphere.io/
EOSphere are a passionate group of EOS enthusiasts and data centre professionals campaigning for election as founding block producers for the EOS mainnet launch.
Based in Australia, EOSphere are focussed on bootstrapping the EOS community and serving the entire EOSphere through provision of infrastructure, governance and community benefit initiatives.
Awesome suggestion from Dan! Thank's for the trusted list of BP's and voting portal EOSphere.
Thanks for sharing. That's a good list.