EOS Telegram Summary 4/6/18 - Hong Kong Announcements
Early in the morning DST (Dan Standard Time, aka EST), EOS general chat continued its celebration of the Dawn 3.0 release:
Block.one CEO Brendan Blumer explained more about inter-blockchain communication in EOSIO:
Further clarification:
One token to rule them all:
On the importance of helping everyone understand EOSIO:
VC contributions:
More on inter-blockchain communication and how it could work with one token:
And then the event in Hong Kong began:
Attendees posted pictures for EOS general chat:
Ian Grigg with block.one did his presentation:
And then another presenter came on:
Mighty mod Sandwich confirmed:
Defended by the CTO:
Backed by the community:
Dan hammed it up:
Big announcement:
CEO support:
EOSIO Hackathon announcement:
More about the $200 million VC announcement:
Some presentation feedback from the community:
Dan on scalability:
The block.one CEO is listening:
New meetup announcement in London:
Over in EOS Developers, Dan answered questions:
In EOS Opportunities, some consternation about the location-specific hackathon by block.one, and an idea to launch a global community effort:
And in BlockPros, the movement gained traction:
Who are we?
EOS Go is the first source for EOS.
Software company block.one is creating EOS.IO and releasing it as open source code; thousands of individuals will need to come together to bring this new "internet of value" to life. EOS Go is uniting the community for a stronger EOS.
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Dawn 3.0 is great news and great avancement!! i watch in live HK meetup on youtube !! i ressteem to french community!!