EOS Telegram Summary 3/12/18 - Dan Larimer is Back

Dan was back today in EOS general chat, a welcome change of events from those who'd begun to assume he wouldn't be around as much anymore. He answered questions in perhaps his longest Q&A yet and dropped a couple big news events.
Know Your Customer (KYC):
Dapps built on chain vs. off chain:
Always register your own tokens, even though Binance said they will help:
Accounts vs. wallets:
EOS storage ETA:
Designing for EOS:
Learning from Dan's old work (three blog links: GitHub (oldest) - @dantheman on Steem (middle) - @dan on Steem (newest)):
Addressing rumors about "pre-mine" and other negativity:
Dan's latest work in relation to his old:
Block producer bad actors and how to stop them:
Confidential data in EOS:
Surprise visit from Brendan Blumer, block.one CEO, to discuss current events:
Spam flooding other networks is capped in EOS with the % ownership model:
And the BIGGEST news from Dan, though it was technically from March 13, not the 12th:
Who are we?
EOS Go is the first source for EOS.
Software company block.one is creating EOS.IO and releasing it as open source code; thousands of individuals will need to come together to bring this new "internet of value" to life.
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We defo like to more about the rational behind the 6 months to 3 days change.
So much news!
Thanks for the update
Good news!!
Thanks - upped and resteemed!
good news, because today is very eos important for technological progress.
Love when Dan jumps on Telegram, always exciting. Thank you for making these daily updates for us.
Thank you. There is so much information out there. This helps me stay updated. Thanks!
I wonder what D Larmier IQ is? Dude is 10 levels above everyone all the time. Humbling just to read his posts.
Does anyone know why the change in EOS lockup from 6 months to 3 days? The change is quite drastic!
I like the challenge between John Oliver and EOS :)
When he said, "I could be wrong, but I'm not", I thought, well, let's review that in a couple of years... ;)