EOS Alliance Launches With The Mandate to “Empower EOS For All”(为全体EOS持有者赋权——EOS基金会正式成立)

in #eos6 years ago






初始董事会成员包括了Brock Pierce,Bancor和LiquidEOS联合创始人Galia Benartzi,以及白金音乐艺术家AKON等在EOS社区中极具影响力的人物







  • 促进多种语言社区的对话(最初是英语、韩语和中文),围绕关键的生态系统问题、争论和发展问题开展教育。
  • 根据EOS基金会的章程(现在正在起草),避免EOS基金会在治理结构中获得任何行政权力。
  • 促进讨论并帮助工作组提出明确的建议。





  1. 一个为Lightning Clearwater III保留的临时特殊任命席,他同时担任基金会总法律顾问;
  2. Brock Pierce,EOS持有人,曾任Block.one战略顾问;
  3. Galia Benartzi,Bancor和LiquidEOS的联合创始人;
  4. Peter Li,EOS Gravity社区领袖、节点创始人;
  5. Hai Feng ,来自EOS Store节点;
  6. Nix Nolledo,菲律宾亿万富翁,区块链创业公司ODX的创始人;
  7. AKON,白金音乐艺术家,区块链爱好者。


最初的工作人员包括:临时执行董事Thomas Cox,他是前Block.one产品副总裁(负责EOS治理机制的工作);副执行董事Myra Wang(Dan Wang),她曾为具有影响力的华人社区EOS Gravity工作;负责社区通讯的董事Kevin Wilcox,他是EOSgo的联合创始人。






  • 争议解决和仲裁
  • 社区通讯
  • 代码管理(GitHub)
  • 交易所
  • 公约的起草和采用
    • 使命:策划一个开放性的公约起草过程,以确保社区广泛参与到公约的起草、讨论、修改和出版中来,至少准备两份公约草案,供公民投票审议。
    • 小组打算每周举办英文、中文和韩文视频工作会议(最初阶段)以获取反馈意见。 根据EOS基金会工作组的所有章程,整个基金会都被要求要以包容和透明的方式运作。



Kevin Wilcox
[email protected]





EOS Cannon支持EOS基金会的成立。这是一个类似于其他区块链基金会的非盈利性组织,目标成为整个EOS社区的沟通和协调中心。


  1. EOS中的争议解决与仲裁
  2. EOS 主网代码库管理
  3. EOS主网同其他链的交互
  4. EOS治理文件,例如能获得通过的公约

EOS基金会将是EOS社区的一种表现形式,除非通证持有者授予,否则它不具备任何权力。 EOS基金会的管理委员会将以自然年为伊始开始任命,并逐步由通证持有人所选举出的董事会成员所替代。临时执行董事计划为EOS社区负责人以及StrongBlock资深产品副总裁Thomas Cox。


EOS Alliance Launches With The Mandate to “Empower EOS For All”

Initial Board Members Include Prominent EOS Influencers Brock Pierce, Bancor and LiquidEOS Co-Founder Galia Benartzi, and Multi-Platinum Music Artist AKON

HONG KONG, CHINA — August 18, 2018 — A global group of EOS blockchain community members and Block Producers today unveiled EOS Alliance. This new coordinating group will further unlock the full potential of EOS, the world’s fastest governed blockchain, by providing a platform for collaborative, transparent decision-making and information-sharing within the EOS community.

EOS Alliance, established as a nonprofit entity, will serve the EOS community by streamlining and facilitating communication and education that affects EOS token holders, Block Producers, application creators and other stakeholders.

The move was endorsed by dozens of influential stakeholders in the distributed EOS community, including over three dozen EOS Block Producers.

EOS Alliance Mandate

The EOS Alliance will serve under its guiding vision of Empowering EOS For All to curate and coordinate various existing efforts within the EOS community. The Alliance will:

  • Facilitate multi-language conversations (initially in English, Korean and Chinese) and education around key ecosystem issues, debates and developments.
  • Refrain, in accordance with its bylaws (now being drafted), from gaining any executive power within EOS governance structures.
  • Facilitate discussion and help workgroups make clear recommendations.

As its first act, the EOS Alliance has already begun forming a series of working groups with diverse community participation to inform and advise on the ecosystem’s most challenging topics.

EOS Alliance Leadership

The EOS Alliance will launch initially with a seven (7) member Board, expanding as needed in a process currently under draft.

Within 12 months, the EOS Alliance intends to have a fully elected board, to include members of diverse backgrounds and geographic regions, representing a variety of EOS community stakeholders and perspectives.

The initial board members are expected to be:

  1. A seat reserved for special appointment, held in the interim by Lightning Clearwater III, also serving as the Alliance’s General Counsel
  2. Brock Pierce, Chairman of the Bitcoin Foundation and former partner at Block.one
  3. Galia Benartzi, Co-founder of Bancor and LiquidEOS
  4. Peter Li, founder of EOS Gravity, a community leader and Block Producer
  5. Hai Feng, of EOS Store, an EOS Block Producer
  6. Nix Nolledo, Philippine Technology Entrepreneur, founder of Blockchain Startup ODX
  7. AKON, multi-platinum music artist and blockchain enthusiast

In addition, two observer seats have been established for representatives to be selected by the paid Block Producers via a mechanism to be decided by them.

Staff initially will include interim Executive Director Thomas Cox, former Block.one VP of Product (where he led the work on EOS’s governance mechanisms), Deputy Executive Director Myra Wang (Dan Wang), formerly of the influential Chinese community EOS Gravity, and Communications Director Kevin Wilcox, co-founder of EOS Go.

The board and staff are in the advanced stages of forming a legal foundation as a nonprofit public benefit entity in an advanced jurisdiction.

EOS Alliance Support and Sustainability

Pledges of funding have been secured for the first 90 days of operation, and board members are tasked with fundraising for the Alliance. Additionally, the Alliance will be funded by private donations, to be made in EOS tokens so all transactions will be public and transparent on the EOS blockchain. In its first six months, the Alliance will create a sustainability plan beginning with donations, events, memberships, content, trainings and more. The EOS Alliance is initially capping its budget at US $1 million per year. All EOS Alliance financial information will be publicly available.

EOS Alliance Working Groups

Initially, working groups will be formed to outline and facilitate conversations on the following topics:

  • Dispute Resolution and Arbitration
  • Communications
  • Code Management (GitHub)
  • Exchanges
  • Constitution Drafting & Adoption
  • Mission: to curate an open process ensuring broad community participation in drafting, discussing, revising, and publishing at least two Constitution drafts for consideration by referendum.
  • This group intends to hold weekly video work sessions in English, Mandarin and Korean (initially) to garner input.

All EOS Alliance working groups will be required by their charters to operate inclusively and transparently.

The EOS Alliance formation is launching with support from over four dozen Block Producers and other entities, including:

For more information and the latest updates, visit us at https://eosalliance.io/, join our Telegram group here and follow us on Twitter.

Kevin Wilcox
[email protected]


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