EOS Launch Guide - EOS Detroit

in #eos7 years ago (edited)

EOS启动指南 - 请在下面查看中文译文


EOSIO is an open source general purpose platform designed by software publishing company Block.One that will serve as the infrastructure for secure data transfer and the next wave of high performance decentralized applications (dApps). Developers can build scalable dApps that have inter-blockchain communication capabilities with zero transaction fees. These dApps will close the gap between blockchain speculation and real life blockchain innovation. Unlike Bitcoin’s Proof of Work (POW) ‘mining’ and Ethereum’s Proof of Stake (PoS), EOS uses a consensus algorithm called Delegated Proof of Stake (DPOS), which is capable of providing blazing fast speeds and scaling to satisfy the throughput needs of enterprise-class applications. EOS represents the dawn of a new internet, an internet that is highly available, trustworthy, decentralized, resistant to censorship, corruption and harmful interference.

“Big businesses that have inventory management, banks that need to manage records, stock exchanges that need to manage trades… they can build all of this on the EOSIO software."

“Blockchains are primarily about building a community, a community of people all around the world who share a common vision for how to make the world a better place.”

– Dan Larimer

Zero Transaction Fees

Unlike other blockchains, decentralized applications that are deployed on the EOS blockchain will have zero transaction fees for users, which arguably makes mainstream adoption significantly more likely to occur. Another blockchain that has no transaction fees is Dan Larimer’s previous project STEEM, which is the most active blockchain in the world.

Human Readable Account Names

EOS uses account names that are readable by humans and stored on the blockchain. This is much more user friendly than a long list of random letters and numbers that other blockchains use for identifiable wallet addresses. Initial account names must be exactly 12 characters, starting with a letter, and can include numbers or hyphens after the first character. Each address in the genesis block will be assigned a random account name.

Name Bidding

For premium account names that are less than 12 characters, there is a name bidding system which will begin 14 days after the launch of the EOS mainnet. The EOS that is used to pay for premium names goes directly into a shared eosio.savings pool used to fund worker proposals.

Hacked Account Recovery

In the event of your EOS account being compromised or hacked, the EOSIO software provides a way to restore your account. Along with approval from your designated account recovery partner, an EOS account owner can use any owner key that has been active within the last 30 days to regain access to their account.

Lost Account Recovery

The EOSIO software also allows users to connect recovery partners (friends or family) to their accounts that will have the ability to update the active authority on the account. The account would need to be inactive for 30 days, as well as go through an additional 7 day delay before this process can occur.


Block.One designed the EOSIO software to provide flexible multisig account management solutions using a system of authorities and permissions. Multisig enables multiple parties to sign off, or approve, an action or transaction that takes place on the blockchain.

Inter-Blockchain Communication

EOS has inter-blockchain capabilities built into it which enable decentralized applications to scale enough to satisfy the throughput needs of enterprise-class applications.

This visual was provided by KOREOS to the EOS community. Thank you KOREOS for allowing EOS Detroit to use this in our Launch Guide!


TaPoS, or Transactions as Proof of Stake, serves as an extra security mechanism to the EOS network by requiring part of the hash of a recent block header to be included in new transactions in order for them to confirm. This enables users to directly verify the blockchain as transactions are happening in real time. Since counterfeit blockchains wouldn’t be able to alter transactions on the legitimate chain, potential bad actors would run into obstacles trying to commit replay attacks.

Ricardian Contracts

One unique feature of EOS is its use of Ricardian Contracts, which are cryptographically signed and verified digital documents written in human readable text which define the terms and conditions of each individual agreement within a contract between two or more parties. By coupling Ricardian Contracts with smart contracts, intention and specifications of each individual smart contract can be expressed, while also remaining uniquely identifiable by its hash with its own cryptographic signature.


The Constitution is a terms of service agreement by which users of the EOS mainnet must agree to a predetermined set of rules and principles, as well as agree to arbitration in the event of a situation that needs dispute resolution. Similar to the launch of the EOSIO software itself, Block.One will also not be enacting the constitution or its related documents (Block Producer Agreement, Arbitration). It is up to the community to collaborate and come to agreement, and approve these documents by vote.

When reading the articles of the constitution, it is important to read the constitution through the lense that off-chain governments do not exist, or at the least, that their rules do not apply. Unlike other forms of governance, EOS is an experiment in voluntary governance, instead of forced governance based on which country you are born.

The Constitution and its related documents are ultimately an attempt to reinforce free-market principles with radical transparency so that members of the EOS community may coexist and transact peacefully.

Amendments to the constitution can be made by voting on the amendment. Amendments must receive at least 10% more Yes than No votes, have at least 15% overall voter participation, maintain the 10% vote discrepancy for at least 30 days within a 120 voting window.

The Constitution and Block Producer Agreement that will be included at launch can be found here.


In the event of a dispute, users can request that a transaction gets reviewed by an arbitrator. Arbitrators will analyze the Ricardian contract and the smart contract, form a decision, and report the resolution to block producers and the EOS Member community. Block producers then have the power to reverse transactions, freeze accounts, or make changes to account code to resolve the dispute at the direction from the arbitrator.

The Arbitration articles referenced in the constitution list a default arbitration forum, but individual dApps may list other arbitration forums that meet the outlined minimum requirements and standards.

Members of the EOS community have the ability, and are encouraged, to resolve disputes through mediation rather than through an arbitrator.

Worker Proposals

EOS has 5% inflation per year of which 1% is awarded to block producers in the form of block rewards and the other 4% is designated to worker proposals that are used to benefit the community as a whole. Anyone can submit a worker proposal to the EOS community, and token holders will be able to cast their votes for whichever worker proposals they feel should receive funding for their particular projects.

Decentralized Autonomous Communities

DAC’s, also known as DAO’s (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations), are organizations that are owned and governed by their members who in turn are incentivized to put forth efforts towards improving that network’s ecosystem. Stakeholders in DAC’s vote on the distribution of reserve funds to pay workers, fund referral programs, and invest in shared infrastructure. This fosters alignment of interest between individuals and companies.

Web Assembly (WASM)

Using Web Assembly on EOS enables performance of 50,000 transactions per second and enables developers to bring their native C/C++/Rust applications to the web directly in their web browser.

This image visualizes the workflow on Web Assembly. More info on Web Assembly on EOS can be found here.


New projects built on EOS aiming to distribute their own native tokens have the ability to “airdrop” them to existing EOS token holders. Airdropping newly created digital assets can potentially be a beneficial way to spread the word about new projects, since EOS token holders would be getting credited with “free” new digital assets just for possessing EOS tokens. Airdrops are an alternative token distribution method to initial coin offerings (ICO), which are often used for many new projects in the cryptocurrency market today.

Bug Bounty Program

Block.One launched a bug bounty program to detect bugs that could cause a crash, privilege escalation, or non deterministic behavior in smart contracts. Skilled third party ethical hackers are financially incentivized $10,000 for every unique bug they find to assist in identifying potential security vulnerabilities in the EOSIO software.

Dan Larimer

Block.One is led by CTO and blockchain legend Dan Larimer, who has an impressive resume designing blockchains with DPOS consensus mechanisms that deliver free market solutions to secure life, liberty, and property. Block.One raised $4 Billion, more than any other initial public offering this year, after a 350 day long token sale which became the longest token distribution in history. Years of experience building applications has given Dan the knowledge to now build a general purpose platform. Dan’s first project, BitShares, is a fully functional decentralized exchange, inspired by the fall of the Mt.Gox exchange. Dan’s second project, STEEM, is a social media platform similar to Reddit that rewards people for sharing and contributing content in the form of blog posts, comments, upvotes, etc.

With so much FUD and speculation in the cryptocurrency market as it exists today, it is easy for the casual cryptocurrency enthusiast to get caught up watching coin prices rather than looking at relevant statistics. One measure of value that is often overlooked by most is blockchain activity (user transactions on each blockchain). This is an important indicator that should be on everyone’s radar. Here are a couple visuals from a tracking website called Blocktivity:

As you can see, STEEM and BitShares have more transactions actually happening on their blockchains than Ethereum and Bitcoin, despite having a significantly smaller market cap. These statistics in all three visuals are from May 21, 2018.

Transition to Mainnet

The ERC-20 EOS token distribution will end on June 1st 2018 at 22:59:59 UTC as EOS transitions from an Ethereum ERC-20 token onto its own EOS mainnet. Per the EOS crowdsale Ethereum smart contract, the ERC-20 tokens will be frozen and become non transferable on the Ethereum blockchain 23 hours after the end of the token distribution. Registration of EOS public keys closes at 21:59 UTC on June 2 2018 and the snapshot can be taken at 22:00 UTC on June 2 2018. If you registered your tokens prior to launch, you will be able to claim your mainnet EOS from the genesis block at any time.

If you did not register your EOS tokens before June 2 2018, then you will need to use the fallback method which simply identifies unregistered Ethereum addresses holding ERC-20 tokens that do not have corresponding EOS public keys mapped to them and more or less converts the Ethereum public key into and EOS public key.

EOS Cafe Calgary built an offline registration fallback that converts your Ethereum private keys to EOS private keys. So if you need to rely on fallback registration, we recommend you use this tool. If you use any other website for fallback registration, please take precaution and beware. Do not fall victim to malicious scammers trying to steal your private keys with fake key converters.

For more information, check out:




Block Producers

Although Block.One is releasing the EOSIO software, they are not launching the EOS network themselves. The design of the distributed consensus mechanisms require the EOSIO software to be community launched, not by a centralized party. EOS Detroit is honored to be participating in the coordinated launch of the EOS network with other block producer candidates from a wide range of geographic locations around the globe.

This image is from EOS Go’s most recent block producer candidate report which shows 177 different BP candidates from 46 unique countries on May 30, 2018.

To become a block producer, you need to be elected by the EOS token holders through a voting process. Responsibilities of these elected delegates are to validate transactions on the blockchain, application development, community outreach and education, and to govern on behalf of token holder consensus. Block Producers earn block rewards as incentivization to operate their organizations. 1% of EOS inflation goes directly to block producers who are earning at least 100 tokens/day in rewards.

The 21 block producer candidates who are earning the most votes will serve as active block producers. Active Block Producers that are voted in by EOS token holders will have special capabilities that enable them to take administrative measures when necessary with a required consensus of 15/21. If a smart contract or application acts unpredictably or consumes more resources than it should, block producers have the power to choose which transactions are included in blocks, freeze accounts if needed, or make changes to account code without having to hard fork the entire blockchain. In taking any such actions, block producers themselves would be accountable to both the constitution, the block producer agreement, and ultimately the EOS stakeholders themselves.

Block producer candidates that are not top 21 vote earners will serve as standby block producers and still earn block rewards, so long as they are meeting the minimum requirements in block rewards (100 tokens/day). Standby block producers are on call and ready to step in if there are ever any issues with active block producers such as going offline or somehow becoming compromised. For more information, check out this video by Thomas Cox about how block producers get paid.


Once at least 15% of EOS tokens are staked and voted with, the chain will be considered valid and normal functions will be activated. Block producers are essentially involved in a continuous never ending global election (every 126 seconds) that enables EOS token holders to govern the blockchain by voting for their favorite BP’s that will fulfill their vision for what the EOS blockchain should serve to become.

Token holders that wish to vote must stake their tokens and can cast votes for up to 30 block producers. When staking, those tokens get locked up until you unstake them. Once you decide to unstake your EOS tokens, there is a 72 hour period of time before those tokens will become available again. Voting power is weighted by the amount of tokens being staked/voted with since they have the most vested interest in the good of the blockchain as well as the direction of the EOS network, meaning whales with large amounts of EOS have more voting power.

Here is a great post by Thomas Cox explaining the rationale for why each account has 30 approval votes for Block Producers (BPs), and here is a video done by Thomas Cox explaining how approval voting works. Votes slowly decay over time to protect the EOS community from “set it and forget it” type voters. This encourages voters to stay informed and active in the voting process.

Proxy Voting

A proxy voter is a person or organization that you allow to vote on your behalf. Proxy voting has its advantages for people who prefer to trust an exchange or some other third party to make voting decisions for them rather than having to research block producers themselves. However, EOS token holders should be aware that proxy voting could potentially be abused if exchanges were to vote on their behalf without the token holders being fully aware of what is happening.

It’s important to remember that when using a centralized exchange, you are trusting the exchange to manage your assets for you and you do not actually have possession of your tokens.

How to Vote

Block.One is releasing a command line tool with the EOSIO software through which token holders can vote. Additionally, EOS Detroit would like to express our support to the EOSPortal project, which will serve as a valuable tool that enables token holders to vote for their favorite block producers. The portal will also allow BP candidates to add attributes to their candidacy such as hardware specifications, scaling plans, moral values, campaign promises, etc. The team behind EOSPortal is incredibly talented and props to them for making it available in time for mainnet launch!

EOS Detroit

Our mission at EOS Detroit is to provide reliable service, expertise, and innovation to the EOS network while leveraging its power for public benefit here in Detroit, and communities around the world. The community-led innovation in Detroit's diverse communities is fertile ground for forging a whole new generation of decentralized applications designed to provide solutions to some of the most pressing challenges humanity faces.

As a block producer candidate for the EOS network, EOS Detroit is committed to representing the best interests of the EOS community. Our works are open source, and our team values information transparency in our day to day operations internally as well as financial transparency in our business, and to the community.

We have invaluable experience deploying block producer nodes on other DPOS blockchains including Bitshares, Steem, and Peerplays. Now we are striving to leverage that knowledge for the good of the EOS ecosystem as a block producer.

We are community leaders and organizers, technologists, futurists, and creative beings.

Vote for EOS Detroit!

Want to Learn More About EOS Detroit?

Want to Learn More About EOS?

  • EOS Go, IMEOS, and KOREOS are impartial third party organizations dedicated to serving and educating the EOS community. We encourage you to check them out.

  • The following Telegram channels are fantastic sources of information with plenty of deep discussion happening daily from block producers, developers, and community leaders. Even Dan Larimer himself gets involved in these Telegram conversations!

  • EOS Gov

  • EOS Block Pros

  • EOS Developers

  • To learn more about who the block producers are, check out the EOS Go Block Producer Portal. EOS Go also has a popular youtube channel, forum, and radio podcast.

  • Block.One built an EOSIO Stack Exchange for Q&A and an EOSIO Developer Portal.

  • If you are looking for an EOS block explorer, use EOS Tracker.



EOSIO是由软件发布公司Block.One设计的一个开源通用平台,它将成为安全数据传输和下一波高性能分散应用程序(dApps)的基础设施。 开发人员可以构建具有区块链间通信功能且交易费用为零的可扩展dApps。 这些dApps将缩小区块链投机与现实生活区块链创新之间的差距。 与比特币的“工作证明” (POW) “采矿”和Ethereum的“交易证明” (PoS)不同,EOS使用一种被称为授权交易证明(DPOS)的协商一致算法,该算法能够提供快速的速度和扩展以满足企业级应用程序的吞吐量需求。 EOS代表着新互联网的黎明,互联网是高度可用、值得信赖、权力下放、抵制审查、腐败和有害干扰的网络。



-Dan Larimer


与其他区块链不同,部署在EOS区块链上的分散式应用程序对用户将收取零交易费,这可以说是使主流采用更有可能发生。 另一个没有交易费用的区块链是Dan Larimer以前的项目STEEM,这是世界上最活跃的区块链。


EOS使用人类可读并存储在区块链上的账户名称。 这比其他区块链用于可识别钱包地址的随机字母和数字的长列表更便于使用。 初始账户名称必须以字母开头,并且可以包含第一个字符后的数字或连字符。 将来,您将能够包含一个周期来创建自己的名称空格。 起源块中的每个地址将被分配一个随机帐户名称。


对于小于12个字符的高级帐户名称,有一个名称竞价系统,该系统将在启动EOS主网后14天开始。 用于支付高级名称的EOS直接进入共享的eosio.savings池,用于为工作人员建议提供资金。


如果您的EOS帐户被盗用或黑客攻击,EOSIO软件提供了还原您的帐户的方法。 在获得您指定的账户恢复合作伙伴的批准后,EOS账户所有者可以使用过去30天内处于活动状态的所有者密钥重新获得对其账户的访问。


EOSIO软件还允许用户将恢复合作伙伴(朋友或家人)与能够更新账户上活动权限的账户连接。 该账户需要在30天内处于闲置状态,并在出现此流程之前再延迟7天。


Block.One设计了EOSIO软件,以使用授权和权限系统提供灵活的多用户帐户管理解决方案。 多签名使多个当事方能够注销或批准在区块链上进行的操作或交易。



此视觉对象由KOREOS提供给EOS社区。 感谢KOREOS允许EOS底特律在我们的发射指南中使用这个!


TaPoS或交易作为交易证明,作为EOS网络的额外安全机制,要求将最近块标头的散列部分包含在新交易记录中以进行确认。 这样,用户可以在实时交易时直接验证区块链。 由于假冒区块链无法改变合法链上的交易,潜在的不良行为人将遇到障碍,试图进行重放攻击。


EOS的一个独特特征是其使用Ricardian合同,该合同是用人工可读文本书写的经过加密签名和验证的数字文档,定义了两个或两个以上当事方之间合同中每个单独协议的条款和条件。 通过将Ricardian合同与智能合约结合起来,可以表达每个智能合约的意图和规格,同时还可以通过带有自身加密签名的哈希来保持唯一的可识别性。


《章程》是一项服务条款协议,根据该协议,EOS主网用户必须商定一套预先确定的规则和原则,并同意在出现需要解决争议的情况时进行仲裁。 与启动EOSIO软件本身类似,Block.One也不会颁布章程或其相关文件(块生产商协议,仲裁)。 应由社区合作并达成一致意见,并以投票方式批准这些文件.

在阅读宪法条款时,重要的是要透过“宪法”的角度,即脱链政府不存在,或至少其规则不适用. 与其他形式的治理不同,环境观测系统是自愿治理的实验,而不是基于您出生的国家的强迫治理。


对宪法的修正可通过对修正案进行表决的方式作出. 修正案必须获得至少10%的多数“是”比“否”选票、至少15%的总选民参与率、在120个投票窗口内保持至少30天的10%选票差异。



如果发生争议,用户可以请求仲裁员对交易进行审查。 仲裁员将分析Ricardian合同和智能合同,做出决定,并报告阻止生产商和EOS成员社区的解决方案。 然后,阻止生产商有权撤销交易、冻结账户或更改账户代码,以按照仲裁员的指示解决争议。




EOS每年有5%的通胀率,其中1%以整块奖励的形式授予区块生产商,其他4%被指定给用于造福整个社区的工人建议。 任何人都可以向EOS社区提交工作人员建议书,代币持有人可以投票支持他们认为应为其特定项目获得资金的工人建议。


发援会(又称DAO(分散自治组织))是由其成员拥有和管理的组织,这些成员反过来受到激励,努力改善该网络的生态系统。 •参与发援会关于分配准备基金以支付工人,资助转介方案和投资于共享基础设施的投票的利益攸关方. 这促进了个人与公司之间利益的协调。



此映像可视化Web程序集上的工作流。 有关EOS的Web装载的更多信息,请参阅此处。


基于EOS构建的新项目旨在分发自己的本地令牌,能够“空放”到现有EOS令牌持有者。 空投新创建的数字资产可能成为传播有关新项目的词汇的有益方式,因为EOS代币持有者将获得“免费” 新的数字资产只是为了拥有EOS代币。 空投是初始硬币发售(ICO)的替代代币发行方法,通常用于当今加密货币市场中的许多新项目。


Block.One启动了一个错误赏金计划,以检测在智能合约中可能导致崩溃、特权升级或非确定性行为的错误。 熟练的第三方道德黑客在财务上被激发$10,000对于他们发现帮助识别EOSIO软件中的潜在安全漏洞的每一个独特的错误。

Dan Larimer

Block.One由CTO和区块链传奇人物Dan Larimer领导,Dan Larimer拥有令人印象深刻的简历,通过DPOS共识机制设计区块链,提供免费的市场解决方案,以保障生命、自由和财产。 Block.One募集了4十亿美元,比今年任何其他初始公开发行,经过了350天的代币销售,成为历史上最长的代币分发。 多年积累的构建应用经验使丹具备了构建通用平台的知识。 丹的第一个项目, BitShares,是一个完全功能分散的交换,灵感来自Mt.Gox的交换. 丹的第二个项目,STEEM,是一个类似于Reddit的社交媒体平台,奖励人们分享和贡献内容的博客文章,评论,投票等形式。

有了这么多的FUD和投机在加密货币市场,因为它存在今天,这是很容易的休闲加密货币爱好者赶上观看硬币价格,而不是看相关的统计数据。 大多数人往往忽略的一个价值衡量尺度是区块链活动(每个区块链上的用户交易)。 这是一个重要的指标,应该放在每个人的雷达上. 下面是一个名为“块性”的跟踪网站中的几个视觉对象:

正如你所看到的,STEEM和BitShares的区块链上实际发生的交易比以太坊和比特币要多,尽管市场上限要小得多。 所有三个视觉对象中的这些统计数据都从2018年5月21日开始。


当EOS从以太坊ERC-20代币转换到自己的EOS主网时,ERC-20 EOS代币发行将于2018年6月1日22:59:59 UTC结束。 根据EOS众售以太坊智能合约,ERC-20代币将在代币发行结束23小时后在以太坊区块链上冻结并不可转让。 EOS公钥的注册于2018年6月2日世界时21:59关闭,快照可在2018年6月2日世界时22:00拍摄。 如果您在启动之前注册了令牌,您将能够随时从源代码块中声明您的主网EOS。

如果您未在2018年6月2日之前注册您的EOS代币,则需要使用后备方法来识别未注册的Ethereum地址,这些地址持有ERC-20代币且没有对应的EOS公钥,并且或多或少将以太坊公钥转换为和EOS 公用钥匙.

EOS Cafe Calgary构建了一个脱机注册后备,将您的以太坊私钥转换为EOS私钥。 因此,如果您需要依赖后备注册,我们建议您使用此工具。 如果您使用任何其他网站进行后备注册,请谨慎小心。 不要成为恶意诈骗者的受害者,试图用假密钥转换器窃取您的私钥。




虽然Block.One正在发布EOSIO软件,但它们本身并未启动EOS网络。 分布式协商一致机制的设计要求EOSIO软件由社区发起,而不是由中央集权党发起. EOS底特律有幸与来自全球各地各地的其他区块生产商候选人共同参与了EOS网络的协调启动。

此图片来自EOS Go的最新版块生产者候选人报告,其中显示2018年5月30日来自46个独特国家/地区的177位不同的BP候选人。

要成为块创建器,您需要通过EOS令牌持有人通过投票过程选出。 这些当选代表的职责是验证区块链上的交易、应用程序开发、社区外联和教育,并代表令牌持有者共识进行管理。 块生产商赚取块奖励作为激励运营自己的组织。EOS通胀率的1%直接用于阻止每天赚取至少100令牌奖励的生产商。

获得最多选票的21名区块生产者候选人将担任积极的区块生产者. 由EOS代币持有者投票的主动区块生产者将具有特殊能力,使他们能够在必要时采取行政措施,且必须获得15/21的共识。 如果智能合约或应用程序的行为不可预测或消耗的资源超过其应消耗的资源,阻止生产商有权选择哪些交易包含在块中,在需要时冻结账户,或对账户代码进行更改,而无需硬分叉整个区块链。 在采取任何此类行动时,街区生产者本身将对宪法、街区生产者协议以及最终对环境观测系统利益攸关方本身负责。

未获得21个最高票数的区块生产商候选人将担任备用区块生产商,并仍然获得区块奖励,只要他们符合区块奖励的最低要求(100令牌/天)。 待机区块生产商随时待命,如果主动区块生产商遇到任何问题(如脱机或因某种原因受到损害),则随时可以介入进来。 有关更多信息,请查看Thomas Cox有关块生产商如何获得付款的视频。


一旦至少15%的EOS代币被存入并投票使用,链条将被视为有效,正常功能将被激活。 块生产商基本上参与了连续不断的永无止境的全球选举(每126秒),这使EOS令牌持有人能够通过 他们最喜爱的BP将实现他们对EOS区块链应成为什么的愿景。

希望投票的代币持有人必须为其代币投注,并可投票给多达30个区块生产商。 当盯着时,这些令牌会被锁起来,直到你解锁它们。 一旦您决定取消您的EOS代币的股份,则这些代币将再次可用之前有72小时的时间。 投票权由堆放/投票的令牌数量来加权,因为它们对于区块链的好处以及EOS网络的方向具有最大的既得利益 ,意味着拥有大量EOS的鲸鱼拥有更多的投票权。

以下是Thomas Cox的伟大文章,解释了为什么每个账户都有30张块生产商(BP)的批准票据的理由,下面是Thomas Cox完成的视频,解释了批准投票的工作原理。 投票随着时间的推移缓慢衰减,以保护EOS社区从“设置它,忘记它”类型的选民。 这鼓励选民随时了解情况,积极参与投票进程.


代理投票人是指您允许代表您投票的个人或组织。 代理投票对于那些希望信任交易所或某些其他第三方为其做出投票决定的人而言具有优势,而不必自行研究块生产者。 然而, EOS代币持有人应认识到,如果交易所代表他们投票,而代币持有人不完全了解正在发生的情况,代理投票就有可能被滥用.



Block.One正在使用EOSIO软件发布命令行工具,令牌持有人可以通过该软件投票。 此外,EOS底特律还希望表示我们支持EOSPortal项目,该项目将成为使令牌持有人能够投票支持他们最喜爱的区块生产商的宝贵工具。 该门户网站还将允许英国石油公司候选人为其候选资格添加属性,如硬件规格、扩展计划、道德价值、竞选承诺等。 EOSPortal背后的团队是令人难以置信的人才和道具给他们,使它及时推出主网!


我们在底特律EOS的使命是为EOS网络提供可靠的服务、专业知识和创新,同时利用它的力量为底特律和世界各地的社区带来公共利益。 底特律各社区以社区为主导的创新是打造新一代分散式应用的肥沃土壤,旨在为人类面临的一些最紧迫挑战提供解决方案。

作为EOS网络的区块生产商候选人,EOS底特律致力于代表EOS社区的最佳利益。 我们的工作是开放源代码,我们的团队重视内部日常运营中的信息透明度以及业务中的财务透明度,和 社区.

我们拥有在其他DPOS区块链上部署区块生产商节点的宝贵经验,这些区块生产商包括Bitshares、Steem和Peerplays。 现在,我们正努力利用这一知识,造福作为区块生产者的EOS生态系统。




  • 请访问我们的 网站!

  • 跟着我们在Twitter上!

  • EOS底特律首席执行官介绍了EOS。

  • EOS底特律参加了关于Reddit的“向我提问”。

  • 来参与我们的EOS底特律电报频道的对话!


  • EOS Go、IMEOS和KOREOS是公正的第三方组织,致力于为EOS社区服务、组织和教育。 我们鼓励您检查一下。

  • 以下电报渠道是梦幻般的信息来源,街区生产商、开发商和社区领袖每天都会进行大量深入讨论。 连丹·拉里默自己也参与了这些电报的谈话!

  • 请参阅以上链接

  • 要了解有关块生产商的更多信息,请查看EOS转到块生产商门户。 EOS Go还拥有一个受欢迎的YouTube频道、论坛和广播播客。

  • Block.One为问答构建了EOSIO堆栈交换和EOSIO开发人员门户

  • 如果您正在寻找EOS块资源管理器,请使用EOS跟踪器。




This really does sound like the first user friendly crypto. Not a huge fan of delegated POS. I can see why it makes sense for this block chain. But it also cuts out the basic user from the minting process, which is one of the best things about POW and conventional POS currencies. Still. EOS is a major innovation.

wonderful article. Well written, explains the platform in depth and offers additional information. Steemit needs more content like this.


Thanks. This is a great wrap-up. Good luck with your BP campaign 🙃

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Well-done! Thank you for sharing!

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