Is Segwit A Trojan Horse Jeopardizing Blockchain Security? Cyberspace Sovereignty? and Internet Freedom?

in #eos7 years ago (edited)


Blockchain means freedom and with that freedom come the enemies of freedom or those who would, actually are, or are trying to enslave us by various means like debt slavery.

Information and money are a carefully controlled commodity regulated by The Establishment through government controlled media, education, technology, communications and financial institutions.

Manning, Snowden and Assange’s revelations only told us what George Carlin had been telling us all along that,

“It’s a BIG club and you ain't in it! You and I are not in the BIG club! They control everything! They don't care about you! All they care about is getting more money for themselves! They own you! -- George Carlin”

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We need to lobby the Trump Admin (and every other leader) and our message needs to be clear- ZERO tolerance for attacks on cyberspace sovereignty and blockchain freedoms.


My growing concern about blockchain governance is the ability of enemies of blockchain freedom to manipulate democratic processes and 'the cyber masses' into adopting trojan horse UASF code that opens up the blockchain to attack.


Is Segwit Setting Up A Cryptocoin 9/11?

Segwit may possibly be a device for opening a backdoor to topple the tallest blockchain on the block (Bitcoin). To learn how read @modprobe's amazing article I Looked Into Segwit... that I will quote from below.

1-- Segwit Alters Block and Transaction Structure

...according to the Bitcoin protocol, all segwit transactions can be spent by anybody with no proof of authorization. That means that literally anyone can make a transaction that spends the bitcoins in a segwit address. The "witness data" (which is the rules for who's allowed to claim the outputs, and the proof that the rules were followed on the inputs that claim the outputs) is moved out of the main block and replaced with a simple "anyone can spend me, there are no rules and no proofs," and it's up to miners to know what the rules really are, ignore the "anyone can spend me" instruction, and instead apply the rules from the witness data. -- @modprobe

2 -- Segwit Is Irreversible

There are two major implications to this hack. The first is that segwit is a one-way ticket: once it starts, it can never be removed because to remove the (insanely complicated) segwit rules that say "Ignore what the transaction says and look at the witness data instead" would leave only the "anyone can spend me without any authorization" rule on all segwit balances. Thus anyone could steal all the coins in segwit balances. -- @modprobe

To remove segwit, it would either be necessary to keep the (insanely complicated) rules in play, but disallow new transactions to use them, or convince all Bitcoin users to first move their bitcoins to a non-segwit balance. The first isn't really removing segwit, since its rules would still be in use, and the second is simply not going to happen since segwit proponents will lie and censor (just like they're doing now to promote segwit) to scare people away from leaving it behind. -- @modprobe


3 -- Segwit Opens A Gaping Security Hole

The second implication is even more chilling: for the first time, the Bitcoin protocol will have official support for theft of bitcoins. See, the formal rules of bitcoin will be "anyone can spend these coins without authorization," but the segwit rules will say otherwise. This means that anyone who can get a majority of miners to agree to look the other way (i.e. ignore the segwit rules) can send a transaction that spends those bitcoins without authorization, and it will be valid by protocol. At present, if the majority of miners attempted to do this, their blocks would be invalid (and ignored by the network) because they violate the Bitcoin protocol, but with segwit, the Bitcoin protocol will only understand "anyone can spend these coins" so as long as the miners agree to ignore the segwit rules, the transaction will pass checks. -- @modprobe


4 -- Segwit Is Bulldozing Government Inroads to Possibly Control and Destroy Bitcoin

Obviously this means that the miners could collude to steal everyone's segwit balances, but more likely, a government could force mining organizations to allow their transactions to steal bitcoins, reverse transactions, or whatever else. Whereas previously this meddling would've been extremely noisy, causing a hard fork (which would have likely been ignored). With segwit, however, theft by miner collusion is a first class feature. -- @modprobe

5 -- Segwit Targets Bitcoin to Undermine It

What is good about Bitcoin? In my view, the best things about Bitcoin are its simplicity, it's security, and it's mind share. Bitcoin is the first blockchain, and it's probably the simplest as well. This elegant simplicity makes it easy to understand, which in turn makes it easy to trust. It's also the best known and most widely used cryptocurrency in existence. -- @modprobe

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Segregated witness is systematically destroying everything good and worthwhile about Bitcoin: segwit is inelegant and complicated; it creates two parallel sets of rules for evaluating transactions, but ignores one of them. Segwit breaks Bitcoin's security by empowering miners and anyone who can coerce them to steal balances. And segwit is breaking the Bitcoin ecosystem up, causing people to fork the blockchain just to avoid using it, and destroying the mind share, confidence, and name recognition in Bitcoin. -- @modprobe


How The Establishment Could Be Taking Down Cryptocurrency By Opening A Backdoor in Bitcoin for Eventually Decapitating It

✔A. Run a fork of Bitcoin like Litecoin.

✔B. Plant your government shills inside.

✔C. Get the Segwit trojan code easily adopted by your sock puppets.

✔D. Run it on LTC and demonstrate how safe it is and how nothing bad ever happened - like a parent sips medicine so his kid will take it.

✔E. Send in rowdy shills to railroad the Segwit trojan horse into the real target -- Bitcoin -- by censoring the public debate, driving away opposition by name calling, defaming and intimidation and other COINTELPRO tactics taught at Quantico.

✔F. Run the Bitcoin UASF on Aug 1st.

□ G. Wait some time so that people won't conclude ex post facto - propter (B came after A therefore A was the cause of B) that Segwit was the backdoor that enabled the hack.

□ H. Hack/ Hijack/ Corrupt/ Bribe/ Extort/ Blackmail/ Operate enough mining farms to process fraudulent transactions without validating the witness data that has been segregated and made possible by Segwit.

□ I. Create false flag or entirely fake reports of hacking menaces that threaten Bitcoin to divert the minds of the sheeple away from the real culprits (helps if you control the MSM).

□ J. Launch the 9/11 style cyber attack, suck the top 3000 Bitcoin accounts dry and bring it to the ground at freefall speed like a pancake to inoculate the masses against it.

□ K. Spew MSM propaganda against blockchains to invoke a Congressional hearing.

□ L. Use opinion leaders to denounce blockchains used as cryptocurrency stores of value (virtual ATMs and banks).

□ M. Play on people's ignorance and get POTUS or the AG FBI DHS SS etc to equate users of cryptocoins with "cyber counterfeiting gangs" (who will know the dif?)

□ N. Maintain the value of the global fiat debt money supply of $£€¥ and SDRs (most likely motive here).

□ O. Regulate the "dangerous anarchistic unregulated" use of blockchains.

□ P. Pass a cyber warfare version of the Patriot Act that implements draconian laws to control Internet hardware, software, content and traffic.

□ Q. Schedule and restrict the use of blockchain tech for currency generation (real banks like the Fed are only allowed) like they do with military grade tech, drugs, encryption or class 3 armaments.

□ R. Crush the sovereignty and freedoms of all communities in cyberspace and convince everyone that "Resistance is futile" and that "You can run to cyberspace but you can't hide."


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We the People of Cyberspace

Ultimately, any democracy, even one in cyberspace, hinges on a well informed populace of critical thinkers and an impartial truly free (of government influence) press.

We Declared Independence -- What's Next?

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Bitcoin blockchain was a cyberspace declaration of independence in the public domain (not in the darkweb) and what follows next is the war for independence. Blockchains will come under attack and this us how they will do it - covert backdoors - like Segwit - hiding in plain sight that are "democratically" approved.

In Congress -- In Order to Form a More Perfect Union

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I see the blockchain code as its constitution. It should not be so easily changed and maybe, God forbid, some things ought not be changeable at all and any attempt to do so will be squashed as “unconstitutional” by some type of Supreme Court judicial review.

Checks and Balances in Checkmate

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Otherwise, no matter how stable a platform is today, it can crumble overnight when the checks and balances of power are tinkered with the way Segwit does.

Whether Segwit is actually a trojan horse ploy by The Establishment or not, We the People need to protect and prevent such code from ever seeing the light of day if we are to preserve our cyberspace sovereignty and the freedoms that affords us.

The only truth that is actually "out there" these days is in cyberspace and we will need to defend this space from all angles and varieties of attack by the globalist deep state liars and traitors who brought you 9/11 and the Patriot Act.

IMHO Segwit has their finger prints all over it.


Stand Tall - Stand Strong - Remain Vigilant

@Cyberspace's Recent Articles

☆☆☆☆☆ Are Blockchain Consensus Systems Robust or Does Code Like Segwit Threaten Cyberspace Sovereignty?
☆☆☆☆☆ Analysis of Steemit’s Economy - 1st Impressions of a Social Scientist - Trending Now!
☆☆☆☆☆ Segwit Monitoring Station - Get Live Updates from 7/31 to 8/6!
☆☆☆☆☆ Freewallet All-in-One PRODUCT TEST! 23 Coins in One Wallet -- Including EOS!

Special Social Science 4 Part Series! A Social Scientist's First Impressions of Steem!

☆☆☆☆☆ Part 1 - Steem's Ideology
☆☆☆☆☆ Part 2 - Steem’s Sociology
☆☆☆☆☆ Part 3 - Steem’s Economy
Part 4 - Coming Soon!


☆☆☆☆☆ Proposed Fix for Steem Power Delegation Self-Voting Loophole
☆☆☆☆☆ Blockchain Intel Report on EOS Disrupting Blockchain Market! - Must Read!
☆☆☆☆☆ See @cyberspace's introduction here.
☆☆☆☆☆ Celebrating 100 Steem Followers

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Hey Cyberspace I just joined a few weeks ago and looking for my clan keep up the great work

Thanks @debtmastery for the shout out!

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