in #eos6 years ago (edited)


Introducing EOS Planet a new Minecraft rip off on EOS. You can build what ever you want like Minecraft except you have to pay for each block starting at 0.02 EOS. This game is more like a 3D version of EOSPixel that looks like Minecraft.
Game screen shot 2 .jpg

Game controls
You can control and fly though the planet with your standard gaming keys( keyboard keys that is not privet keys ;) )
W,A,S,D or the arrows keys: Move around
SPACE: Jump or Fly up
SHIFT: Fly down
SPACE: Place or remove a block
F: Fly mode
U: Undo last action
P: Select mode "adjacent block" or "Pointed block"
Look around with mouse

How it works
As said above you build what ever you want and pay for each block. If you want to delete or replace someone else's block you have to pay 1.5 times the price. So yes this is anther disguises poniz scheme on EOS but a more fun version :P.

Unsold blocks start at 0.02 EOS if you want to buy someone out it cost 1.5x the previous owner will get back 100 % and 75% of the extra paid the rest goes to contract fees. These fees will but used to add to the pot, pay out referral rewards, RAM fees, future valuable materials users can mine, dividends based on land ownership and developers will also get a cut. Blow in the problems section you will see all the percentage brake down of the above.

If the pot fails to increase in value by 0.5% of the previous 24 hours it will be distributed to all players proportional to their contribution.

First is its super hard to actually buy any blocks i keep getting this message
maybe its all getting snapped up so fast you cant get any. I did manage to buy a few bricks tho after trying 50 or so times.

Second is they have some spelling mistakes in the rules. i know i know i am not one to talk here im terrible but im also not making a dapp that will probably make millions of dollars.

Its super early i think it has just come out so you probably will make money if you buy in. This is a poniz scheme so be prepared to lose any money you put in, other then that its a good idea that will probably go very well as Minecraff is a popular game.

Feel free to use my ref link if you decide to play :) https://eosplanet.one/?r=ge3temjxg4ge


wow sounds expensive, count me out!

atm its not at all but like all these things it wont take long

100 blocks for 2 EOS you must be rich :D

Im rolling in these digital coins :p

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