RE: In Defence And Praise Of The Crypto Snowflake
I like that on steem, that often you just start writing, and it's not the well composed article but still exciting discussions evolve. Interesting thought, that it would get more into communnity aspects, than just investment. A lot of dapps or projects seem to be oriented towards community-building. Just listened to dallas rushing today, who introduced his karma dapp, which will reward people based on good deeds, that are upvoted, or Kyle from Hirevibes, who suggested charity conducted via blockchain. How far is that from store-of-value-btc? With reputation you can also do very much, bit likely there are still problems possible. What do you undestand as radical transparency?
The launch is really exciting, only i'd hope for a bit more speed.... Thanks from my side as well for inspiring thoughts!
You've probably read it already but the radical transparency part comes from Dan's post. It's brave but I'm in (I think!)
And exactly, how far from a store of value - a very long way but much more valuable!