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RE: Your Vote Matters #2: Hierarchy of Block Rewards & The Economic Effects of Voter Kickbacks

in #eos7 years ago

I generally agree, but would like to know your thoughts regarding returning investment to original investors in hardware, etc.

The way I see it, there might be a middle ground. I assume EOS NY has many shareholders, that prefer to use income to invest in growth vs returning capital to investors. I personally would vote for that over a group wanting to distribute gains back to investors, at least for the first many years. Crowdsourcing investors is OK by me.

If a BP is paying for votes, appealing to "greater token returns" minded folks, that might work at the beggining, but if network demands grow and they don't invest in growing their capacities, better alternatives will take their place and these "investors" will have locked up tokens without large paybacks.

In the end, it will come down to how wise the tokenholders who vote are. Kudos for standing on the longer term view...


We would like to be very clear... EOS New York in no way has accepted outside funding from anyone. We are completely self funded because we do not ever want to have what's best for the network and the community conflict with a VC who's expecting an ROI. If we were to ever take outside funding we would make that extremely public as we never want there to be a conflict of interest.

Edit: To be even more clear there is no one other than the founding team that legally owns any part of the organization or is entitled to anything at all.

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