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RE: EOS - At first I was excited but then my enthusiasm crashed....

in #eos7 years ago

...helping businesses re-imagine or build their businesses on the blockchain, developing more open source software that may be helpful to the community and building decentralized applications using EOS.IO Software.

I don't understand what's not clear about that statement. is creating the EOS.IO software. Once that software has been created by then businesses and developers can start using the EOS.IO software to build apps, software, platforms, etc.


There is no explicit mention of building anything in FAQ #24 wording. Perhaps that is just poor wording on their part

"to build a blockchain consulting business focusing on helping businesses "

For me that was the important part. They are helping other business build something. However, It was actually the first FAQ where they said they were building the EOS.IO software. My concern was that this point (#24) was contradictory.

But Edward, the EOS software doesn't exist yet. That's what is building now.

After they've created it, of course they will have to use some of the funds gathered from the ICO to promote and explain to businesses and developers how they can use this software (EOS) to develop blockchain decentralized platforms and apps. That will be the "blockchain consulting business" part of

I didn't say it existed. My point was that I feared it would not exist. The FAQ appeared contradictory, hence the caution.

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