Request to build a EOS Purchasing Bot that you can send SBD/Steem and a memo with youe EOS address and it sends you EOS, OR just add EOS to OR add EOS to
So my previous post was a simple guide on how to buy EOS for beginners using and Exodus Wallet....because I feel people should buy EOS now that its very easy to do with Exodus Wallet, and I realized that if just added EOS to their list of coins we could make life a lot easier for many steemit users! More and more steemit users who would love to buy some EOS but are only used to Steemit and sending and receiving steam may not even use Bitcoin very often and the whole process may seem scary and intimidating! So if just added EOS we could trade our SBD/Steem for EOS directly! And until then we can create a Bot to accept SBD/Steem, auto convert them to EOS and send that EOS to the users EOS wallet they specify in the memo! And the other option is simply adding EOS to Bitshares DEX (decentralized exchange) called ....So anyway here is what Blocktrades.ius woukld look like if they added EOS to the list of coins you can trade!
@Blocktrades currently supports Bitcoin Bitshares Dogecoin Ethereum Bitcoin Litcoin Dash, just imagine if EOS was in there!
Now to actually store your EOS there are many ways, but I recommend Exodus Wallet (For Windows Mac Linux, basically desktop and laptops, not yet available for android or iOS so for people wanting EOS on a mobile device, there is a EOS android wallet by Free Wallet, but for non smartphone/tablet i would just go with Exodus for storing EOS as it has 8 altcoins including bitcoin and it has built in shapeshift exchange so you can just send Exodus your bitcoin or litcoin or ethereum and a few others and it can exchange them to EOS with the push of a button!
Now if we can't add EOS to yet, we COULD create a special steemit bot that people could send Steem or SBD to and a memo with their EOS address and this steemit account could automatically convert the SBD to EOS via some exchanges like . Now I had this idea because i thought I could do the work for people who are too afraid, I could let people send me their steem or SBD and I can convert it for them and send them their EOS for a 10 percent fee, and the bot can only charge 5 or less because it doesn't have to charge for its time like I do.
Now you could use Exodus as your EOS wallet and take your Exodus EOS wallet address and send it in a memo to this hypothetical steemit account and this Bot we could create will automatically sell the Steem or SBD and get EOS and send it to the address you send it! OR we can add EOS to Bitshares DEX at maybe with an open EOS token? It seems like it would be simple to do! Isn't bitshares decentralized exchange all about the idea of anyone being able to offer to buy or sell any tokens? (I know I am oversimplifying here) Id imagine that since @dan created both bitshares and EOS he would add integration of EOS to Bitshares heh I am also going to bet that EOS is already being added to and I am probably just talking the talk while @dan is busy walking the walk! So thank you to every developer out there and you deserve every penny you get for your work here!
(lil MSPaint Image comp I just made to show how allows the ability for you to trade steem for tokens like EOS using Bitshares, all three graphene @dan projects in harmony !)
I imagine this might have a few challenges but overall could be a simple project and whoever is first to come up with a working model could have the bot shave off a small fee with every transaction and it could make someone a good amount of passive income while helping out the steemit community get EOS much easier and faster than the options they have now! if we could come up with an EOS bot that held EOS for people who didnt want to bother creating an EOS wallet either with exodus or some other online EOS wallet, we could create a placeholder until Steemit Wallet has EOS built in to our internal exchange along with ethereum and bitcoin and other altcoins and day we will have EOS as just another coin we can keep in our steemit wallets! But for now we should simply use Exodus Wallet which has EOas built in and the ability to shapeshift from bitcoin or ethereum or litecoin or a few other altcoins into EOS, and if people dont want to use blocktrades they can use our bot and have it send them EOS!
For a crypto currency blockchain system that just came out and isn't even online yet, it sure is popular and in the top of coinmarketcap! We should recognize its power and realize that every steemit user should have at least a couple EOS!
Not just for the investment opportunity but because EOS tokens will allow you to have proportional computing power in the worldwide virtual supercomputer that will be EOS, and Ethereum will still be around but people will choose EOS to develop on, and EOS is just so cheap, its SOOOO cheap! Its under $2 today, would you buy Ethereum if you could for $2?? are you kidding me?!?!! Buy as much as you can! here is my previous post that walks you through even if you're totally new to all of this and have never used bitcoin before youll be fine! Just check that out if you need clear step by step instructions on how to get some EOS for yourself! This is why I made THIS post that youre reading now, I want someone to just add EOS to OR to create a simple Bot that can let people send it SBD or Steem with their EOS wallet address in the memo field, and the bot will take the SBD/steem convert it with blocktrades and shapeshift and then send the EOS, keeping a smal fee for the service, this bot could make the owner a good amount of passive income.
if you think its impressive that EOS has already got a 473 MILLION Dollar market cap, already bigger than Steem, then just wait for 6 months and you'll be able to revel in a 100 billion dollar market cap bigger than bitcoin, the REAL fippening wil be with EOS overtaking both ethereum AND bitcoin... Anyway I hope you enjoyed my idea for an EOS buying bot for steemit users! We could make bots like that to buy every altcoin and we could create user friendly wallet apps or a multi wallet for steemit users, and we could allow for the purchase of all sorts of new ICos and tokens that people WANt to buy but who are intimidated by al the steps, but if people could just send a Bot some SBD or Steem and it HELD ON to their tokens for them until they had the wallet set up, That would be fantastic! people would be able to save their money with a smart contract bot that wouldn't be able to steal from them and I really see a future for a system like this! People WANt to invest in these things but they dont know how or are too afraid to get the process started BUT if they could just send SBD or Steem to a Bot that made the purchases for them and help onto the coins in a special wallet until they themselves downloaded or setup their special new wallet, like how @mynewlife bought me some EOS and i sent him SBD and when I had my EOS wallet ready he sent me the EOS and so someone should set up a service! We could hold coins for people and allow big whales like @stellabelle and @gigafart and @thejohalfiles to have control of the keys because someone who already has lots of money is less likely to want to steal from others, and with smart contracts we could even avoid that al together! Ok Now i am starting to talk out of my ass! Anyone who mentions "smart contracts" like I just did is just trying to seem smart :) I actually am serious about their use in this case! its an appropriate 'use case" oh theres another big crypto word! Sigma6 synergy! Ok i better stop before I sound arrogant like I dont know what im talking about! But I am confident these ideas can and will work!
If you have questions about bitcoin steemit crypto or making money mining like this email [email protected] or text/call me (619) 302 0398 and....
Follow @Ackza

That all sounds pretty incredible! Are you like the founder of EOS or something? Or just EOS' biggest fan? All I can say is we should have friends as active and loyal as you are! I'm trying to raise some funds to invest in more crypto and I hope to buy some EOS before it suddenly breaks out like some of these other coins. I only need a few more days...
Love your ideas - hope someone takes you up on it!
no no Im no founder of EOS I am just a friend of a friend of @Dan who is the Creator of EOS! He is also the creator of Steemit! Dan Larimer made Bitshares Steemit and now EOS !
Oh right of course - I knew that!
damn zack you went OFF on this post bro. your enthusiasm is unmatched! i downloaded exodus but yo, i have a question: I DONT UNDerstand how its secure like- where is my private key or whatever? anyway im going to try sending SBD to the litecoin address that exodus generates and then go from there.

ps. i input my steemit blog as my website on instagram and followed you on there :)
Your Exodus private key is safe and when you downloaded exodus u shoul have done the backup and they should have sent you an Email backup AND given you your 14 or 12 word phrase whatever it is, u go HIUT BACKUP button man here

Its easy! When you complete the backup process which is literally just writing down or printing out a 12 word phrase then you just save itsomewhwre!
if u loseurlaptiop it wont matter u can always recover all ur coins nwo from ur 12 word phrase
OH AND REMEMBER TO REGISTER YOUR EOS before July of 2018 u have a WHOLE year
i have no idea what registering my EOS means please maybe do a post on that in the future...? is that when EOS "goes online" or whatever?
u have a whole year, and i just did a step by step guie in the comments!
Go back to the "ful context" and go look!
Oh that was also you i replied to! yeah the instructions are in ur reply!

I got a few EOS following your last post. Thanks for the easy to follow instructions. Also, doesn't EOS have to be registered by next June? A simple guide to register them might be helpful for those that are unsure of the process. I have checked and it sounds fairly straightforward. I'm doing more research to make sure.
Register? U dont have to register themm does bitcoin make u register your bitcoin tokns? heh its ok once u have ur EOS theyre your! or maybe im not understanding wjhat u mean
What do you mean by EOS having to be registered by next June? Im pretty sure next june youll just be able to sell the EOS ec20 tokens or i dunno all i know is that when u buy teh EOS and have them they are yours and youy wont have to worry!
Youre making it seem like even after buying EOS youre still not finished because you have to "Register" them? Not sure about that but i am sdure thatr once u havce ur EOS your god! it would be crazy to have to register them after buying em heh
Sorry for my crazy comment im just an angry person nowadays!
I am very grateful to seea comment like yours telling me that my post did in fact help you buy teh EOS in a straigttforwward way , thats what i set out tod do and i acomplished that gfioal
Now i need to save uop more money to buy more EOS
we should be doing instagram campaigns to bring users to steemiut
wow that's awesome keep it up I wish to apply to be part of your success story
Ok first of all just add yourself a profile pic! u need a profile pic to show u care about steemit! i know u justs tarted so its al godo just add one! (go to settings add profile pic image url, )
klook i shoulndt always do this but i ghave uupvotes on all your posts, theyre pretty good but i just did it to be nice, but usualy i only upvpote hsuper high quality stuff, but ur stuff is ghigh enoiugh quality for a bneginner, u are doing a great job compared to most bneginners, u understand the piower of having images in ur posts,
and u are on teh right track using ur facebook to market for steemit!
market for stemit and steemit will pay you!
If u want some help or advice and ur someone who isnty lazy and DOED th work, then call me or text me man, my number is up thre and text me fiorst before calling so i know who it is, and just only al or text if u have like advice, but mist of ny advice is here ion my blogs, just get into postinge veryday like u have been doing and join service slike pool.bitcoincom and their referal program or genesis mininga nd THGEIR rferal program and get on Bitconnect and get THEIR referal program so u can make a instagram acount JUSt for promoting bitconnect etc, it will letyou make $100,000 in a gfw months like @craig-grant well he made more than that burt you can start from $0 and get to a few grand like I did, so u dont even have to have money to start!!!!
anyway im rambling but yah just kep working, all the success in crypto and steemit seems to go to people who make the right investments and for steemit ist just whoever shows up everyday on time lol well its not tht simple but honestly u just have to make sure you invest in the right things liek EOS and steem and youll end up very hapy with your investments......
its never too late because there's a new baby born every moment, and theres plenty of jobs for them, plenty of money, plenty of things to do, all sorts of businesses we have never even thouight up yet
so lets reembr that money is liek ariver, we need buckst to catch the money water, justs tand out in that money rivr hodl as many money buckets as you can and just try collecting as much of that money water as you can! and u may need to pay more money for bigger buckets but thts the price u pay to make more money! hahah money just for the sake of money seems empty and shallow, but its the way it has to be! and we will use our money to change the world for the better, we can only do so much and we should make our omovs as efficient as possibke
ok im rambling now just work everyday and find a balance between Input (reading watching youtub) and Output (Writing makeing steemit posts and social media posts)
For me i have to make at least 3 posts a day to fel productive but I should be doing 10 a day al on different dubjects AND i should be postong on instagram and facebook about crypto currency, thre sa HUEG audience of peopel who want to do Work at Home or make Money Onlione crowd, theyre out there HUNGRY for a ystem to use to make money with! Let steemit Become that magical system theyve been looking for
we can be KILLING it bro! we can go out there and just ATTRACT people to our referal prohgrams and these programs will make them money even WITHOUT them signiong anyon else up! like or genesuss mining or just get your systems ready to go and we will make big social media campaigns to get us each 100 referal singups in a few day! its totally doable, we can get leads real fast and real easy!
thanks man, own your content a big thank because is very interesting and great point to notice, I will definitely apply it to work. Thanks once again
ys we al need to work harder! I qm gonna try to work for 8 hours today on steemit and do 3 posts
i need to build up some passive income streams using and genesis and and we should all be teaching each other how to crate instagram accounts to promote our passive income streams
thats nice more info on this is also welcome
Indeed its kinda complicated EOS and stuff. I really dont know what it is.
im glad u wanna invest in EOS! U can always call me 9txt me fiorst) and ill be hapy to alk u through it man, 619-302-0398
just follow my post here i lay it out step by steop man,
Just start by getting exodus wallet for your computer desktop or laptop, NOW install that and BOOM u have youself an EOS wallet!!!!
and exodus lets u click one button to exchange between bitcoin litcin ethereum and a few others right to EOS, or between any coin, it has exchange built in so just understand how EASY it is to get EOS its SO easy now bcause exodus has it built in!
just get exodus and youll have an EOS walet
once u have ur EOS adress u coul even just send me SBD or Steem and for 10 perfect fe i wil be happy to convert the SBD opr steem to bitcoin and then convert that bitcoin (or litecoin) to EOS and u will want to just do it youself to save the money but id be happy to charge 10 percent to anyoen who needs me to do it for them!
u will b able to dio iut yourself tho man dontw orry
thje EOS wallet used to be difficult to gt as u needed an ethereum EC20 enabld walet to do this but now exodus has made it SO easy
the only ay it coudl eb easier is if bittrex or poloniex just adds EOS hah
Thanks for explaining I will let you know when i have my wallet ready.