BitShares Hangout #43 | 2017-10-21 | Sat @100PM UTC | OpenSource Agenda [Beyondbit Payouts Powered by SP!]
BitShares Hangouts Speakers and Worker Proposals Earn Beyondbits for Participating!

Notice: Beyondbit Payouts are BASED ON POST PAYOUTS and are sent After Final Payouts for this post are Received!
"Join weekly to speak with founding community members of the BitShares Enterprise Dex about history and current events in Cryptocurrency and earn some free BitShares Tokens!" ~officialfuzzy
Hangout Format:
This will go up at least 4 days before the BitShares Hangout. BitShares community members who post subjects to cover and bring topics of discussion are asked to do so in response to this post first. Worker Proposals are a Chief Focus in these hangouts, but other topics and projects are welcome to join. @officialfuzzy can finally pay people who have supported this powerful cryptocurrency for the past 4 years since its birth and evolution. So reply below with valuable topics, updates, info we should cover and earn upvotes from in this thread and earn a special bonus if yours are chosen!
How Much Time Per Topic?
Hangouts will be at least 45 minutes long, but depending on attendance and projects/topics to be covered may last up to 60 minutes. Given this, we will try to stay with 5-6 core topics and will fit in others where possible.
What do we Earn for Actively Participating?
Those who attend will each earn from a pool of bitshares that will be purchased with earnings from this post. They will then be given directly to you via our new guestbook that we are testing.
Fuzzy will be giving Beyondbits to community founders who attend this weekly hangout to give their own unique perspectives and expert commentary. He will also be giving them to people who give topics and information we choose to use in our hangout!
So make sure you get a BitShares Wallet!
And let's not get SP through upvoting quality information and content worth sharing with the top minds in crypto across the graphene ecosystem!
Is Any Topic Off Limits?
Yes. We reserve the right to learn from the newest trickster trolling steemit consistently searching for way to insert chaos into the equation and devise future strategies for negating these. Naturally if these efforts become ham-fisted attempts at shutting down free speech in honest conversations, the audience will hold us accountable.
But with that said....pretty much anything can be covered--even up to and including current events. However, I personally will only be voting up stories that touch the blockchain in some way shape or form and will be asking the community to downvote absolute Rubbish! ;)
BeyondBits are powerful tokens worth upvotes on Steem, but you need to use BitShares Wallet and follow the instructions on WhaleShares.Net! So make sure you have a BitShares Wallet to receive and send them for upvotes on your steem posts!
Download BitShares Wallet
And of Course you can join Our EOStalk Discord

During the Week you can find us in Our 24/7 WhaleShares Server! (preferably the Adult Swim VOIP)

How to Join the Beyond Bitcoin Mumble where BitShares and Steem were born!
How to Join Beyond Bitcoin WhaleTank
Step 1: Download Mumble Here
Step 2:
Step 3:
Enter the following information:
Label: BeyondBitcoin
Port: 64738
Username: Enter your username
Password: w0rldCh@NG3rsUN!t3
Step 4: RSVP Below with the following details:
- Project/Topic Name/News Piece
- Relevant Steemit Tag?
- Appropriate links to share?
- Steemit and/or Mumble account name of Representative/Speaker
- How should we Introduce you/your project/your news coverage?
- What is your bitshares account name?

All BeyondBitcoin content is powered by so please join the new social media movement that enables Creative Commons content creators and Open Source developers to earn funding for participating in the community's growth and sustenance. Post to to earn and pay others with a simple upvote!
Extract from this weeks Bitshares State of the Network Report
Asset creation is was suspended for 2 days by increasing the 'asset creation' fee to 5 billion BTS. This was in response to a potential issue discovered and investigated by @abit. A new version of Bitshares-core has been released to address the issue. A majority of witnesses have already upgraded and the cost of registering assets has returned to normal.
The Bitshares foundation has created a worker proposal to elect a spokesperson on behalf of the Bitshares network. This worker proposal is for $50,000 USD over 15 months and has already been approved by Bitshares holders.
Billbutler has announce a new version of the Bitshares GUI wallet this week with a brand new portfolio page showing balances, active and open orders in a much cleaner and professional looking UI.
@abit has published Bitshares Improvement Proposal (BSIP) #33 Titled 'Refund Create Order Fees Paid in Original Asset on Cancel'. This BSIP proposes a protocol change to prevent fee pool draining from happening, while still keeping a similar "Refund Create Order Fees on Cancel" feature in the system.
Bond On Blockchain is a new project that is seeking to raise capital for their project which will run on the Bitshares network. One of the asset classes this company is looking to invest in is the Billion Hero Challenge.
BitShares Updates
I wrote a post on various ways to transfer funds to your BitShares wallet, after having issues with OpenLedger a few times during the past few weeks.
Also posted a tutorial on how to utilize margin force settlement for some potential profit with bit-assets.
I'd like to speak about a ways to improve the liquidity of both BiUSD and BitCNY.
Looking forward to your talk about this.
Increasing the liquidity of the BitShares bit-asset markets would be great.
Brief HERTZ ABA update!
😃 Maybe if we all chant his name together we can get him to present his @Agorise updates this week.... 📢 KenCode - KenCode - KENCODE - @KENCODE!
I'd like to hear them too Ken!
His style is to not RSVP ;D
The enigma that is kenCode.
Thanks @officialfuzzy for sharing Hangout details of a great DEX Platform.
I will be talking about difficulties paying for things through worker proposals and whether this is a good or bad thing for bitshares.
thanks for providing this apportunity :)
this article is very beautiful.
nice one bro helpful information..):