MEGAPOST - Artwork - What is Coming! (With Batteries and Accessories Included!)

in #eos-project7 years ago

Remember About Yesterday's Sketch?

This is how it looks today.


I am really happy with the result of this one, even tho' I think i will modify few things in the following days when my eyes stop getting used to what I've done already.

And actually this is a great advice you should take because you may think that what you see it's beautiful and amazing but it could be that your eye just got used to it and maybe some things are failing, and you can't spot these.
Which I am sure that are happening in this artwork atm.

I can't tell much about this since the project is still in development. But I can tell you that is going great and as I shared before with you,
it is going to change cryptos for ever!.

But let's stick for now with this artwork.

I won't describe either the meaning of all this and I also took some symbols and elements that could spoil the whole thing, so you, me fellows, will get surprised when it all comes to reality ;).


But as you could see on a previous post, I've been developing the design for this character of ours. Which in my personal opinion (and from many others) it fulfills my client and friend's request: To be cute and at the same time cool AF.

I must admit that it wasn't that hard to design it. I just adapted his idea to this and the output came out super nice and sharp!

Something I was saving for this artwork was a style I wanted to apply since some far time ago. I don't know if you are familiarized with Leyendecker, but he is one of my heroes. He is far gone already, but he was absolutely amazing in his technique and field.

He was known because of his amazing use of strokes for every artwork of his. I'm not gonna show you any right here, but you can google it!



(First approach sketch)

...this artwork started pretty much like few lines on a canvas to analyze the composition and the original idea was a tiny bit different from the result: I planning to put the robot in the position of the girl and a girl on the position of the robot. And all of them watching to the moon to establish an interesting composition orientated to the natural-cheesy-satellite of ours.

But honestly, it was missing something, and that something was to make the viewer feeling involved in the whole event inside the canvas. Thing I solved by exchanging the position of these two main focus characters.


And it came out really well and pretty readable! Mostly because of the while and high-value materiality of the robot, which creates a lot more of contrast against the dark background than the girl would create if she was at the foreground in such way.

I am trying to always keep the focal point working since the beginning, in this case I made two of them, the robot and the moon/comet.

The whole point with this composition was to make different checkpoints all through the background. Drawing an imaginary path that the eye will follow until the main focal point in the sky.


Spot the numbers and how they read all through the canvas. These are the checkpoints we mentioned before and that is how they guide the eye until the main focal point (red lines).

Also observe how the rest of the background pushes this idea even further by pointing the same spot in the sky all together (blue lines).

Everything on this canvas works for and thanks to the main focal point (I know, you are tired of me saying focal point this focal point that. But it is a MUST to understand how important it is for your artworks to learn how to communicate your idea).

As you can see, we came up with a very solid base for working on. Which we will work in the same way than we always do.


If you feel familiarized with the final result of this picture already, that's because I've uploaded it before to introduce you to this particular piece.

I've been working on this the whole day yesterday and the final result was pretty cool. One of the main challenges I had with this one (and the upcoming ones) was that everything had to be made in a very clean way since our plan is to animate this like these yummy League of Legends login screens.

Oh man, this will be an amazing portfolio set of artworks !

Let's jump to the rest of the process until I got to the final result.


Oh, really enjoyable to see I must say.

One of the main issues I had while painting was about the atmosphere given while rendering. Let me show you what I mean...


Sometimes an atmosphere is not only given by some atmospheric degradation or one or another element.
Sometimes the atmosphere can be given by saturation and one or another palette working all together. Mostly on fantastic/magical atmospheres. The more magical or fantastic, the more colorful. The more serious, more desaturated colors.

I asked to many friends of mine which version they liked at most and I had an absolute 50-50 choice for them.
Half of them liked one and half of them the another.

An interesting fact about this, is that those who chose the desaturated one (more gray, serious and sad) were more likely going through an stressful situation while I asked them or were sad or angry for different reasons. While the other half were more likely in a positive mood or even happy. Interesting, huh?

I think few things are still failing in this artwork. Tiny things, such as the mist or atmospheric degradation because of depth. This is why I don't call this piece finished, but I will in the following days when I won't see it for a while and my eye will be able again to see what fails from here.

A little last detail I want to share with you, is about an element that my lady asked me to put while I was doing the lineart and base (that you could spot already if you payed attention enough). Honestly I love that little feature.

It is a little pug that the lady from the artwork is holding on hands of course! And so, the little fellow is also looking to the camera with the tongue out.

Oh little fellows, I love animals so much!

I must say that I am really happy with the technique that I am developing. I also feel it super suits me and my style/philosophy. Because it keeps the artwork clean and it creates some nice texture through brush strokes

And that's all! Thanks a lot for your support and I see you in the next one!

(All the images are my own creation and therefore I own their rights)


I always try to listen to the ideas of my fellow followers to improve my posts and to give something back to the community... therefor: What would you like the next posts to be about? What should I talk about? What kind of painting? Would you like some tutorials about arts, about cooking? Maybe some fresh gaming broadcast? I would love to know!



Wow I love your art!

O wow, I really liked your art.
I loved the way you have shown human race and future concept too.
I am curious what wonders you can do with your art?

I think that the possibilities are endless =)

Yeah, that's perfectly true.
No one can imagine that and fix it in a math equation.

very nice post @anritco

I always do when I want to understand my creation is finished or not. I go to bed or do something else for a while, and then return to my work.
I really like the attention to detail in the picture! So keep)

Absolutely, sometimes we just need to keep the distance for a while and come back later on to the artwork in order to find out what was going on or failing =)

Thank you @naditinkoff!

Fascinating your way of illustrating, the concept of representative of the work is wonderful, the mixture between the natural elements taken to a futuristic plane is great, congratulations for applying the elements of design, and the balance the use of the tonalities very consistent with the Thematic of the work, both works have a very good finish in my opinion I lean more for the magical atmosphere, thank you for sharing your work, greetings and success.

Oh thank you so much for your words! I appreciate your point of view and encourages me to be more decided about the version I chose, thanks!

Beautiful work, specially the ilumination :) I liked that you showed all the process of your work. I didn't know a Joseph Leyendecker but i googled it and i really loved his ilustrations.

Muchisimas gracias! Les mando un saludo muy grande desde Polonia (aunque soy Argentino =) )

Me alegro mucho de que te haya gustado Leyendecker, el tipo fue un genio y super marginado por ser homosexual en tiempos aun mas machistas que los que vivimos hoy dia. Un grande!

Wow, I love your art work.... you've got talent, greetings from venezuela

Saludos hermano! Y muchas gracias =)

Thanks a lot for sharing this awesome concept

It s my pleasure buddy!

It's amazing to see how these drawings evolved, glad you added those gifs :)

Thanks a lot @daan! I m super glad you like it =)

Nice art! A meteor will hit the moon! Could it be steem?

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