A Recap: UDC2018 in JEJU | EOS Hackathon in LONDON

in #eos-meetup6 years ago (edited)


안녕하세요, 기술력이 강한 EOS 블록프로듀서 이오서울(EOSeoul)입니다.
지난 달에 열린 2018 업비트 개발자 컨퍼런스 PROOF OF DEVELOPEREOS Global Hackathon이 성황리에 마무리 되었습니다. 저희 이오서울 팀의 참석후기 요약하여 공유드립니다.

Hi all! We’re EOSeoul, an EOS Block Producer Candidate based in Korea.
We would like to share the recap of UDC 2018 & EOS LONDON Hackathon of last month.

2018 Upbit Developer Conference (Sep12~14 JEJU, KOREA)

지난 9월 12일, 제주에서 블록체인 대중화를 위한 개발자 컨퍼런스가 열렸습니다.
On Sep 12, Upbit Developer Conference 2018, which was held in Jeju International convention center. This event was held to discuss the prospects of the blockchain technology.

세계의 블록체인 전문가들이 연사로 참여하여 다양한 개발 인사이트를 나눠주셨습니다.
The experts from around the world presented for trending the blockchain technology. The attendees took advantage of the opportunity to ask speakers some in-depth technical questions.

스크린샷 2018-10-01 오전 11.28.13.png
저희 이오서울팀의 권용길 대표님도 '게임을 위한 실시간 블록체인을 꿈꾸며'를 주제로 세션에 참석하셨습니다. NEOPLY가 왜 블록체인에 관심을 갖게 되었고, 왜 이오스라는 체인을 선택하게 되었는지에 대한 배경 설명으로 강연이 시작되었습니다.

Well-known personnel from foreign blockchain companies such as CEO of Terra and Founder of NEO attended the event as speakers. Mr. Yongkil, CEO of EOSeoul also attended UDC2018 and he initiated the presentation with the background that shows how NEOPLY decided to get into blockchain business.


그리고 이 날, Three Stars Slot (EOS Slot)이 세상에 처음으로 공개되었습니다. NEOWIZ는 그동안 블록체인에 게임을 올리기 위해 다양한 이슈들을 고민해왔습니다. 네오위즈 플레이스튜디오 산하 NBLab이란 블록체인 연구 기관을 세워 본격적으로 연구를 시작했습니다. 스마트 컨트랙트가 존재하는 블록체인은 랜덤 함수를 제공하지 않습니다. 어떤 노드에서도 같은 결과가 나와야만 트랜잭션이 검증되는 특성 때문이지요. NBLab에서는 블록체인에서 난수를 생성하기 위해 기존 알고리즘을 개선하여 새로운 RNG방식을 고안하였습니다. 이를 블록체인 상에서 구현한 결과물이 'Three Stars Slot' 게임입니다. 많은 분들의 관심으로 오픈 하루만에 DApp 랭킹 글로벌 7위에 랭크되기도 하였습니다.

He introduced an EOS Slot game called ‘Three Stars Slot’. We have been thinking of ways to make blockchain games and founded an R&D center 'NBlab' to focus not only on technical research but also on the actual business application. The blockchains with the smart contract do not provide a random function. Due to the nature of the blockchain, the same results on any node is required in the validation of transaction.NBLab’s new proposed algorithm was able to generate fair random numbers through the blockchain and improves the scalability at the same time and we launched a slot DApp on EOS with the proposed algorithm. Thanks to your interest, we achieved a phenomenal record of reaching directly to rank 7 in a DAY according to dappradar.io.

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이오스는 커뮤니티가 가장 활발한 체인으로 다양한 합의의 과정을 통해 빠르게 성장하고 있습니다. 저희가 꿈꾸는 이오스는 지금보다 Latency도 적어지고, UX/UI가 뛰어난 DApp들이 더 많이 등장하여 실생활, 그리고 게임에 적합한 체인으로 거듭나는 것입니다. 이오스의 미래와 함께 'EOSeoul'의 로드맵 소개를 끝으로 발표가 마무리 되었습니다. 저희 이오서울은 내년 상반기에 블록체인 게임 컨퍼런스를 주최할 예정입니다. 과열된 관심에 비해 여전히 양질의 토론을 할 수 있는 공간은 많지 않습니다. 그럴싸하게 보이는 밋업이 아니라, 블록체인 게임의 기술 고민들을 다룰 수 있는 장을 마련하고자 합니다. 블록체인 게임의 새로운 지평을 열어가는데 함께해주세요!

The EOS ecosystem is growing into one of the most powerful chains with a consensus. We dreamed EOS being used in real time and games by reducing latency and making better DApp. He ended up the presentation by explaining the roadmap of EOSeoul. We would like to assure you for holding a qualified Blockchain Game Conference at the beginning of next year. We want to have fruitful and meaningful meetings with more participants. Hoping that you can join us to break new ground in Blockchain games.

발표 이후에도 수 많은 질문들을 보내주셨고, 오랜 질의를 통해 저희도 많은 인사이트를 얻을 수 있었던 시간이었습니다.
After lectures, we had a great experience in answering very interesting questions asked by the attendees.

저희 이오서울의 발표 외에도, TTC 프로토콜의 Brian Cheong대표님, Terra의 신현성 대표님, Everipedia의 CTO Travis님 등 다양한 연사들이 각각의 연구결과를 바탕으로 블록체인의 가능성을 입증하고, 새 방향성을 제시해주셨습니다. 여러가지 규제에도 불구하고
블록체인의 미래를 위해 달려가는 분들로 인해 앞으로를 더 기대하게 만드는 시간이었습니다.
Not only the presentation of EOSeoul, there were also Brain Cheong of TTC Protocol, Daniel Shin of Terra, and CTO Travis of Everipedia, who presented their new projects and verified their possibility of Blockchain. We were so overwhelmed seeing the enthusiasm in each and everyone showing their interest in the Blockchain.

Take a look at the session video

EOS Global Hackathon (Sep22~23 LONDON, UK)

스크린샷 2018-10-04 오전 10.30.31.png
지난 9월 22일, Block.one이 주최한 이오스 해커톤이 열렸습니다.
On Sep 22, EOS London Hackathon, an EOS event was held by Block.one took place in London.

저희 이오서울의 Senior Engineer이신 Thomas Do님도 HKEOS의 Jae님, Hugo님,Joseph님, EOS Cafe Calgary의 Syed님과 함께 팀을 이뤄 '계정 복구툴 개발'을 주제로 해커톤에 참석하셨습니다.
We were teamed up under the name of 'EOS Recovery' and developed an account recovery tool in EOS Hackathon: Thomas Do(EOSeoul), Jae(HKEOS),Hugo(HKEOS),Joseph(HKEOS), Syed(EOS Cafe Calgary)

24시간동안 코딩에 열중하는 전세계 이오스 개발자들이 한 자리에 모인 영광스런 순간이었습니다. 비록 0.08점 차이로 TOP10에 들진 못했지만, 아이디어가 돋보이는 팀들을 만나고 해커톤 팀으로 참석한 것만으로도 충분히 의미있는 시간이었습니다.
The 24hours of the hackathon was a memorable moment, as there were thousands of developers gathered and sharing their knowledge. Even though we were just 0.08 points less than top10, we were fortunate to be part of it and had a very meaningful time with many brilliant teams.

: "London Hackathon was one of the memorable events happened in my life. It was thrilled to participate as a developer and see what all the creative ideas have put together in the last 24 hours. This event was beyond my expectation, it was really a large-scale event, and the enthusiasm of developers was enormous. It was fantastic to team up with these guys as a TEAM 'EOS Recovery'; SungJae(HKEOS), Hugo(HKEOS), Joseph(HKEOS), and Syed(EOScafe). I feel highly honored to be part of this team and working with outstanding developers of HKEOS and EOS Cafe. Lastly, I would like to thank Team LangChain (@youngseonyoon)for helping me while waiting in line at the museum.🙂"

: "The London Hackathon was a special experience. It was great to collaborate between multiple teams for hours on end— there was so much to learn from each member with the unique skills that they brought to the table. All the red bull and fatigue aside, I think that we made an awesome feature that’s fundamental for the mass adoption of dApps. It was surprising that we managed to implement a fully working version within just over 24 hours. This is what the power of collaboration in the EOS community is all about."

Syed(EOS Cafe Calgary)
: "The hackathon event was an amazing experience, working with highly talented developers from around the world. Having the opportunity to meet Dan Larimer and Brendan Blumer in person was a memorable event, and having a direct conversation with them about our account recovery tool was very helpful. It is exciting to see blockchain events at a scale larger than life, and I look forward to seeing more adoption of EOS by developers around the world."

EOSeoul Contact


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