Recorestation to capture ten years worth of green house gases

World meterological organisation releases temperature figures from the latest state of climate report.
It stated the first none months of the year is 1.1°c warmer than pre industrial era and the world is two-thirds of the way to the agreed 1.5°c agreed in paris.
Hongkong and sbangai,california and spain have all experienced unexpected warmness this year.Around 30 per cent of the world’s population now lives in places where they suffer life-threatening heatwave conditions for several days a year.the arctic circle hass lesser sea ice even in the winter season.which is pathetic and harmful which we have never experienced.adding to this the seas are raising at 3.5 mm every year.
carbon emissions have levelled off over the last three years, the fact that 2016 still witnessed a record surge in atmospheric CO2 concentrations is ominous.
It is essential to create negativs emissions as sell as to reduce emissions.
Replanting of forests vould solve the problem.100 billion tonnes of carbon equilent to 10 years of fossil fuels csn be stored in do so 500 million hectares of forest that was degraded has to be restored.
Such an effort would be a one-off addition to nature’s carbon store. Once the trees were mature, they would stop absorbing more carbon dioxide. We would still need to cut emissions to zero by mid-century. Nevertheless, the plan images (6).jpegcould help get the world at least a quarter of the way to limiting warming to 1.5 °C,download (1).jpeg

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