Can We Still Save The Planet With Steem : looking for environmental projects on Steem

in #environment6 years ago

I came to Steem as a homesteader and prepper.

My past roles in life have included environmental campaigner, community activist and penguin catcher.

Making the planet a better place is what I like to do. Most.

When I began on the platform I had hoped to find ways to use Steem to do just that.

But in the hurly burly that is life on Steem I have rather let that get pushed to one side, particularly over the past few months.

Radio shows and forums, discords and curations, upvotes and downvotes have all got in the way, and shunted my key word into my sidelines. Planet.

With my other jobs now almost done. As far as I may.

It is time to go back to the roots of the matter. And see what I can do.

Along my journey I have been discovering various environmental projects homed on Steem that I have been supporting to varying levels.

I am keen to know if I have missed any.

The projects on my 'Green List' so far include :

It may be that it is late at night and I am forgetting some.

I was sure there would be more when I started this list.

And some of these I know have gone silent in the past month or two.

Please let me know of any others that I have missed. There must be more on Steem.

This now for me raises a number of important questions...

1. What can I do to most effectively help these environmental projects that are still active on Steem?

2. Is there anything I can do to reactivate and re-energise those projects that have gone quiet in the last couple of months?

3. Is Steem a place to bring other environmental projects to right now?

4. If it is, what can we offer them on Steem that they can't get elsewhere?

5. Is anyone else interested in helping support these environmental projects?

I am going to research this some more.

Steem does feel like it should be a perfect fit for pitching in to help save the planet.

Have we missed a trick...

[ image from ]


Hi @pennsif,

We have introduce a new instalment of content which is called 'Charity Page Awareness' over on our blog. We are raising awareness for the charitable pages and have already given some exposure to environmental based projects.

I hope this helps with your question!



P.S. If you have already heard of those pages, there are some more environmental pages listed in our progress report, which can be found here:

Resteeming this one... It's a good idea

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you very much.

!tip simple

We really appreciate your support and are very inspired that you are thinking of ways to do more to heal the world and make it a better place. At @thegreens, we will very much appreciate if we can get international volunteers to support us and this implies if you can use steem to inspire and engage steemians to volunteer with these organizations that are striving to make the world a better place, it will be awesome. Besides connecting these organizations with volunteers, your @adollaraday donations have been very resourceful and continuing with the initiative is awesome. However, i think giving mini grants of lets say $250 or $500 for via @adollaraday for these environmental organizations to carry out small projects and submit reports can greatly accelerate your goal of healing the planet.

Thanks for responding on this.

I am currently reviewing the best way to operate A Dollar A Day, particularly with the current steem price, and going towards mini-grants is definitely one option that I am looking at.

Thank you - I thought I had missed some.

@impactn is trying to do the full global goals suite, which is about 10% environmental I believe.

We're in touch. Tomorrow in the SOS-forum we'll talk about setting up a purpose-driven economy on Steem. Before that I'll have a good look at your progress in community-building. Could become an important part of the whole project.

It should be done in at max a month... but don't quote me on that.

Being one of the projects that benefited directly from your activities, I'd like to express my gratitude once again. And use the opportunity to ask the question - how can Steemit actually help such a project?

I mean other than funding.

And even funding is weird, because it requires to sell the crypto, which may not be easy or appropriate at the moment.

So I'm wondering what your thoughts on the subject are?

I have been asking my self the same question from day one here on Steem.

I can try to help us answer it by asking:
How can fiat money help such a project?

Well, in our case not so much, we dont need money to rescue food waste and the food its self is the motivation to spend time and energy to collaborate around a foodsaving project.

My idea for our project here on Steem is to:

  1. document the project on the blockchain (proof-of-human-work)
  2. inspire others users (who are already open minded to change) to do something about a global food waste problem, and to show how simple it really is.
  3. experiment with crypto tokens to further grow the project like;
  • funding for developent of the platform
  • use tokens to pay for online services (website, domain or email)
  • start using crypto instead of fiat between projects with similar values, (sharing economy) both local and global

Let me know if this makes any sense for case.

edited to correct misspelling and added a link

Interesting thoughts and ideas - particularly the last point of using crypto between projects.

Using crypto between projects is an excellent idea in my opinion. This could used to create a marketplace with a social/environmental branding.

Hi Bobby, still gathering my thoughts, and looking for ideas...

It will give you full support following your project, voting, retesting and commenting. regards

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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvoting this reply.

Yes, I think till now you've missed a trick. Build a non-crypto App. Make users love it. Build an inclined plane letting them slip towards crypto by offering suplementary services. This should help get across the hurdles of entering Steem system.

Great list! Thanks for these resources.

Consider NuMundo an environmental project on Steem ;) is a travel platform for sustainability education, homesteaders, permaculture, off-grid living, etc.

We already integrate cryptocurrency as payment system and will be integrating Steem as a payment currency very soon on our platform!

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