The elephant in the room...or shall I say our skies

Does anyone really remember having ice storms decades ago? They may have happened on rare occasions in certain areas, but why now do they happen so often in the most unusual places...deserts even. Who out there is questioning why? What's really the cause of "Global Warming"? Could the general masses really throw off the eco-system to such an extent? To where the oceans are getting to temperatures so hot that it's causing the die off of so much ocean life that the oceans are quite literally dying and the ice packs are melting off, breaking apart and turning into slush...and that slush is just manufactured snow, chemical ice nucleated garbage that's created to keep the masses believing everything is fine while a mass amount of methane gasses are spewing out of what were our ice caps, even further polluting our skies that are massively polluted on a daily basis, and not so much by the general public, but by scientists that have gone beyond mad and are playing gods with our weather system and are having the military, and some airlines, spray a toxic mist out of airplanes, hundreds of them every day, dumping tons of aluminum, barium and strontium among other gastly chemicals. Does anyone else notice that those lines in our skies turn into "clouds"? Why won't government officials, meteorologists, certain military members talk about Geoengingeering? Is anyone else interested in finding out more about what is really going on? Some great terms to look up are "Stratospheric Aerosol Injection" and "Solar Radiation Management" and question what effect these practices have? Is making our atmosphere reflective with aluminum such a good idea? If you're cooking chicken in your oven, doesn't it cook faster and hotter when you cover it with aluminum?
There is a man that is dedicated to exposing the insanity, doing all he can to wake up the masses to the destruction going on in our atmosphere, his name is Dane Wiggington and he has a site called My husband and I found his site while trying to look up what could have caused my father, who has never smoked, didn't grow up around smokers, and spent much of his life outside in what he thought was fresh air, to become diagnosed with COPD and lesions in his lungs. What I ended up uncovering helped us to connect so many dots that we had no idea had any connection. He asks people to challenge his findings, and in doing so all it ended up doing for me was confirming what I suspected. It's nothing we, the general public, are doing in our daily lives that is causing the destruction to our ozone or the earth's entire atmosphere like the "Environmentalists" are saying we are and are pushing for taxes to be placed on us for something we are not causing to such an extent. What I find baffling is that some of those well known "Environmentalists" actually have stock in the chemical companies that make the toxic sprays, how hypocritical is that!
After looking up what the primary chemicals used as well as others found in those sprays, and what kind of effect they can have on us, animals, insects, the earth's surface, it's a wonder why those scientists are getting away with what can basically be considered homicide in many ways.
Media's distractions of what celebrity is doing what to another celebrity, and the conflicts they create in numerous ways won't matter if our earth can no longer support life, or if the oxygen levels are reduced to such low levels that we can no longer breath. Our air and soil is already so toxic that a majority of trees are so sick and weak their colors have turned dingy, and could very well be why wild fires are burning so hot and are so difficult to contain these days. Do you wonder how long has all the spraying been going on? All this damage has been done after more than 70 years, and especially after such a major uptick in the last decade alone. Last question, do you find yourself wanting to learn more? Keeping an open mind can help to see the bigger picture IMG_E0885.JPG

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